Readers share their thoughts on conservative hypocrites and lamb attacks

In MetroTalk: The contradictions of modern conservatism and the lamb killing eagles terrorising Scottish farmers. (Picture:

Do you agree with our readers? Have your say on these MetroTalk topics and more in the comments.

The hypocrisy of US modern conservatism

Trumpists rail against censorship of their views – yet they censor any books they disagree with in schools and libraries, and try to censor the existence of entire groups of people by law.

Anti-abortion politicians want to see every fertilised egg grow into a person – yet as soon as that person is born the same politicians want to take away their healthcare, education and social security.

Gun owners claim that the ‘right to bear arms’ is necessary to defend against the prospect of a tyrannical government – yet when a tyrannical government comes to power, they support it. The hypocrisy of modern conservatism is staggering. Sharon, Manchester

Sea eagle attacks

white-tailed sea eagle
These birds are terrorising farmers in the western highlands of Scotland (Credits: Getty Images)

‘These birds need to be controlled for the sake of our sheep’
Life as we know it in the western highlands of Scotland is seriously at risk due to continued attacks from sea eagles.

Farmer Richard Rennie has been in the news saying he is unable to maintain stock numbers on his farm because these apex predators are taking his lambs. When farmers and their livestock disappear from the hills, the whole community and rural structure suffers – shops, schools, churches, garages and machinery dealers, fencing and haulage contractors.

So far, the Scottish government has turned a blind eye to the plight of those affected by sea eagle predation, but something has to be done.

The birds need to be controlled and reasonable compensation paid.

From the first reintroduction of breeding birds in 1975, there are now more than 150 pairs recorded and they have spread all the way from the western isles to the mainland.

A NatureScot report (2016) predicted 900 breeding pairs by 2040. This will be the Highland Clearances all over again.

Not only that, when all the sheep are gone, the countryside will be stripped bare of small mammals and ground-nesting birds such as black grouse and curlew, while our iconic golden eagle will not survive the competition for food.

What is it going to take for our government to take notice and do something to help these people whose livelihoods are being destroyed by this predator? Sandy Smith, President, Blackface Sheep Breeders’ Association

Are you over customer experience surveys like this reader?

‘What do readers think?’
Frequently, when we buy something or telephone a company, we are liable to be hit with a graded survey eager to find out what we thought of our ‘experience’.

I’m now thinking of starting surveys on myself, handing out check sheets to people
I deal with and inviting them to rate me as follows.

One – jolly nice man. Two – pleasant manner. Three – bit abrupt. Four – surly. Five – a complete wotsit.

Seriously, what do readers think of these constant and annoying surveys coming our way? Rudy, Greenford

Andrew Gwynne’s ‘off-key’ WhatsApp texts

File Photo: Health Minister Andrew Gwynne Sacked - MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 09: Labour's Campaigns and Elections chair Andrew Gwynne listens as Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn launches the party's general election campaign at Event City on May 9, 2017 in Manchester, England. Campaigning for the general election begins today ahead of voting day in four weeks time. (Photo by Anthony Devlin/Getty Images)
The WhatsApp group where Gwynne sent racist and sexist text messages was named ‘Trigger Me Timbers’ (Picture: Anthony Devlin/Getty Images)

‘We can all say off-key things as jokes to our mates’
Re MPs like Andrew Gwynne and their offensive WhatsApp messages (Metro, Mon). We can all say off-key things as jokes to our mates sometimes but sending as a text? Just idiots. James, Warwickshire

Thanks for the good news, Anna.

‘Something happy for a change’
Please print something happy for a change. We have just had a new grand-daughter called Callie and she has cheered us all up. Anna, Richmond upon Thames

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