Any chance of a second date? Here’s Exeter students’ WORST date stories

Valentine’s Day is only a few days away. There is both love and resentment filling the air on campus, in town and in Fever room 2. Everyone’s trying to secure a partner, a situationship or even just a cheeky one-night stand. While Exeter students are known for their weak pulling game, this doesn’t stop them going on quite a few dates.  We all have to kiss a few frogs before we find our prince but, this doesn’t always happen immediately, especially if you’re in the University of Exeter…

So, in light of Valentine’s Day, we thought we would ask fellow Exeter students for their WORST date stories. Our friends and ourselves have all had to go through the dating trenches in Exeter and it’s pretty ugly. Lots of us have had to ghost, block or just awkwardly avoid them on campus as the date went that horrendously. If you’re feeling low about a recent date that didn’t go to plan, no need to fear. Because these are some of the worst date stories that we got from our Exeter students. Maybe take notes on what NOT to do on a first date.

“I threw up all over the bar”

This unlucky girl did not know her limits as “he wanted to get a shot, we did one and [she] threw up all over the bar” which got her “kicked out”. She tried to impress him, and I guess it came with bad consequences…My main question is, was there a second date?

“We split 1 drink in Spoons”

Firstly, this story has LAYERS. This hopeless romantic “travelled to Birmingham” and their date took them to “Spoons in the train station” just to “split 1 drink”…This would leave me absolutely fuming. To travel all that way just to have half a drink in the Spoons that’s not even in the city? You deserve better.

“My flatmates played basketball outside my door”

Living in uni halls is all good and fun until you invite someone over. Everyone gets a little bit too excited about your date and wants to ruin the romantic atmosphere. This student “had a film date” and their flatmates “played basketball outside the door”. I have many questions? At least in this situation, it was other people. A good date would understand that it isn’t you, it’s just your rowdy flatmates.

“He ran a red light with me in the car”

Alexa, play “I’m in Love with My Car” by Queen because this guy only “spoke to [her] about cars”. This student told us that her date drove her to Exmouth and proceeded to “run a red light” while keeping the whole conversation about cars. She said that he “made everything about cars and even asked if I had noticed his new alloy wheels”. We understand having hobbies and interests but, come on now, find a different topic. If your date can name every car driven in Formula 1 before knowing your last name, that’s definitely a red flag (or red light shall we say?)

“Walked three miles on a broken ankle”

This poor guy still showed up for his date despite having a “broken ankle after a rugby match”. He really pushed himself as they “walked three miles” and ended up with the girl ghosting him. Yikes. At least you have more time to rest and heal?

“He was almost as short as me”

Not to throw any shade to our short kings out there, but there is a serious case of “height-fishing” on these dating apps. This girl told us that she had “only spoken to him online” and when they finally met up, “he was almost as short as [her]” and she said she’s five foot. But she did confirm that she “loves [her] short kings but that was a bit too far”.

“Ended up sitting next to a one-night stand”

This is perhaps the most Exeter story of them all. It seems impossible to step outside without running into an failed talking stage, an op, friend’s ex or an ex-boyfriend. Maybe it’s called EXeter for a reason? This girl told us that on her “Hinge first date” she ended up “sitting next to a one-night stand”. Super awkward. Not to be delulu but is this a sign from the universe?

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