Belle Gibson’s mum shockingly compared her daughter’s massive scam to ‘little porky pies’

The mother of Belle Gibson had a pretty shocking response to her daughter’s scandal when it happened. Right now, the case of Belle Gibson is back being spoken about, following the release of drama Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix.

Belle Gibson is an Australian influencer, who claimed to have cured her terminal brain cancer through alternative therapies and nutrition. She claimed to have been diagnosed with many cancer pathologies, all of which she said she had managed to cure naturally. Belle also claimed she had been donating a huge sum of her profits to charities. But, it was all a lie.

In a 2015 interview, Belle finally admitted everything had been made up. And just two months later Natalie Dal-Bello, the mother of Belle Gibson, came out and defended her. There’s a scene in the show where we see Belle’s mother Natalie give an interview about her daughter. This was based on the truth, but she also had a lot more to say on top of this, too.

Mother of Belle Gibson Natalie Dal-Bello shown in Apple Cider Vinegar

via Netflix

‘Belle is allowed to tell little porky pies’

Belle Gibson’s mother did admit she was “deeply hurt and incredibly upset” by her daughter’s behaviour. But, she also likened the deception to telling “a white lie”. Natalie told the Herald Sun: “Belle told a white lie, aged 23-and-a-half. So what?”

She then called the scam “porky pies”. She added: “Belle is allowed to tell little porky pies. Who the hell doesn’t tell a lie in their life? Nobody complained about Belle when she was helping people and now they want to put her under the microscope.”

Her mother added: “It is time everyone moves on from this and allows Belle to grow and be a mother to her little boy. She should be left alone so she can get her life back on track.”

Mother of Belle Gibson Natalie Dal-Bello shown in Apple Cider Vinegar

via Netflix

In a later interview, Belle Gibson’s mother seemed to change her tune. This was shown in Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix. Natalie Dal-Bello then slammed her daughter, and said she hadn’t had any contact with her in the years she’d been building her empire based on lies.

“I can’t tell you how embarrassed we are about what she has done. And we sincerely wish to apologise to anyone who was deceived by Belle. For what small part we played in her life, we would like to say sorry,” she said. 

“She’s got to look inside her own soul. The only way she is going to get forgiveness is to stop playing the victim card and spend the next few years doing nothing but charity work for cancer victims.”

Apple Cider Vinegar is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news and drops, like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.

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