We asked ChatGPT for a Valentine’s gift guide for each York college

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and approaching fast. Do you have a special someone you need a gift for? Or maybe a little Valentine’s crush you could get in the good books with? We know York is one of the top unis in the UK to find your soul mate, so why not push the process along a little bit by getting some college based romantic gifts…

What could go wrong? We asked ChatGPT (because let’s be honest, students are lazy) to give us a run down of the best gifts for each college, and let’s just say that there was some interesting suggestions.


James is up first and ChatGPT did not hold back on this one. It suggested a gift voucher to the local sports store. Hmmm ok. I suppose this is a practical gift for the members of James with more active lifestyles, but it’s not very romantic given the time of the year.

If you want to spice up this gift you’re in luck, ChatGPT also gave a funny and not at all cringey idea: “Pick something that helps you break a sweat this Valentine’s Day!” Fair enough.

The next idea makes a lot more sense for James college – a fun and playful date night.  Head to somewhere like the Roxy Ballroom or the bowling alley. This is something that you’ll both find fun and it definitely appeals to the typical James’ student personality.

I’ll give ChatGPT some credit on this one – it gave loads of suggestions, like karting, escape rooms, mini golf and paddle boarding on the River Ouse? Apparently that’s super chill but still active x


For Constantine, I actually think that ChatGPT did a pretty good job. Personally, I would be happy with either of these gifts.

First up is a cosy blanket or throw. Constantine students pay the most for their rooms, so it’s understandable that the rooms are the most spacious and modern. A blanket or throw is probably a good gift for a Constantine girlie who needs some more decoration in their room. It can bring a cosier vibe and you can buy one that matches their style.

You could also go ahead and get that special Constantine student in your life a “gourmet snack box”. It’s known that these students like to live on the more boujee side of life so this sounds perfect to me. Fill the basket with snacks from their fave shop (probably Waitrose) and if you’re lucky they might let you have some on your next visit over there.


ChatGPT clearly knows the stereotype of Goodricke students being quiet and keeping to themselves. I personally don’t think it’s true but there’s no denying that it isn’t the liveliest college. Anyhow, here is what your Goodricke valentine would love this Feb 14th according to AI: “A quiet time tea or coffee set”.

If I was you, I would opt for the coffee option – seems as though Goodricke students need livening up a bit. This could be a cute idea though – throw in a mug and their fave biscuits and I’m sure they will really love it!

This next one is probably my favourite… a personalised Spotify playlist. This screams Goodricke and is a really thoughtful thing to do for someone. You’re probably best to get something to go along with the playlist, but there are endless options for song choices and artists. Remember, you’ve got to include a cute cover photo of the two of you!

David Kato

I thought ChatGPT might struggle a little bit with David Kato being a new college, but it came up with better ideas than I could have. Let’s start with a “Unique plant or succulent”. This is a great idea for a David Kato room because they are brand new and don’t have that lived in feel like the other colleges. A plant could be a cute little decoration for their room and give it a more homely feel.

Next up is “Tickets to a fun activity together”. AI actually gave some examples of things in York; a cooking class (needed with some of the uni meals I’ve seen), a pottery workshop, and a themed night. I can only assume this means Wednesday Salvos. This is clearly your sign to get that Kato student in your life OFF Campus East for once.


Chat GPT gave some party themed suggestions for Langwith. Starting off strong with customised shot glasses. Whipping out a personalised shot glass at pres will definitely be a conversation starter, but is this really a good valentines gift idea? It’s not very romantic and I doubt you’ll be getting praised in the girls group chat when you hand them over. Maybe stick with the classic bunch of flowers over this.

Now a party themed game is a good gift for the fun loving Langwith student and I’m sure they will appreciate it! Maybe pair it with a more valentines-themed gift, but overall this is something you can do together and it will be a good laugh.

Anne Lister

Anne Lister is a fairly new college here at York, but that hasn’t stopped ChatGPT giving some great suggestions based on the college. Starting strong with a subscription to something student friendly like Spotify or Audible. Anne Lister seems like a college where everyone is listening to music all of the time? Everyone I’ve seen leaving or going in always has headphones on, so a Spotify premium membership sounds like a good shout to me.

The AI has also suggested a reading lamp which is “Great for late night reading without disturbing flatmates”. Maybe Anne Lister is a college which doesn’t have many flat arguments. Either way this sounds like a good way to keep the peace and a good idea if you have a partner who loves to read!


Alcuin is known for being right next to the library and I have a feeling that AI has used this information to come up with its answer. The first answer ChatGPT gave was “A thoughtful book”. Now that’s convenient, just nip next door and pick one up! Obviously don’t do this or your valentine will be on the receiving end of a fine from the library (we’ve all been there).

A book can be quite a thoughtful gift but there is a lot that can go wrong if you don’t know what they’re into. Make sure to have a little conversation with the Alcuin student in your life before committing to a book that they won’t even read.

Next Chat GPT suggested a handwritten poem or letter. This is a very personal gift, but if you have not been given the talent of writing – stay clear. This could go incredibly wrong in my opinion. Even in rom-coms you don’t see this particular gift go to plan. Sorry Alcuin, you drew the short straw with these. I hope your partners know you better than ChatGPT does!


Wentworth College is the post grad college here at York, known for being a little more disconnected from college life than the rest of campus. ChatGPT suggested a few more expensive gift for this college, and I’m guessing it’s because the students are mostly older and more mature.

Dinner in a nice restaurant is first up and this is a Valentine’s Day classic. You can’t go wrong! York has no shortage of lovely restaurants so it’s guaranteed to be a great date night.

Next up is a weekend getaway, the most expensive gift suggested so far. Wentworth students, you clearly have expensive taste! ChatGPT suggested Whitby or the Dales, seems like a very peaceful Valentines!


Derwent students are known for being proud of their college, and Chat GPT gave us a few suggestions… all based on uni merch and York-based gifts. Great.

The first suggestion was a Derwent College hoodie. I suppose this is something that the person will get to keep and definitely get some wear out of. It’s not really screaming Valentine’s Day though, so maybe some clothing which doesn’t have Derwent College on the front of it may be a little more romantic.

Another idea Chat GPT gave was a coffee voucher. This is a great idea considering the Derwent Costa is always pretty busy, they obviously love their coffee over there. This is a two in one Valentine’s Day gift too, because if you’re lucky, they might invite you along. What’s better than getting a gift which is also a date? Well done Chat GPT!


Halifax is a little more out of the way from East and West, but as one of the biggest colleges, you could have met the love of your life at one of their infamous flat parties. Chat GPT has suggested (and I kid you not) a hangover recovery kit. Wow, Halifax students your reputation precedes you. But seriously, what does that have do with Valentine’s Day? If you’re getting a hangover survival kit from your partner this Feb 14th, I seriously think it’s time to get rid…

However, Chat GPT has redeemed itself with the next suggestion being a staycation in York city centre. Why not get out of your flat for a night if you can. It might be good to have some quality time away from uni, we all know how those flat relationships go… enough said on that I think.


The final college to get some AMAZING suggestions this Valentine’s is Vanbrugh. The first suggestion is a personalised vinyl record! How cool is that? Very Vanbrugh too. I have no idea how you could do this or where to get it from, but I’m just the messenger here.

Next we have a framed photo of a “Great memory together”. This is very cute and something which is perfect for the sentimental Vanbrugh student in your life. This is a great gift to go in their room and something that they can keep for a long time. I’m sure whoever you’re buying for will love it!

There you have it! Some great (some not so great) ideas for what you can get each York student for Valentine’s Day. Looking at the some of the suggestions here, I’m glad to be single.

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