We went charity speed dating at County Bar, and honestly, it was a vibe

I’m going to level with you straight up – we signed up to go speed dating as a bit of a laugh.

When LancsCrush shared the details for the fundraiser for Teenage Cancer Trust, we signed up, thinking that it would be a laugh. Yes, all of us are chronically single, and yes, we did fill in the pre-event survey in all seriousness. But we went predominantly for shits and giggles, and let me tell you giggles were had.

Having converged in County Bar (lovely and done up now, and very pretty), we were urged through to the room, which was set up with individual tables, each decorated with fake rose petals, flowers and a bowl of sweets.

Split up into groups and given name labels, the girls stayed seated whilst the lads rotated through different seats. I had gone with three other girls, and it was very humbling to go on six dates, all with first years, when we ourselves were third or fourth years. I did feel very old.

But there were interesting conversations: I spoke to one about his love of Dungeons and Dragons, and another about the fact that we were doing the same degree. One didn’t actually go to Lancaster Uni, and we had a hilarious debate about whose university was better.

We were handed out free pizza, won a prize in the raffle (I took everyone out for coffee with the voucher, as a thank you for allowing themselves to be dragged along!) and one of our group did indeed get a match, the date for which will be forthcoming!

The event was raising money for the Teenage Cancer Trust, for which a team will be climbing Kilimanjaro in the summer. With each member of the 20 strong team raising £5000, the total for the charity will be £100,000 raised. The link to donate can be found here.

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