These 18 Montaya Temptation Island memes will have you sprinting across the beach for more

I am afraid I am so deeply invested in the whole Temptation Island Montoya drama at this point, and the endless incredible memes are honestly just the gift that keeps on giving.

Despite the fact that even after everything he and his girlfriend have put each other through they’re apparently somehow still together, the drama surrounding them on Temptation Island just gets crazier every week.

Still, some of the memes that have come out of this whole thing really are the best around, so sit back and enjoy these 18 iconic memes about Montoya on Temptation Island.

1. Same honestly

2. They’re probably only just finding out about the Apple dance

3. Constant mood

4. Can they just repeat the awards ceremony this weekend?

5. I need him to win in every category and a biopic made

6. It’s genuinely endless

7. Pulling out screens left right and centre

8. No shirt stands a chance against Montoya

9. Duolingo who? Too soon?

10. Put that man in the Olympics and watch him break some records

11. What a beautiful combination of genres coming together

12. Getting chased by wasps has nothing on Montoya’s sprint across the beach

13. Some say he’s still running under there

14. With all the rogue side quests Montaya does in real life I fear he’d become king of the sea

15. Never forget

16. He was yearning HARD

17. The neck veins popping really adds to the whole thing

18. If my therapist is seeing this, I swear I’ve been dealing with my issues…

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