Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) has suffered his sh****est night ever in EastEnders, as Priya Nandra-Hart (Sophie Khan Levy) exacted a cruel plan.
As viewers know, she’s secretly working with Cindy Beale (Michelle Collins) to worm her way into Ian’s home in an attempt to find her missing locket.
Earlier this month, she pointed the finger at her ex-husband and blamed him for whacking her around the head with a shovel on Christmas Day.
She subsequently returned to stay with her lover Junior Knight (Micah Balfour), when Ian threw her out.
Cindy knew if she found the missing locket – which she was wearing on the night of the attack – at his house, it would provide her with concrete evidence that he is the culprit.
After pleading with him for access to the property under the ruse that she needed to collect the last of her belongings, he wouldn’t budge.
He’d also stripped her of any financial assets in their work bank account, leaving Cindy even more desperate for her slice of revenge.
Blissfully unaware that Priya was involved, he welcomed her into his living room to enjoy a bottle of wine earlier this week.

The two had a harmless, yet flirtatious conversation on the sofa before they were disturbed by Kathy (Gillian Taylforth).
She knew that something was fishy with the situation, and as Priya headed out to meet up with Cindy, Ian ignored his mother’s best advice.
In tonight’s episode, he wanted to take Priya out for a swanky meal, but she convinced him that staying home and prepping some food in his own kitchen might be a better idea.
Whilst he busied himself with the preparations, she distracted him and turned the heat up on the stove.
Before long, the food began to burn and he dashed off to check on it. Priya took opportunity to then pour laxatives in his wine glass.
And yes, they had the desired effect.

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Ahead of EastEnders’ 40th Anniversary next month – which will see the reveal of Cindy Beale’s attacker – Metro narrows down the key suspects in the case.
- George Knight: Told his family that he was partaking in an illegal underground boxing match, but also later asked his brother Kojo to back up his alibi. Admitted to Gina that he wasn’t at the fight.
- Elaine Peacock: Enraged that Cindy still had eyes for her husband, she could’ve whacked her through jealousy.
- Gina Knight: Was seen exiting the barrel store – where the weapon was hidden – on Christmas night. She also had a fling with Freddie Slater on the evening.
- Anna Knight: Found the shovel in the barrel store and decided to hide it for fears of her family being implicated.
- Kojo Asare: Was previously manipulated by Cindy, and promised George that he would make it up to him for hiding the affair.
- Junior Knight: Planning to flee the area in the immediate aftermath, could he be furious that the affair hit a dead end and ruined his relationship with his father? He also stole the shovel from the Vic roof.
- Ian Beale: Could’ve been responsible through an angry and jealous rage after the betrayal. He’s also welcomed Cindy back into his home… possibly to cover his tracks?
- Kathy Cotton: Lets face it, she’s never been Cindy’s biggest fan. She’d also do anything for golden boy Ian.
- Lauren Branning: Admitted that she turned over Cindy’s body in the immediate aftermath, but her memory of the night is hazy after taking illegal painkillers.
- Peter Beale: Could’ve attacked his mum over the breakdown in his family, and putting his unborn baby at risk.
- Somebody else?: Big Mo is clearly a Metro reader, as she supported our theory that Bobby Beale could be behind the vicious altercation – despite living in the Cotswolds.
With Ian spending the rest of the night on the loo, she was able to search through the house for the locket. What she didn’t count on was Kathy coming home early, and she was forced to think quick and jump into his bed!
Priya asserted that Ian had given her the wrong impression, and said she was heading home.
Little did he realise, she was actually meeting up with Cindy – and she wanted her promised cash. Ian packed up some dinner into a Tupperware box and went to deliver it, and noticed the exchanging of money.
Has Ian worked out Cindy’s game?
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