From cowgirl to tabletop – the 8 ‘lower-impact’ sex positions approved by doctors for people recovering from surgery

WITH Valentine’s Day just around the corner, plenty of people will be looking forward to getting frisky underneath the sheets.

Those who have just undergone surgery might be thinking they won’t be able to join in on the fun, but doctors have revealed you can.

Young couple embracing in bed.

Want to get frisky post-op? The sex moves to do that are safe[/caption]

A sex guide has been released – catering for those recovering from surgery.

It features eight ‘lower impact’ and ‘joint-friendly’ positions to avoid any mishaps between the sheets.

The intimacy advice, catering for those who have recently had hip or knee replacements, highlights which moves, such as the ‘tabletop’, are better for those recovering from which joint procedure.

Saucy moves include ‘spooning’ face to face – which is fine after hip or knee surgery – but straddling a partner on top is ‘not advised’.

The guide was released by hospital group Practice Plus Group, which specialises in hip and knee procedures, in response to being frequently asked by patients ‘when can I have sex again?’ after surgery.

Catherine Farr, director at the group’s hospital in Shepton Mallet, said: “It’s one of the most frequently asked questions.

“Of course we’re very happy to answer anything, but we felt there were likely many other people who are too embarrassed to ask about sex, and that an easy-to-follow guide would really help everyone in this situation.”

Experts at the hospital chain, which treats NHS patients as well as those opting to go private with their Wellsoon private option, say it’s essential to minimise risk to the new joint in the first few weeks and months after surgery and to only start having sex again post-surgery after getting the ‘all-clear’ from their hospital.

The guide revealed classic moves like missionary are only suitable for those who have had hip surgery, if they’re on the bottom rather than on top.

While engaging in intercourse standing up is fine after knee or hip surgery – but only if the patient is behind rather than in front.

Illustration of eight sex positions for people recovering from hip or knee surgery.
oath studio

Here’s the positions you can do that are low impact[/caption]

One of the most accessible moves according to the guide is in the seated position

Lovers are advised to use pillows for support and to avoid partners using too much bodyweight on a new hip.

It follows research by the hospital group which found one in 10 Brits expect to have a healthy sex life in their 60’s and beyond, with one in six Boomers keen.

Catherine Farr from Practice Plus Group added: “The reason it’s so important we reduce waiting lists for joint replacements – which have been particularly badly affected by long waits – is so that people can get back to leading fulfilling lives free of pain.

“And they can get and back to the activities they love; be that walking, playing with grandchildren, playing golf and yes, having sex.”

The guide is available for patients to download and draws on best practice from orthopaedic experts with example images to ensure patients can feel confident having sex again after surgery.

The 10 most-searched sex positions in the UK

The Eagle is searched for, on average, 150,730 times in the UK every month.

  1. Eagle
  2. 69
  3. Missionary
  4. Cowgirl
  5. Reverse Cowgirl
  6. Standing
  7. Lotus
  8. Spooning
  9. Doggy Style
  10. Pretzel

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