Here are five excuses you’ll hear from Cardiff Uni students when they cancel your date

Whether you’re in a happy relationship or frantically scrolling through Hinge to find your special someone, Valentine’s Day love is in the air.

However, some people just aren’t in the mood for love. We’ve all heard one too many excuses when your date cancels at the last minute. But have you ever wondered what students in Cardiff are likely to say to their Tinder dates this Valentine’s? We had been thinking about it and decided to curate a guide just for you. You’re welcome.

So, here are the top five excuses you’ll hear from them when they cancel your date.

1. ‘I have too much uni work’

Leaving studies until the last minute is pretty common at uni, but leaving it until the night before a date seems like a cheap ticket out.

Whether it is a long essay or rehearsing a presentation, an overload of university work may be taking your date away from you, but what’s one evening off studying in the ASSL?

We are bored of hearing this excuse, because who wouldn’t want to stop studying just for a couple of hours?

2. ‘I’m doing Galentine’s instead’

Why be in a relationship when you’ve got your girls?

This celebration has been on the rise recently with girls spending humble nights in watching romcoms over cheesy Valentine’s dates. Plenty of people have exhausted their Hinge in the Cathays radius, and realised their friends are the only correct way to spend this weekend.

This excuse is wholesome; you can’t stay mad at someone who just wants to spend time celebrating their female friendships.

3. ‘I have the flu’

Illness at university is no joke: Scabies, mumps, Freshers’ Flu. As we know, these pesky bugs thrive in steamy, full clubs where students are packed in like sardines. Contributing to the rumble of coughs filling a lecture theatre would put anyone off a date.

With this excuse, at least the germ spread is minimised.

4. ‘I’m not interested anymore’

Sometimes it’s the harsh truth, but doesn’t that rejection sting like the time you stacked it in YOLO?

This excuse is likely very common but is not easy to deliver, so people let their dates down gently with previous excuses.

To be honest (no pun intended), honesty is the best policy, so don’t stay hung up on this blunt and brutal excuse.

5. ‘The weather is too bad for a date’

Possibly the laziest excuse on this list. If it isn’t raining in Cardiff, it’s freezing cold so good luck rescheduling this date.

Why would you pass on the opportunity to recreate The Notebook’s kiss in the rain scene? The romance film vibes clearly aren’t for everybody.

So if you’re planning on abandoning your date this Valentine’s Day, be honest and use better excuses than the clichés on this list.

And if you’re being stood up, don’t stress because Valentine’s is more than romantic dinners: Celebrating your friends and family is also a great way to spread the love.

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