What each contestant from The Traitors would study if they went to King’s

For three whole weeks the BBC had us hooked to our TV screens as we witnessed deceit, GCSE drama level performances and faithful after faithful being banished from the castle.

Whilst we cope with the shows end and wait for the next series, here’s what we think this year’s traitors cast would study if they went to King’s, based on pure vibes and traitorous behaviour of course.

Alexander: English Literature

Alexander seems as though he’d be a hopeless romantic and will never beat comparisons to being a real life Mark Darcy. Like most English students at King’s, Alexander spends his days romanticising student life and showcasing his extensive knitwear collection. He would probably recite sonnet 116 on a first date and make niche literature references. His truly lifechanging rendition of Sperbu Yuh Wur Wur makes me think that he would absolutely love Friday karaoke at Guy’s Bar.

Freddie: Politics, Philosophy and Economics

Freddie said he wanted to be the next prime minister. So, just like every guy who thinks winning your Year 8 debating competition makes you an ideal candidate to run the country, he would study PPE. However, from what we’ve seen during his brief time as a traitor, he’s a terrible liar. Lying, if you didn’t know already, is part of the job description. His LinkedIn also points to his sporting achievements (love a humble brag) so I’m sure Freddie would enjoy Wednesday sports nights at Guy’s Bar.

Frankie: French

Or just any language really. Purely due to her dressing like a GCSE French teacher. She’d also get a 100% similarity score on Turnitin as none of the ideas that she contributed to the round table were original and she very much copy and pasted other contestants views.

Minah: Business Management

Minah had an excellent game strategy but this sadly went downhill when she recruited Charlotte as a traitor. So, after graduating from King’s Business School, I’d like to think that Minah would be the founder of Topshop, a business that (like Minah) had a good strategy but after joining with ASOS (Charlotte) it all fell apart.

Alex: Computer studies

Alex would be the one flatmate that you just never see due to the lack of airtime that he got. He would spend his free time, not on readings but on playing Call of Duty with his mates.

Jake: Psychology

The traitor hunter himself. Jake is extremely (and weirdly) good at analysing people’s behaviour. He would probably spend his time at King’s thoroughly analysing everyone in his seminar’s actions.

Leanne: Law

Leanne was the most argumentative this series. She was good at fighting her case around the roundtable and making everyone and their mum prove their loyalty to her. She’d make a great lawyer and would be a real life Elle Woods, I mean she does already have a pink suit after all.

Lisa: Religion, philosophy and ethics

Whilst she may have tried to deceive every one of her priesthood, she did wear a cross throughout the show. If that isn’t a sign of devotion to God, then I don’t know what is.

Linda: Film Studies

Despite Linda starring in operas, she definitely needs to brush up on her acting skills. From the first day on the job, faithful Jake already caught on to her being a traitor after she narrowly avoided a trip to A&E with that fast and obvious head turn to the word ‘traitors’. Perhaps if she analysed films for her degree, she could improve her acting.

Jack: War Studies

Maybe it’s the mullet, but he looks exactly as though he would study War Studies and get incredibly annoyed when someone asks what his favourite war is for the third time that day.

Fozia: Nursing

Fozia was the sweetest person in that castle. She would make a great nurse as she was always looking after others, especially getting off the train in episode one and later giving Leanne the shield.

Yin: Comparative Literature

Yin had a brief 5 minutes of fame after she was murdered in the first episode. Basing on that fact alone, I feel as though she would be someone you’ll meet in Freshers week, never to be seen or heard from again. She would definitely study comparative literature. As soon as she set foot into that castle she already started reading a book, instead of hunting down the traitors.

Charlotte: Liberal Arts

Liberal arts students have to shift between each subject that they take. Just like Charlotte, who switched from faithful to traitor after being recruited by Minah.

Anna: Culture, Media and Creative Studies

Anna’s bright and wacky outfits are a regular sighting as soon as you set foot onto Strand Campus territory. So, she would definitely study something that showcases her creative side.

Leon: Economics

Leon clearly watched the Wolf of Wall Street before his time on the show as he said he would put the most stock in Charlotte being a faithful. Her (fake) Welsh accent was definitely working it’s magic.

Tyler: Sports and Medical Sciences

His ‘clicky’ group would probably take up all the seats in the Maughan and treat the Round Reading Room as their very own Round Table banishing you, the faithful from sitting with them.

Joe: Biomedical Science

Joe’s idea that a twinkle in Kas’ eye made him a traitor makes me think he would definitely write his biomed dissertation on ‘how eyes can reveal behavioural traits’.

Livi: Digital Media and Culture

I can so see Livi being a marketing girlie after graduating.

Elen: History

Like a true History student or just any KCL student in need of an occasional Tiktok detox, Elen would love all the museums and art galleries around Strand Campus.

Maia: Philosophy

Her micro influencer status makes me think she would post aesthetic photos of London and Strand campus on her Instagram stories.

Nathan: Dentistry

He was banished because apparently he didn’t speak much to the other contestants. So I think Nathan would be a quiet mouse and not participate in seminars, but miraculously achieve a first in every essay. Major respect. Nathan also has an impressive set of pearly whites, which makes me think he would study dentistry and lecture you on the risks of getting a cavity after your third motivational study treat of the day.

Keith: European Studies with a year abroad

Turnitin and Keith would not go hand in hand since SPAG was not Keith’s forte with his spelling of Nathan as ‘Nather’. He said he wanted to use the prize money to go on holiday, so I’ve given him the year abroad option as he certainly won’t be going on holiday due to winning the show.

Kasim: Medicine

Poor Kas was gone way too soon. He’d still study to become a doctor if he went to King’s and I’m sure nobody would call him a traitor for being one.

Armani: International Relations

During her three episodes on the show, she was on a side quest to forge alliances with everyone. Armani would definitely be a BNOC, not only because she has the same name as a designer brand, but because she would be a club promoter, incessantly spamming Fresher’s group chats with the latest club nights in London.

Dan: Engineering

Dan played a self-interested game, so he would study a degree like engineering that will work in his interest and earn him loads of money.

Featured image via BBC

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