Where’s the bloody sun gone? As the days are still feeling shorter and the nights, as per, are miserably longer, students across Liverpool are forced to lock their doors and get cosy during these familiar winter blues.
Spring is right around the corner but with no sign of sunny afternoons in a pub garden coming any time soon, there’s still every excuse to skip your morning lectures because quite frankly, it’s still too cold to get out of bed.
If Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, whilst judging the blandness of your student flat, then take our advice, as these five products look to warm up your fingertips and cosy up your bedrooms.
Invest in some fluffy socks
Picture this: You’ve finally woken up for a Monday 9am after a weekend of shameful antics. You’re still in denial of the £80 you managed to spend, even though you claimed that £3.50 doubles are “practically free”. The cold weather is just adding to your troubles, and getting yourself ready to walk to uni feels impossible.
The best way to solve this issue? Wearing the most outrageous fluffy socks possible. They come in different colours, sizes and even animal prints, and if you are not feeling wild enough to wear these, wear your everyday socks over the top, and all your problems are solved.
They won’t mystically take away the mountain of reading you’ve got to do, or get rid of the looming feeling of hangxiety you’re experiencing, but at least you’ll be cosy in the Sydney Jones while you’re tackling those deadlines.
If you think your double vodka lemonade is cheap, then investing in some cheap fluffy socks will be a no-brainer.
Make every excuse to get yourself a hot drink
Hot drinks are extremely versatile and are enjoyable in a vast array of situations. Need a boost before an all-dayer at uni? Coffee. Fancy a heartwarming beverage watching your favourite show? Or are you looking for a sweet treat before bed? Hot chocolate.
Grab a flask and you can enjoy your go to drink during lectures and journeys, so your drink will be as hot in your kitchen in Greenbank, as it will be on campus. It’s tough to avoid a coffee shop walking along Bold Street, so impromptu trips to enjoy your favourite drink could not be easier.
Nobody’s got you like a cosy mug of hot chocolate, trust us.
Get some ambient lighting going
The trend of using small lights rather than one large one is becoming increasingly popular and rightfully so. Whether it’s LED’s or a sunset lamp, reduced harsh lighting creates a more relaxed environment, allowing any student to study or procrastinate studying in a more comfortable space.
These are arguably the most easy things to stick on your bedside table, and they make a huge difference to your room, as the simple plug in of a sunset lamp can completely transform your aesthetic. LED strips are great too. You can choose the colour to match your mood, and make the hungover bed rotting days a bit more pleasing.
If you’re on the anti-big light team, investing in a sunset lamp means you can create the illusion of a wholesome sunset, without having to endure the cold. It’s scary out there.
Start getting some use out of that hot water bottle
Usually, people only look to use their hot water bottles when they are feeling poorly, but they are essential when struggling to be warm and comfortable quickly. Flick the kettle on, and add your hot water – even make yourself a hot chocolate at the same time if you fancy it. Ideal in all sizes, from small squares to full body lengths, hot water bottles are great for fighting that classic Merseyside weather.
We advise using the fill body length ones, which you can buy from most places at a student-friendly price. They won’t break your weekly budget, and are so worth it in the long run. Warm bed, happy mind.
Make your bed as cosy as possible
Every bed starts as a blank canvas and whilst this is fine for some, but if you’re looking to create a wholesome atmosphere, adding a variety of different pillows and thick throws can transform your sleeping space.
Whether it’s regular sleeping pillows or colourful square ones, adding a range of pillows can add layers to your bed. Rest assured, the best method to cure a Concert Square hangover is a good bed-rotting session – and probably a hair of the dog pint. Combining this with ambient lighting and you have accomplished peak comfiness and summer will be with you in no time.
While all your coursemates are battling the cold this semester, you’ll be miles ahead of them in a pair of fluffy socks and a hot water bottle under your jumper. Everyone knows that not a single student house in Liverpool is close to being warm enough, so it’s time to take matters into your own hands.