Coronation Street ‘confirms’ Daisy’s exit story – and Jenny is aghast

Jenny and Daisy talk at the bar in Coronation Street
Jenny Connor faces losing her stepdaughter (Picture: ITV)

Daisy Midgley (Charlotte Jordan) is in the middle of the drama on Coronation Street currently, as either Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) or Kit Green (Jacob Roberts) could be the father of her unborn child.  

Daisy recently started a relationship with Kit, but has made no secret of the fact that, given the chance, she would happily reunite with her former fiancé Daniel.

Inconveniently, she slept with both men within the space of days, and when she found that she was pregnant she had no idea which of them could be the father.  

At the time Daniel was engaged to Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon), so he seemed to be out of the picture.

As for Kit, he made out that he wanted nothing to do with the baby though he would support Daisy financially. Later he relented and went to a hospital appointment with her as his attitude seemed to soften. 

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It’s all a massive mess, and in upcoming episodes Daisy decides there’s only one sensible way out – leave Weatherfield and leave the confusion behind her. 

We know that Charlotte Jordan is set to leave the soap after four years, during which time Daisy has become a firm fan favourite. 

In a statement she said, ‘My time at Coronation Street is something I’ll always cherish. After a brilliant four years for Daisy, it’s time for me to start a new chapter and explore other opportunities. 

Daisy Midgeley looks stunned behind the bar in Coronation Street
Daisy is offered a huge opportunity (Picture: ITV)

‘It’s been a privilege to be part of a wonderful institution with even more wonderful colleagues who have taught me so much.’ 

In upcoming episodes Daisy horrifies Jenny (Sally Ann Matthews) by telling her that she’s been offered a job as an au pair in Paris.

With a baby on the way, Jenny doesn’t think this is a great idea – but is there anything she can do to stop her making what she sees as a massive mistake? 

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Meanwhile, Daisy previously took a DNA test to find out who the baby’s father is, but after she got the result she told Jenny that it didn’t matter anyway and deleted the email.

But now she finally reveals to Jenny who the baby’s father is. Will it be Kit’s or Daniel’s? And how will both men react to the news? 

It’s all too much for Daisy, and when she has her 12 week scan appointment the stress becomes more than she can cope with. As the sonographer moves the monitor so she can see her baby, an emotional Daisy rushes out of the room. 

Will she take the job in Paris rather than deal with the complicated situation in Weatherfield? Could we soon be saying au revoir to Daisy? 

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