The Leadmill says it is facing a “challenging moment” after losing a recent legal case against its landlord, according to a statement on social media.
The Leadmill has been involved in a legal dispute since March 2022 when the building’s landlord – Electric Group – issued operators with an eviction order.
The ruling on the venue’s future is the result of a December hearing at Leeds Property and Business Court, which The Leadmill Ltd had previously been granted an adjournment on in May 2024.
In a statement yesterday evening, The Leadmill said that while the ruling marks does mark a “challenging moment”, there is “no immediate timeline for what happens next” and they are consulting legal advisers to assess their “next steps”.
“We remain committed to exhausting every possible legal avenue to secure our future, retain our staff, and protect our venue. This is more than just a legal battle for the team here – it’s personal.
“The Leadmill isn’t just bricks and mortar; it’s a home. Many of our team have grown up here, worked here for over 15 years and dedicated our lives to creating incredible events and experiences. We are real people, with a deep love for what we do, and we never imagined we’d be facing something like this.”
The statement goes on to call the “overwhelming public support” the venue has received “invaluable”. In 2022, a petition set up as part of their #WeCan’tLoseLeadmill campaign received more than 46,000 signatures.
“The Leadmill is more than just a venue; it is a cultural institution with a 45-year history of nurturing artists, supporting grassroots music, and providing a vital space for creativity in Sheffield and beyond.
“We urge our supporters to stay engaged, continue to stand with us, and follow our official channels for further updates as we navigate the next phase of this battle.”
It added that scheduled events are still going ahead, but ticket holders will be notified if any events are effect.
A spokesperson for the Electric Group told The Sheffield Tab: “We welcome the court’s consideration and careful decision to award a possession order for the Leadmill; an important ruling following difficult legal proceedings.
“The successful legal outcome paves the way for a bright future for this venue, ensuring it will receive the substantial investment it needs to thrive. It will continue to be a cornerstone of the live music scene in Sheffield, supporting artists, fans, and community projects for the next 100 years.”
Opened in 1980, The Leadmill has been a long-standing fixture of Sheffield’s nightlife and live music and entertainment scene.
Acts to have played on the stage include Oasis, Coldplay, the Arctic Monkeys, and The Killers.
Among students, it is known for its Leadmill Friday and Sonic Saturday club nights.
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