Which Love Is Blind couples are most compatible based on star signs, and it’s surprising

Love Is Blind viewers know that love is rarely ever logical, and feelings take precedence over facts in the pods. You can fall head over heels with somebody in the experiment and break up later when the novelty of it all wears off, as we’ve seen time after time. However, which of the Love Is Blind season eight couples are compatible based on their star signs? The answers are pretty surprising – it must be written in the stars. Spin Genie have worked out every percentage, so here’s the wild list.

Inbaal Hongiman from Spin Genie had a few interesting notes, including how 50 per cent of the guys are Taurus. It actually makes sense why a bunch of Taurus men would come on the show.

“Taurus is a sign that seeks stability and security,” Inbaal said. “When they fall in love, they’re willing to give everything, and they expect to receive everything in return. On a dating show that aims to find a true love match, the real surprise is that we’re not seeing 100 per cent Taurus representation. Taurus men despair of the modern dating scene, they’re not interested in swiping, they’d rather get down on one knee.”

Now, time to get into the couples’ compatibility!

Monica (Aries) and Joey (Taurus) – 70 per cent match

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According to Inbaal, Aries and Taurus have great compatibility, because Aries provides the fun and Taurus provides the stability.

“Taurus isn’t speedy, so just give him a moment to catch up. It’s a combo which leads to a lot of laughs, as long as the Aries don’t get bored. Aries like Monica need constant stimulation, but Taurus like Joey prefer the quiet life.”

Ben (Libra) and Sara (Capricorn) – 95 per cent match

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Inbaal explained Libras and Capricorns are compatible because they “aim for the same goals,” which include the future of dreams.

“Libras like Ben want this future because they love the grace and elegance of a beautiful, well-balanced life,” she said. Capricorns like Sara want this future as a symbol of all the success they will have had. If they put their heads together, they can create a truly majestic dream life together.”

David (Aries) and Lauren (Sagittarius) – 85 per cent match

love is blind eight star signs

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This combination of two fire signs means they share similar traits.

“They’re both passionate, energetic and sporty, so David and Lauren will have plenty of activities that they’ll both enjoy and lots of past experiences in common.”

Inbaal also noted fire signs are “quick to anger,” but also “quick to calm down,” so they can expect to “fall out” here and there.

Devin (Pisces) and Virginia (Capricorn) – 90 per cent match

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“Sensitive Pisces and disciplined Capricorn are very different human beings, but they make a beautiful couple because they have the same goals, just in different ways,” Inbaal said.

“Pisces like Devin are true dreamers, they visualise the future and can turn imagination into reality. They can travel across the seas, create beautiful art, connect with inspirational people and make the impossible – possible. Capricorns like Virginia are business-minded and astute, they set goals and can find themselves at influential networking events. In their pursuit of the good life, they too make the impossible, possible. Devin and Virginia’s life goals may sound different, but he can conquer the world with her by his side, and vice versa.” I’m really rooting for these two!

Daniel (Taurus) and Taylor (Pisces) – 80 per cent match

love is blind eight star signs

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“Loyal Taurus and romantic Pisces both dream of a traditional family out of a black-and-white TV sitcom,” Inbaal said, and it sounds pretty accurate of Daniel and Taylor.

“Taurus like Daniel is faithful and diligent, willing to do what it takes to create the perfect life for their partner. Pisces like Taylor is compassionate and loving. With such daydreams, they’ll fit well together, but if ever something threw a spanner in the works, they would struggle to cope.” That’s accurate enough!

Madison (Leo) and Alex (Taurus) – 75 per cent match

love is blind eight star signs

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It’s not looking amazing for Madison and Alex.

“Dramatic Leo and patient Taurus have several traits in common, but their relationships can struggle because each one is stubborn in a different way. Madison and Alex would both be loyal, big-hearted, warm and honest as per their star signs. Leo like Madison likes to lead and Taurus like Alex doesn’t mind being led, so Madison will be thrilled to be with someone who listens.

But when Taurus decides against something, no force in the universe can change their mind. And Leo’s independence means they’ll push forward regardless.”

Maybe it was written in the stars that they weren’t meant to be together after all.

Mason (Taurus) and Meg (Libra) – 100 per cent match

love is blind eight star signs

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Out of all the Love Is Blind season eight stars signs, who would expect a 100 per cent match for a couple who aren’t even official?

“Graceful Libra and grounded Taurus are a wonderful match. The sign of Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, planet of love and beauty, which is what makes them so graceful and elegant. The only other sign ruled by this planet is Taurus. This means that Mason and Meg will have a lot in common. Even if their personalities aren’t identical – Meg would be more sociable and Mason more reserved – their values would be the same. They both value loyalty.”

Fingers crossed for these two!

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