10 disgusting things all Newcastle Uni students do but won’t admit

I’ve seen my fair share of disgusting uni students habit, but I actually am keen to admit them. This is officially my therapy.

1. Sleeping in last night’s makeup

Disclaimer, maybe some of these are not uni specific, I do indeed do this at home as well. Look, when I’m home from a Soho Wednesday the last thing I am going to do is to bust out the micellar water. Sorry skin cells, I’ll wait another seven years for you to regenerate.

2. Scranning a takeaway from the night before

I’m not ashamed to admit, in my first year I did sometimes save my munchies chicken parmesan (yeah I have no idea why I was ordering that) and eat it for dinner the next night. Clearly this was a cry for help.

3. Eaten out of date food – or cut the mould out

Continuing the food theme here, if you have never cut out a little mould of your Tesco’s reduced bread, you are lying. I often think of when I came home one day in first year and my flatmates had done this for no particular reason and I have no clue why to this day.

5. Chunned on an item of clothing/the street/the furniture

I often reflect on the time poor little first year me chunned on my beloved puma trainers and was so disgusted I just threw them in the Castle Leazes bins (RIP to both). In hindsight those shoes were actually really clapped and out of style so drunk me may have done me a favour there.

5. Continued to shag someone you swore off

Look we’ve all been there, had the girls come to a decision with you that you’ve had enough of being fucked around and then whoops! A certain someone ends up in your bed the next day. The best you can hope is that they can sneak out before any flatmates end up noticing.

6. Not changing your sheets for weeks, or months….

Changing sheets is hard, if you want to put off that challenge for a few weeks I understand. But maybe try every month, okay? Don’t want any scabies scares

7. Letting the bins stack up so that they become a legitimate biohazard

I don’t think I’ve met anyone who hasn’t had to deal with the flatmates who let the bins pile up to an insane amount. Confession alert – I am that flatmate (soz guys x)

8. Going through the rite of passage that is the New Croft Centre

All I can say about this one is that you better pray you don’t run into any enemies whilst picking up your boots prescription. But hey, better safe than sorry.

9. Wearing your Ugg boots without socks on

This may be a niche one here, but every girl and their mum has their own mini Uggs now (including me with my TkMaxx knock offs) and I just want to check, is anyone else going sockless in them. I am, and the results are not pretty. But I will never stop.

10. Found yourself taking a tumble down some pretty sticky stairs

Anywhere with a staircase, I have fallen down it. Without fail. Look at my legs after one ill-fated Tup Tup night. Tup Tup – I haven’t forgotten this. You will pay for your crimes.

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