Pesky editing error in Love Is Blind season eight proves the pod conversations are a sham

Love Is Blind is first and foremost, a reality TV show. This means you’re likely to find a few editing errors, plot holes and jarring cut scenes. Sometimes you need a bit of producer editing to really get the drama going, but season eight has had more errors than most. People have spotted an editing error in Love Is Blind season eight episode three and to be honest, it completely changes the nature of a conversation between David and Molly.

If you turn on Love Is Blind season eight episode three, and skip to 31 minutes in, you’ll soon enough see the pesky editing error that made it into the pods.

love is blind editing error eight cups

via Netflix

The conversation moves to David telling Molly he’s going to lie down on the couch, and Molly says she’ll do the same. On the plush footstool in front of her, there are two of the iconic golden cups, one of which has a blue straw in it.

The camera then cuts to David, while Molly is still telling him she’s now laying down on the couch, but when we flick back to Molly the first drink with the blue straw is GONE. Dun dun dun!!

via Netflix

It makes you wonder what else was cut out of Molly and David’s conversations. Considering he ended up choosing Lauren, I’m now fully intrigued by the footage of them that didn’t make the final show. Maybe they had way more chemistry than they let on.

It’s not abnormal for things like this to come up, and we saw it enough in season seven to know just how much editing goes on. Anything for a good storyline I guess.

However, I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for more little slip-ups the producers make.

Love Is Blind is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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