Here are 11 things that you can do in the time it takes to get a seat on the 100 bus

Ah, the 100 bus. It’s the bane of our existence. The focus of our worst nightmares. The excuse we use when we’re late to our lectures. Between its stifling temperatures and it’s ability to arrive in Bowerham when every single Lancaster student seems to have a seminar, it’s no secret that every Lancaster resident collectively groans when they see that big “100” sign trundle around the corner.

If you’ve ever gotten a seat on the 100 at peak university times, frankly, we need to know how you did it because unless you’re waking up at the crack of dawn and shoving your way to the front of the crowd of sleepy students at the bus stop, it really doesn’t seem possible. There are so many things you can do that take less time than getting that glorious seat through Bowerham – writing your whole dissertation seems more likely. We’ve compiled the best (and worst) things you can do before you take your throne on the 100.

1. Wait in the Greggs queue at midday

Waiting patiently for my steak bake x

The Alex Square Greggs queue is possibly the only queue in Lancaster that stands a chance of rivalling the queue for a 100 seat – but the staff are so speedy you could still grab your steak bake at lunch time before the crowd of students in the Underpass clears.

2. Meal prep for the week

Who needs pot noodles when you have this long to meal prep?

We all say we’re going to do it, but I don’t know a single student who can consistently meal prep. They’re as elusive as empty Bowerham bus stops, but we reckon you could still make breakfast, lunch and dinner for every day this week instead of waiting at Bowerham Hotel for a bus seat.

3. Stand in the queue for a sweet treat in the campus market

We at Lancs LOVE The Sweet Escape in the campus markets – their blondies iconic, their Easter-themed treats unmatched and their queues oh so long. But still shorter than the queue for a 100 seat.

4. Follow slow walkers down the spine

No, you’re not having a nightmare. It’s just the Spine.

We know, we know, it’s one of Lancs students’ biggest pet peeves. But hey, at least you’re moving.

5. Navigate Management School

Why is lecture theatre one the furthest away?

Is this even possible?

6. Find a date where all of your flatmates are free

Trying to make plans in deadline season is harder than your coursework – and it takes almost as long as the extra walk to Common Garden Street to try and get onto the 1A.

7. Get your flatmate to take out the bins

Yes, you may go a whole year without that one flatmate ever seeing the inside of an empty bin (without a bin bag full of their mouldy chicken in it) – but also, we’re pretty sure we could go a whole year putting in some extra effort to jump on the 1A rather than getting the bus from somewhere other than City Centre.

8. Get everyone reply to your messages about the group project

Spoiler alert: Nobody replied

It seems impossible, but why not spend some of the time you’re stuck at the bus stop spamming your course mates?

9. Wait for your payment to go through on the Spar self-checkouts


Listen, we’re sure that those self checkouts don’t ACTUALLY take that long, but it sure feels like a lifetime.

10. Write your dissertation

Locked in.

All we’re saying is you could pull up Microsoft Word at the bus stop and get a good 2,000 words in.

11. Wait for your lecturer to upload the lecture slides

At least the 100 has good phone signal, right? Keep refreshing that Moodle page…and maybe do some manifestation, too.

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