Woman dragged down drive by runaway Range Rover that nearly crushed husband

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A woman was dragged along by an SUV while her husband almost got run over after a garage forgot to take the vehicle out of ‘maintenance mode’.

Carl Midgley had taken his 2015 Range Rover Evoque to a local dealership to carry out work on its rear breaks.

The couple later picked the vehicle up together, drove home and parked in front of their property. At this point the car should automatically put the hand brake on.

Carl, 60, l had already exited the SUV and his wife was just stepping out when it began rolling back down the drive.

As their CCTV footage shows, Joanne, 63, is dragged backwards by vehicle and is forced to stumble alongside it.

Carl can then be seen running towards the car in an effort to stop it and is almost run over.

Thankfully at this point the vehicle is stopped by a flower bed border.

After the crash, Land Rover UK’s tech team inspected the car and said there was nothing wrong with it.

Carl and Joanne Midgley TRIANGLE NEWS 07815 105835 // news@trianglenews.co.uk By Emily Hall Vid and pics A FRUSTRATED driver is demanding compensation after his ??12k Range Rover was left in service mode by a garage???and then rolled down his driveway almost crushing him and his wife. Carl Midgley had taken his 2015 Range Rover Evoque into a dealership not far from his home for work on its brakes. But when his wife Joanne, 63, returned home and parked it up, the handbrake didn???t work and she was left hanging out of the driver???s door desperately trying to struggle free. *TRIANGLE NEWS DOES NOT CLAIM ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENCE IN THE ATTACHED MATERIAL. ANY DOWNLOADING FEES CHARGED BY TRIANGLE NEWS ARE FOR TRIANGLE NEWS SERVICES ONLY, AND DO NOT, NOR ARE THEY INTENDED TO, CONVEY TO THE USER ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE MATERIAL. BY PUBLISHING THIS MATERIAL , THE USER EXPRESSLY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND TO HOLD TRIANGLE NEWS HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH USER'S PUBLICATION OF THE MATERIAL*
Carl and Joanne Midgley, who say they could have been killed by the dealership’s error
(Picture: Carl Midgley/Triangle News)

Instead it turned turned out the garage, Vertu Land Rover in Guiseley, near Leeds had forgotten to take it out of ‘maintenance mode’.

The couple – who are foster carers – told the MailOnline someone could easily have been killed by the incident, which happened in mid 2023.

‘I couldn’t have ever imagined this happening, but it did and it was very dangerous,’ Carl said.

‘The car had been to a Jaguar Landrover garage and when we returned we parked up, but unbeknown to us it had been left in a maintenance mode – the car usually automatically puts the handbrake on.

‘My wife was getting out and it dragged her down the drive. She was already waiting on a hip operation.’

He said the accident aggravated Joanne’s hip issues and caused problems with his back, which he’s had to have physio for.

Still showing the car rolling down the Midgleys??? driveway as Carl Midgley runs to help his wife Joanne TRIANGLE NEWS 07815 105835 // news@trianglenews.co.uk By Emily Hall Vid and pics A FRUSTRATED driver is demanding compensation after his ??12k Range Rover was left in service mode by a garage???and then rolled down his driveway almost crushing him and his wife. Carl Midgley had taken his 2015 Range Rover Evoque into a dealership not far from his home for work on its brakes. But when his wife Joanne, 63, returned home and parked it up, the handbrake didn???t work and she was left hanging out of the driver???s door desperately trying to struggle free. *TRIANGLE NEWS DOES NOT CLAIM ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENCE IN THE ATTACHED MATERIAL. ANY DOWNLOADING FEES CHARGED BY TRIANGLE NEWS ARE FOR TRIANGLE NEWS SERVICES ONLY, AND DO NOT, NOR ARE THEY INTENDED TO, CONVEY TO THE USER ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE MATERIAL. BY PUBLISHING THIS MATERIAL , THE USER EXPRESSLY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND TO HOLD TRIANGLE NEWS HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH USER'S PUBLICATION OF THE MATERIAL*
The car as it rolls down the drive, with Joanna behind the door and Carl further down the drive (Picture: Carl Midgley/Triangle News)

The pair are calling on Vertu Land Rover to pay compensation for the injuries, but the dealership, who fixed the car damage caused by the accident for free, say they won’t be offering any further compensation.

Carl said the garage has essentially told them to go away.

A spokesperson for the dealership said: ‘This matter was resolved in 2023, with the customer accepting extensive goodwill gestures.

‘We are pleased that the customer is still using our services.’

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