Bride shares controversial tip to time your wedding for this point in your cycle

Bride shares controversial tip to time your wedding with this point in your cycle alyssa_jane01/Tik Tok
If you want to be a glowing bride, this Aussie woman has a top tip (Picture: alyssa_jane01/Tik Tok)

When picking your wedding date there’s a lot to consider, like bad-weather contingency plans or a more cost-effective mid-week ceremony.

But one Aussie bride, Alyssa Jane, caused a stir when she shared her controversial tip for picking the right day to tie the knot.

It’s simple: plan your wedding day for when you’re ovulating.

In her TikTok video Alyssa explains: ‘My skin’s not fantastic but compared to what it is when I’m on my period, it’s gloriously shiny. You know what else is good? My boobs. My boobs get bigger when I’m ovulating.

‘You know what else is good? My sex drive. My sex drive increases when I’m ovulating – great for the night of the wedding. You also don’t have a period.

‘Plan your wedding day for when you’re ovulating!’

Ovulation is the point in the female menstrual cycle where the ovaries release an egg, which is usually about 10 to 16 days before the next period.

This can give menstruators a radiant complexion sometimes referred to as the ‘ovulation glow’, and the hormonal changes can also make the breasts swell.


Hot wedding planning tip for your wedding date!! 💍👰🏼‍♀️🤵🏼‍♂️ I CANT BELIEVE IM GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW!! #wedding #weddingtiktok #2025bride #weddingtip

♬ original sound – Alyssa

Some of the 700,000 viewers dubbed her wedding tip ‘genius’ and ‘brilliant advice’ when it comes to looking your best on the day you say your vows.

TikToker @Ambere98 wrote: ‘This is the best advice that anyone has ever told me about weddings.’

‘Me rushing to my Flo app to check my wedding date and my cycle hahah,’ added @Rahni.

And, science backs up Alyssa’s comments.

Speaking previously to Metro, Dr Ashfaq Khan, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Harley Street Gynaecology explains that an increase in oestrogen during ovulation makes for surprising results.

‘Some of the effects of oestrogen can include increased blood flow to the skin, which can result in a healthier and more vibrant complexion,’ explains Dr Ashfaq.

‘Additionally, oestrogen can influence facial symmetry and certain physical features associated with attractiveness, such as facial proportions and waist-to-hip ratio.’

He also adds that this hormonal spike can make you feel better too: ‘It can contribute to higher energy levels, improved mood, and a more generally positive outlook.

‘Feeling more energised and upbeat during this phase may positively impact body image, as individuals may feel more confident and satisfied with their appearance,’ he explains.

But others were quick to point out a pretty big catch when it came to Alyssa’s plan – you’re more likely to get pregnant.

Young bride exchanging wedding ring with groom
Everyone wants to look and feel their best on their wedding day (Picture: Getty Images)

If you have a regular 28-day cycle, according to the NHS you’ll be the most fertile around day 14 of your menstrual cycle – when you ovulate.

If you’re trying for a baby that’s great news, but if you’re not looking to conceive on your wedding night or honeymoon – you might want to take extra precautions.

TikToker Andrea wrote: ‘I planned it around ovulation and got pregnant on my wedding night,’ while commenter Emily shared: ‘I got pregnant with twins on my honeymoon.’

Another said: ‘Hoping for a little wedding night baby are we?’

One TikToker @jamieee2460 joked: ‘Please stitch this video in nine months.’

Even if getting pregnant isn’t something you want to avoid, it’s worth knowing there are some side effects to ovulation too.

You could end up getting some ovulation pains which, according to the NHS, will feel dull or like sharp sudden twinges on one side of your tummy, depending on which ovary released the egg.

This can be eased by a warm bath or painkillers, but just make sure you follow the instructions on the back if you’re drinking on your big day.

Other symptoms include mood swings, feeling depressed or irritable, headaches, tiredness, bloating and breast tenderness. If you struggle with any of these, you might want to consider planning your wedding on a different date.

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