Everyone’s first impression of a college is the exterior. Is this college modern, old, fun? Some colleges absolutely deliver, whilst others sadly disappoint.
Anyway, here is the ultimate ranking of the Lancaster University colleges based entirely on their exteriors.
Why? Well, why not?
9. Graduate College
You don’t get a choice being in Graduate College and the buildings reflect this. They literally are the homes of stressed post-grads and that’s it. The pink buildings are a very nice touch, but still somehow look miserable. The seemingly never-ending building works also don’t help.
8. Lonsdale College
Sorry Lonsdale, but your buildings just don’t stand out. A lot of colleges have a notable feature when it comes to their exterior, Lonsdale just doesn’t. The accommodation is very repetitive and despite their similarities, is nowhere near Cartmel’s standard. A definite wannabe Cartmel.
7. Bowland College
Bowland Tower is quite rightly a landmark on campus. However, it’s the only stand out exterior in the whole college. A lot of the Bowland buildings clearly haven’t been revamped at all.
6. Grizedale College
Now we’re cooking. Townhouses are such a vibe. Although, they’re just the same. Yes they look very cool but the Lancaster townhouses are a bit repetitive. To be honest, Grizedale bar also doesn’t really match the party atmosphere that they give off.
5. and 4. Furness and Fylde College
For Furness and Fylde, it’s a case of spot the difference. If you’re from Cartmel and Lonsdale, you can be forgiven for getting them mixed up (or for not even realizing Furness’ existence). It doesn’t help that these colleges are neighbours.
Unlike the others, these colleges champion their colour scheme through the bars. Their accommodation is also brightened up with some colour with Fylde having a nice blue and Furness a red (missed opportunity to further promote their colour scheme).
The edge goes to Fylde due to the bars. Trevor is a very Lancaster University standard exterior whereas The Mill fits the sporty aesthetic Fylde is known for.
Despite this, for all the university’s (quite understandable) focus on plagiarism, Furness and Fylde leave many unanswered questions. Did the architect just give up when designing these colleges?
3. County College
County just has it all. It’s the college with the most variety. Townhouses? Shared accommodation? County proudly reflects this. From traditional exteriors to modern townhouses, County delivers. County Main is also such a standout, those square windows look weirdly amazing.
Whilst County bar isn’t anything too remarkable, they have bunting, it’s the small things that are most noticeable, colleges take note.
2. Pendle College
Perhaps the most surprising position on this ranking? When it comes to exteriors, Pendle reflects the college stereotype the most. Pendle Brew is one of the cosiest places on campus and the accommodation reflects this giving a strong community feel behind the Brew. This has cozy written all over it.
Most importantly, Pendle has the best accommodation windows on campus, the circular submarine style windows are so unique, well worthy of second place.
1. Cartmel College
This wasn’t even close.
It’s only in Cartmel where you can live in an ACTUAL house. It must be such a great feeling to go to an actual home rather than living directly beside your lecture theatres.
Barkers is also the clear winner here. A great combination of old and new, making this the best bar exterior by far, cementing Cartmel as the best college exterior on campus.