The next Black Swan: A false-flag ‘alien’ invasion?

You’ve probably heard the term before: Black Swan. If you haven’t, it refers to a single, unexpected, high-impact event, usually linked to the stock market, with profoundly far-reaching consequences, that is difficult to predict and prepare for, but in retrospect was inevitable.

Definitive Black Swan events could include 9/11, the GWOT, the 2008 financial crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ukraine conflict and Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

So, what could predictably be the next Black Swan event?

How about…a fake, false-flag, “alien” invasion…?

If you think I’m joking…or spewing a whacky “conspiracy theory”, you obviously haven’t been following the big “Disclosures” on UFOs and UAPs by the US government over the past few years.


Between April and June 2022, the whole world was gripped by one of the most powerful, popular and addictive reality shows ever broadcast. It was called the Depp-Heard trial. That’s right, the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation case, streamed on YouTube, TikTok and other social media platforms, was one of the most watched courtroom “dramas” in TV history.

Meanwhile, while we were all distracted by that trial…the US government was quietly disclosing classified information, of cosmic magnitude and importance.


In May of that year, the US Congress House Intelligence Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence and Counterproliferation held an open hearing on a subject that, not so long ago, would’ve brought the planet to a grinding halt. The subject was proof of the existence of UFOs. Or, as they’ve come to be known, Unidentified Aerial or Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

Throughout the hearing, we saw several military officials and experts from the US Navy, Airforce and Pentagon formally present substantial video, photographic and other material evidence of UAPs.

The US government then followed that disclosure with a congressional hearing in July 2023 for a former Air Force intelligence officer, David Grusch who alleged that the US government is harbouring UFOs, covering it up and punishing whistleblowers.

South Carolina Republican, Nancy Mace, asked Grusch if “biologics” (bio beings or matter) were recovered from any of the (crashed) crafts by the government. Grusch responded that “biologics came with some of these recoveries”.

“Were they human or non-human?” Mace asked. “Non-human”, Grusch replied.

Let that sink in…

Something that was once considered a tinfoil-hat “conspiracy theory” has now been proven as fact.

Russia’s space agency, Roskosmos has also come forward and stated that UFOs exist (but said that most of them had nothing to do with aliens…).


In November 2024, the US House of Representatives committee on oversight and accountability held another hearing on UAPs. Like previous UFO hearings, the event featured testimony from US military personnel who claim the government has, for decades, been hiding evidence of advanced technologies and otherworldly visitors from the public. Some of the whistleblowers who testified include a former counterintelligence officer, a retired Navy admiral and a former NASA administrator.

Now, you’d think all of that would be big news all over the planet. You’d think that would have people dropping everything to pay attention. I mean, it’s only the biggest story in the world right now. Bigger than Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Gaza and China-Taiwan. Bigger than Diddy’s buddies or Epstein’s client list. Bigger than Blake Lively’s fallout with Taylor Swift. Yet, all of these hearings didn’t get much proportionate attention from the public and MSM.

If that information had been revealed back in the ’70s, ’80s, or even pre-internet ’90s, it probably would’ve brought the whole wide world to a standstill. Yet, today…we heard it, saw it, shrugged…and went about our day.


Realistically, only one of two theories about UFOs can be the truth:

Either these UAPs are indeed Extraterrestrials from another galaxy, universe or dimension. Or, they’re new-age, anti-gravity, man-made (military) aircraft – that have been kept under wraps until now.

If it’s the latter, then expect a false-flag alien invasion.

Here’s what worries me, though…


Ever heard of predictive programming? The theory that our elite, satanic, Illuminati handlers are basically telling us, showing us and warning us…in various ways (books, movies, TV, cartoons) what they’re plotting against us?

If that’s true, then think about this…

They warned us about terrorism, with lots of terrorism movies, then we had a big terrorist attack. They warned us about virus pandemics, with lots of pandemic movies, and then we had a global pandemic. They warned us about WW3, with lots of WW3 movies, and now it too seems to be unfolding.

And…what’s been coming out of Hollywood more and more lately? For decades in fact? That’s right…Alien Invasion movies. Lots and LOTS of Alien Invasion movies.

Predictive Programming? Karmic Retribution? Or mere coincidence?


Another thing that concerns me about this “Alien Invasion” narrative is something we were warned about, more than two decades ago, by Dr Carol Rosin.

Dr Rosin is an educator and space defence consultant who also managed the Aerospace Company, Fairchild Industries in the ’70s.

From 1974 to 1977 she worked closely with Fairchild’s VP, the late Dr Wernher Von Braun (Hitler’s rocket scientist who was absorbed into the US after the war, through Operation Paperclip, and ended up running NASA’s space programme).

Reportedly, Von Braun confided to Rosin that there was a geostrategic effort by world governments to weaponize space and control Earth from space, by intimidating the public with several fake “threats”.


Recounting what Von Braun told her, Rosin said the ruling elite establishment was going to basically use five “cards” (fabricated “threats”) against the citizens of the world, to justify putting weapons in space. Four of these threat cards were; the Russians, terrorists, “rogue states” (also known as “nations of concern”) and asteroids.

“And the last card”, Von Braun apparently told Rosin, “would be the alien card. That would be the final reason for putting weapons in space, to fight off a possible alien invasion.”

Dr Rosin said that in all the time she knew him, Von Braun would bring up that last card, over and over and over again.

Quoting him, she said; “And remember, Carol, the last card is the ‘alien card’. We’re going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens.”

“And all of it, he said, is a lie”, Rosin stated.


Rosin also described how Von Braun told her that by the time we, the public, knew about the weaponisation of space, it would all be up there and too late to do anything about it.

In fact, it may already be too late.

In an interview, Robert Bowman, ex-director of Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars programme said (more than a decade ago): “Space has been weaponised for a very long time.”

In a radio interview in April 2007, Bowman said of Star Wars; “It has nothing to do with defence. It is an attempt to deploy offensive weapons disguised as defence.”

Ask yourself, how many thousands of space missions have been launched since the founding of NASA? Including secret missions we know nothing about. Were they all merely “satellite” launches? Who the hell knows what they’ve put up there already.

For all we know, by now they could have huge, super-intensive, laser beams up there (DEWs), that could zap someone on earth, vaporise them – and their whole house – in a heartbeat…the way a child with a magnifying glass incinerates ants.

Nowhere to run to, baby…nowhere to hide.


But if space is not weaponised already, it’s about to be.

Lest we forget, during his first term, in June 2018, President Donald Trump announced plans for a “Space Force” to be added to the military.

In November 2019, neocon, warmongering warhawk, US Senator Richard Blumenthal appeared before a Senate Armed Services Committee and pushed the Space Force proposal. During his fearmongering pitch, he said, “The American people have no idea how serious this threat is, how serious Russian and Chinese threats in space are.” He added, “Our adversaries know what they are doing. We know what they are doing. But the American people have no idea.”

One month later, Trump signed Space Force and a new $707 million (R13 billion) military budget into law.


Veteran FBI agent, John DeSouza (whose many cases were the basis for the X Files) has worked multiple UFO/UAP cases, and believes that there’s a sinister reason the Pentagon is now raising the threat of a possible “alien invasion”.

He’s adamant it’s just a matter of time before they stage the shooting down of a commercial airliner, or military jet “by a UAP”, because, as he put it, “they need to keep building up the fear of these UAPs”.

Why? To justify Space Force and weaponise space, of course.

DeSouza also said: “This is a long-term psychological and physical operation. The end goal is a grand operation [ostensibly] called ‘Fake Alien Invasion’. The only fake part about it is aliens being involved. They’re not. But everything else is going to be real. The destruction that they [the elite] will bring to our cities is going to be real.”

So, should we be preparing for a Close Encounter of the False-Flag Kind? Is a globalist-led, fake alien “invasion” the next Black Swan psyop?

I wouldn’t put it past them…

Until we find out, the hard way, maybe we should heed what Ned Scott said at the end of (the original) THE THING: “Watch the skies.”


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