Why was grieving dad John Hunt robbed of the chance to condemn crossbow monster Kyle Clifford in person?

Face justice

WHY was grieving father John Hunt robbed of the opportunity to condemn crossbow monster Kyle Clifford in person?

“I so wanted to deliver these words eye to eye,” John told the court.

Mugshot of Kyle Clifford, convicted of murder and rape.
Crossbow monster killer Kyle Clifford did not attend his sentencing hearing

Why did our justice system not give him that right?

Why is it now routine for heinous murderers to cock one final snook at their ­victims’ families by refusing to attend trial or sentencing?

They should never have that power.

If they might disrupt proceedings, drag them into the dock, gagged if necessary.

The Tories intended to write such action into law but never did.

Labour aims to do so imminently, including approving “reasonable force”. Good.

Despite Mr Hunt’s unimaginable pain, his statement on the murders of his wife and daughters was brave, moving and immensely powerful.

He deserved for the odious Clifford to be forced to hear it.

A fine mess

HOW many genocidal Jew-hating Hamas supporters have we imported to roam our streets?

No one knows, least of all the Home Office.

But that is the key question after suspected Gazan extremist Abu Wadei arrived by small boat — and it took the Press to alert clueless officials.

Since 2018 more than 150,000 illegal migrants have now landed at Dover, 1.6 times the capacity of Wembley Stadium.

Just three per cent have been deported.

Some of that vast influx may make good citizens, even though they had no right to jump the queue.

What do we know of the rest — their true beliefs, motivations, even their real ages and nationalities?

Precious little.

Yet sickeningly the same inept Home Office to blame for this insanity — alongside successive Governments — fined a couple £1,500 for unwittingly bringing ONE migrant in, secretly clinging to the rear of their motorhome.

Who in Whitehall is paying the fines for letting 150,000 others land by dinghy?

Last orders

IT beggars belief that politicians would see pubs and brewers on the edge of the economic abyss . . . and shove them over.

But for some firms the looming “packaging tax” will prove the final straw.

It will hike beer prices for drinkers and diners — and fuel rising inflation.

Add that to the huge extra burden of a higher minimum wage and National Insurance contributions and you have a lethal cocktail for skint businesses already staring down the barrel.

Last October’s tax-raising Budget has wreaked havoc on jobs even before its most damaging changes actually come into force next month.

This reckless “bevvy levy” is yet another ill-considered grab.

Think again, Chancellor.

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