AU’s Military and Veteran services to celebrate Women’s History Month

AUGUSTA, Ga. (WJBF)- AU’s military and veteran services is hosting a speaking event to celebrate all the women veterans and active military.

This is the third year they are hosting this event.

Over the last two years, AU’s director of military and veteran services said this speaking event has had a great turnout

This year she is glad to have met and invite this year’s speaker, Rolanda Hunter, a retired army veteran and entrepreneur here in Augusta.

She believes Hunter will have a strong message for the veterans but also for the students and community members that attend.

“We do hope that all students will turn out and whether they have a military connection or not and just help us recognize that military service is not just men. There are a lot of amazing women and opportunities have been open to them in the last few years. And we just want to honor how they have stepped up and fill those roles that have historically been filled just by males,” said Stefane Raulerson, director of AU’s Military and Veteran Services.

The event is from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, on Augusta University’s Summerville campus at the Jaguar Student Activities Center.

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