Wine critic victim-blames dog for getting itself run over when she was looking after it

Wine critic and dog sitter.
Harry Eyres, 66, is suing Kendra Torgan after his pet cockapoo was run over by a car

A man is suing a woman who claims she let his pet cockapoo escape and get run over by an estate agent’s car.

Harry Eyres, 66, says he spent thousands on Ebony, his pet cockapoo, who he claims suffered serious spinal injuries from the car in Kensal Rise, north London, in 2022.

Mr Eyres, who is a top wine critic, said Kendra Torgan, a former actress turned babysitter, suggested he euthanise Ebony.

He blames her for letting the cockapoo escape from the garden and into the road while under her care.

Mr Eyres claims Ms Torgan ‘negligently failed to supervise the dog’ and also ‘failed to call the dog back once it left her side’.

Ms Torgan has denied the accident is her fault because the event was ‘unforeseeable’.

‘It was completely out of character as (Ebony) bolted out of the gate,’ she said.

While Mr Eyres wants £30,000 in damages, legal costs for the case at the Central London County Court could reach an eye watering £180,000.

Harry with Ebony.
Harry pictured with his pet cockapoo Ebony (Picture: Champion News)

His lawyers said: ‘In order to prevent the vertebrae from collapsing, a revision of the original spinal surgery needed to be performed on March 30 2023, involving removal of the original implant and screws and their replacement with a new larger implant and 13 screws.

‘The dog’s treatment remains ongoing.

‘Mr Eyres’ insurers have confirmed that they will not pay out any sums, he will say that the dog was left with Ms Torgan and she owed him a duty to take care of Ebony.’

Ebony the cockapoo.
Ebony had to be taken to the vets after she was run over (Picture: Supplied by Champion News)

Mr Eyres, is also suing the estate agents, Dexter’s, but it is also denying blame for the accident.

The Dexter’s driver said he drove with care and had no chance to avoid Ebony because it happened quickly.

Dexter’s barrister Caitlin Corrigan said: ‘Ms Torgan has not filed a defence but in correspondence has said that she should not be being sued as an individual, but rather her dissolved company.’

The full case will be heard at a later date.

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