Govt Reduces Solar Net-Metering Rate to Ease Financial Burden on Grid Consumers

In a move to alleviate the financial strain on grid consumers, the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of Pakistan has approved amendments to the net-metering regulations, significantly reducing the solar net-metering buyback rate.

The rate has been lowered from Rs27 per unit to Rs10 per unit.

This decision comes as the number of solar net-metering consumers has surged, reaching 283,000 by December 2024, which has led to increased costs for those relying on the grid.

The rise in solar adoption, driven by lower solar panel prices, has resulted in a substantial financial burden on grid consumers. As of December 2024, this burden was estimated at Rs159 billion, with projections indicating it could escalate to Rs4,240 billion by 2034 if left unchecked.

The concentration of solar net-metering consumers in affluent areas of major cities further underscores the need for regulatory adjustments to ensure fairness.

However, the revised rate will not apply to existing consumers with valid agreements, ensuring that those who have already invested in solar systems under previous regulations will not be affected.

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