Wait, Jake wasn’t the first MAFS Australia groom to make the ‘crazy eyes’ comment about Jacqui

It turns out Jake wasn’t the first MAFS Australia 2025 groom to make the “crazy eyes” comment about bride, Jacqui. During the photo ranking challenge, Jake made some pretty vile remarks. One of which was saying he wasn’t attracted to Jacqui, noting she had “crazy eyes.”

Obviously, his wife Ashleigh was less than impressed. As well as this comment, Jake said Sierah looked like she “could stab you in your sleep” and he said he didn’t fancy Awhina because “I like Caucasians mainly”.

In an Instagram post after the episode first aired in Australia, Jacqui said Jake took a lot of heat for the “crazy eyes” comment, and it was actually said by other grooms, too. Erm, what?!

Jake said Jacqui had crazy eyes in MAFS Australia challenge

via E4

“I was told from multiple sources that Jake didn’t start the crazy eyes comment,” she said. “It was an inside joke someone else was making. When we were at the commitment ceremony before I knew what was said, I yelled out and said I didn’t want to hear it. If you’ve got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

“Ashleigh went ahead anyway. I straight away said, ‘oh I don’t care, my eyes probably are crazy, no stress, I forgive you Jake.’ Jake was almost in tears and genuinely full of remorse. I felt really bad for him and felt there was more to the story that we didn’t hear. I was quite uneasy and my gut felt like something was off.” She added that she hasn’t heard from Jake since.

Awhina has said she too felt Jake was remorseful for his actions. She revealed she had two apologies from him for the comments he made about her, but admitted she hadn’t accepted them.

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