These are the Russell Group unis where students are happiest with their education

It’s that time of year where next year’s freshers are trying to choose which UCAS offers to accept.

Pros and cons lists are being written, research is being done, and accommodation portals are opening.

You’ve looked where universities place in rankings, you’ve probably even looked through all the halls choices, but have you considered looking into which Russell Group unis have the students who are the happiest with their education?

Well, if you haven’t and are curious where students are actually the happiest with their learning experience, then this Russell Group run down has the answers you’re looking for.

=22. University of Manchester, University of Edinburgh – 74 per cent

=20. Cardiff University, University of Leeds – 74 per cent

=18. King’s College London, Queen Mary, University of London – 74 per cent

16. University of Birmingham – 75 per cent

University of Birmingham via Unsplash

=15. Newcastle University, University of Bristol – 75 per cent

13. University of Southampton – 76 per cent

=12. University of Glasgow, University of Nottingham – 76 per cent

10. University College London – 76 per cent

=9. University of York, Durham University – 77 per cent

Durham University via TSP on Creative Commons

7. Queen’s University Belfast, University of Liverpool, LSE, University of Exeter – 77 per cent

3. University of Sheffield – 78 per cent

2. University of Warwick – 79 per cent

1. Imperial College London- 79 per cent

Data for the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge was not included in Complete University Guide’s student satisfaction ranking.

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