A Notts student’s take on Valentine’s Day: why do we hate to love it?

Is anyone else mildly horrified when they enter a shop in early January, only to be ambushed by an army of heart shaped-chocolates, oversized teddy bears and “I love you” balloons?

It seems like just yesterday, the shelves were lined with advent calendars and Lindt Father Christmases (a personal favourite), and now-bam!- Cupid has staged a hostile takeover.

Commercialisation at its finest

Yup, folks, welcome to commercialisation at its finest. Another holiday shoved down our throats, before we’ve even had the chance to pretend we’ll stick to our New Years’ resolutions. A time when overpriced flowers, mass-produced sentiments, and obligatory romance reign supreme. Because, apparently, love is now a competitive sport: Who receives the most extravagant gifts? Who wins at being the most desirable?

Trust me, I get it! Until last year – at the big old age of 21 – I was perpetually single, watching Valentine’s Day roll around like an annual reminder of that fact. And lets be honest, Valentine’s Day doesn’t exactly cater to the single crowd. For many, it’s less about love and more about questioning why we don’t have it in the first place.

Crumbling under the pressure

Now that I’m in a relationship, you’d think things would be different, but as a broke uni student and a world-class procrastinator, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t broken a slight sweat at the thought of flopping as a girlfriend. The pressure is real, and at this rate,  if I don’t start pulling something together soon, I might just have to gift my partner the one thing I can afford – mild disappointment.

The one big question is, why do we need a designated day to celebrate love when it’s something we should be cherishing all year round? I don’t want to wait for flowers on the one day a year my boyfriend’s been instructed to get them for me!

On a less bitter note…

That said, here’s the thing I’ve come to realise: Secretly, I’ve always had a soft spot for Valentine’s Day – and honestly, I always will. Shh, don’t tell anyone.

I believe every holiday should be taken with a pinch of salt. Not everyone’s Christmas’s looks the same-so why should Valentine’s? Who made up the rules that we have to conform to the cliches?

Whether it was using the day as an excuse to bake a cake for my parents, grab a sweet treat with a friend, or even treat myself to something I’ve had my eye on for a while, I’ve always embraced Valentine’s day as my own personal rom-com. Love-interest or not.

Reframing Valentines day

Yes, it’s pretty rubbish that some people need a literal day to remind them to show a little romance to their partner-but hey, we’re all human, right? A little nudge to remind someone they might’ve been slacking in the “quality time” department never hurt anyone. I’d take a hike outside the city, or a home made card from my significant other over any store-bought present.

And for those of you still not convinced, if you somehow try and ignore all the societal pressure and expectations (yes, I know-it’s easier said than done), Valentine’s Day can actually be kind of fun. Even if you love to hate it, there’s something oddly enjoyable about grabbing a drink with friends, people-watching couples, and having a rant about the whole spectacle.

So really, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a big deal! Who cares about the expectations? Use it as a chance to have some fun and embrace love however you want, on your own terms – even if that’s just embracing your love of hating Valentine’s Day.

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