The pub is better than the club. There I said it. Now, I could have left the article there because I feel as though there is little justification that I need for that statement, but that won’t cut it .
So, let me divulge why.
Firstly, it would be wrong to start this article completely biased. Yes, the club does have positives but it has to be the right time, the right place and the right vibes.
A boogie. A night out that always has a good debrief; a great place for birthdays or celebrations; or even the fact that it is purely a Wednesday.
Nonetheless, as you can see above, the club almost requires reasoning.
Yes, we all have those spontaneous nights out but they are less frequent than the ease of stating ‘sheeves?’ at 6:00 pm on a Tuesday night as your eyes droop in front of your laptop in the library.
Which is my first point of why the pub is better than the club. It’s easy, it’s convenient, it is your best friend for spontaneity.
No need for planning when you are eating dinner, pres starting or hesitating because tomorrow is a busy day. Which makes pub invites hard to decline.
This leads onto my next point: you can invite more. Why? Because there isn’t a ticket that is vulnerable to being sold out.
There isn’t the energy required to hype yourself up to hit the club. There isn’t the constraint of how many you can host at pres or fit in an uber.
Anyone can join, at any time. And anyone go as they please.
Also… there isn’t the expense of a ticket, which is frequently another excuse for friends saying ‘no’.
On the topic of expense… how expensive is the club? No I mean really. It isn’t just the ticket.
It’s the ticket plus the pres drinks, plus the uber, plus the drunk purchases for you (& friends) and plus the taco bell.
How much is the pub? Probably won’t set you back more than a club night because its more civilised and you don’t lose control of Apple Pay. Huge win if you ask me.
Furthermore, when you move out into the city after first year, you realise the variety to explore.
From old staples like Rose & Crown and Sheaves to the sophistication of Sir John Borlase or The Tap House, to the cosy and wholesome vibes found in the Organ Grinder and The Whistle & Flute.
There’s variety, and it’s hard to get bored.
You can even venture to Ragland Road if you are looking for a hybrid, which to me only further substantiates my point – pubs are better than the club.
So, besides the fact that there is the convenience, it’s cost-effective and there is variety. I believe the best way to finalise my argument is that you can actually hear your friends.
Pretty basic, I know, but what could be better than having a serious catch-up over some neck-oil or fosters.
Isn’t it also quite nice to know that there is there is the probability you are likely to remember your evening?
And to top it all off, the pub is available all day.
There is always an excuse to go to the pub. Whether it’s the weekend, sports game or post exam, it’s always open (unlike the club). Also… did I mention? I don’t believe clubs offer Sunday roasts…..
Not forgetting, those long afternoons when the British sun even decides to show for less than 10 seconds in the summer which produces side effects such as – tripping into the arms of the Rose and Crown.
Just to recap my argument: the pub is convenient, 99 per cent success rate for a ‘yes’, it’s cheap, little energy required, variety, comfort food and it’s always there.
The pub: it’s a sanctuary in the sun (or rain) away from your desk.
So with that being said, is the pub better than the club? Well, that’s up to you.
But for me, this long list of reasons and the fact that I like to be in bed by 11 pm , I will pick the pub every time.