All the Forsaken set to appear in The Wheel of Time season three and their twisted backstories

The Wheel of Time season three is back once again, and alongside a whole boatload of new characters, we’re also set to meet even more members of the Forsaken cabal. They are all seriously scary, stupid powerful, and probably as glam as the other members we’ve already met.

Who are the Forsaken in The Wheel of Time?

As it was established in season two, the Forsaken are the Dark One’s most loyal servants. They are hugely powerful channelers hailing from the age of legends and they make even the most powerful characters in the series look like mice. In the prior season, we were introduced to their leader Ishamael – rest in peace – the ever-captivating Lanfear, and finally Moghedien in the final few moments of the series.

Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson’s The Wheel of Time series is a whopping 14 books with literally thousands of pages of established lore. It’s really in-depth stuff which is why people are constantly questioning how they’re going to cram all the interesting details into succinct episodes for Amazon Prime. Of course, some things will inevitably be cut and even the Forsaken are not safe from the axe.

There were 13 Forsaken in the original books, but as we already know, not all of them made the Amazon Prime cast list for the simple reason that it would be too complicated. Nonetheless, here are the eight (including the dead Ishamael) who are set to appear and why they’re relevant.

1. Lanfear


I am very honestly a Lanfear apologist and would easily look past all of her horrific acts because of the simple fact she serves c**t in literally every scene she’s in. Lanfear can throw a fireball at me any day.

Anyways, Lanfear is perhaps one of the stronger Forsaken despite being less powerful than some of her male brethren. As the most established Forsaken member in the show we already know a great deal about her backstory but I didn’t realise that she was actually the one to free the Dark One thousands of years ago.

As her love for Rand – which is actually just her love for his past life – intensifies, Lanfear will work her magic at tearing him away from his friends. In season three we will see her tip-toeing between her love for Rand and her commitment to the shadow.

2. Moghedien


We got a few creepy seconds with Moghedien at the end of season two when she challenged Lanfear by holding her in a magical spiderweb. She will be one of the more prominent Forsaken members in season three, according to the showrunner.

Back in the age of legends three thousand years ago, Moghedien was overlooked by her peers and she turned that into her biggest strength. She operated in the shadows, much like a spy, and her manipulation tactics resulted in thousands of deaths. According to the official wiki, Moghedien is particularly talented in the world of dreams, Tel’aran’rhiod.

3. Sammael


In episode three of the newly released season, we got our first look at Sammael. Thousands of years ago he was a top general and soldier, but when control of the army was given to Rand’s previous life, Lews Therin Telamon, he threw a hissy fit and signed his soul away to the Dark One. He’s held a passionate grudge ever since and that apparently transcends lifetimes because he is out for Rand’s blood.

4. Rahvin

Masquerading as Lord Gaebril in episode two, we were introduced to insanely powerful Rahvin. He’s allegedly stronger than Lanfear and was only rivalled by Lews during the age of legends despite being a diplomat at heart. Rahvin is particularly a fan of compulsion weaves and knows how to work into his prey’s mind so you can bet on lots of horror-inducing scenes in season three of The Wheel of Time.

5. Graendal

Graendal has already been named dropped but we’re yet to see her pop up. Three thousand years ago she was a famous psychologist who specialised in healing mental disorders that even the one power could not touch.

Described as the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth, Graendal is dripping in jewels and a fan of all forms of excess. She’s basically the black widow of The Wheel of Time universe.

6. Semirhrage

Semirhrage was also mentioned but she is yet to show her face in the Amazon Prime TV show. Throughout the age of legends, she was a renowned healer but took way too much pleasure in causing people pain. After being one of the first Forsaken to sign to the shadows, Semirhrage used her knowledge of the human body for vile purposes and even her fellow Forsaken feared her for it.

7. Another mystery Forsaken is set to appear in The Wheel of Time season three

There were originally 13 members of the Forsaken, and with Ishamael now dust, that leaves Demandred, Mesaana, Balthamel, Aginor, Asmodean, and Be’lal from the original crop. All of the members play a critical role in the series, but according to long-time fans of the books, the most likely choices are Demandred and Asmodean as they both serve larger roles in Rand’s ascension to the dragon.

It’s yet to be revealed whether even more members of the Forsaken will be showcased in future seasons.

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