Aries season marks the astrological New Year — your star sign’s tarot horoscope forecast

It’s a major cosmic moment (Picture: Getty)

Aries season and Spring equinox (March 20) mark the start of Spring and the zodiac calendar, which combine to make it the perfect cosmic New Year

This is when you should be making resolutions, springing (literally) into action, and getting your 2025 goals and aspirations well underway.

The cosmic forces and seasonal energy are both perfectly primed to help you get going.

You can still get a 2025 reading with me, where we will look at the year ahead in detail. But for a little taste, let the tarot predict what lies in store for the remainder of 2025, along with a tip as to what goal you should activate now. 


March 21 to April 20

aries star sign
A year of fate and fortune (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Aries for Aries season: Three of Wands and The Moon

Meaning: The Three of Wands reveals that 2025 will unfold spontaneously, unexpectedly, and with many lucky breaks, happy accidents, fortuitous moments, and strange coincidences. Things will somehow fall apart but fall back together in an even better way – go with the unseen forces and don’t try to control things too much.

The Moon reveals your goal to activate now should be about answering the unanswered questions that are bothering or thwarting you. Research, probe, dig, ask, challenge, and analyse. Get to the bottom of what matters. You need good intel!

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

taurus star sign
No more letting your worries fester (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Taurus for Aries season: The World and Nine of Swords

Meaning: The World shows that 2025 is going to be such a turning point for you – endings which lead straight into new beginnings, a pathway forming towards what will be your ultimate achievement, a task that defines you. International travel or connections are also important.

The Nine of Swords reveals your goal to activate now should be about handling your mental wellbeing in a more proactive and expressive way. You tend to ‘bottle up’ and keep secret the things that you dread or fear. Getting them out of your head will help to lessen the pressure and turn them into tangible actions or steps to tackle.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

Learn and grow (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Gemini for Aries season: The Magician and Page of Coins

Meaning: The Magician reveals that 2025 is your year (as this card represents Gemini). Invention, creation, innovation, using your talents to make something; all of this activity will lead to reward and success. Believe in your abilities, amplify and share them, lean on them because they are the way to make your living in this life.

The Page of Coins reveals your goal to activate now should be about education. What do you need to do better, refine, learn, or understand? Knowledge is not only power but also a gateway to more and better options. Seek to fill your mind with new information and ability.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

cancer star sign
Start thinking about your dream life (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Cancer for Aries season: Six of Cups and Seven of Cups

Meaning: The Six of Cups reveals that 2025 will unfold into a very happy stroll down Memory Lane. Prepare to be beset by faces, places, and activities from your past, ones that you miss and still feel great affection for. Retrieve what was lost, mend what was broken. Get back on track with those you still want in your life.

The Seven of Cups reveals your goal to activate now should be about your imagination and fantasy life. You are a powerful seer, you have a deep and powerful imagination. Use it more fruitfully. Use it to visualise your ideal life and self. And then use that vision to create steps that will manifest that IRL. You can do this (and many cannot).

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

leo star sign
Centre stage is where you belong (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Leo for Aries season: Queen of Wands and Page of Swords

Meaning: The Queen of Wands puts you centre stage and in full main character energy this 2025! Good- just how you like it! This Queen represents Leo so you have full permission to please yourself, do exactly what works for you, and pursue your curiosities, interests, ambitions, whims, and passions to your heart’s desire. Put you first.

The Page of Swords reveals your goal to activate now should be about pressing the button on a big project, role, or side quest you’ve been umming and ahhing about for a while now. It’s time! You may never feel fully ready, you will always learn ‘on the job’ so get going and make this happen.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

virgo star sign
Ready for revelations? (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Virgo for Aries season: Seven of Swords and Three of Swords

Meaning: The Seven of Swords shows that you will find out a lot about the people in your realm this year. Some good, some bad… but all very interesting and useful. Let people show you who they really are through their actions, and then believe them. Don’t make excuses or keep forgiving poor behaviour. Act on it accordingly.

The Three of Swords reveals your goal to activate now should be to heal and process from anything that has hurt you recently. Don’t carry your wounds and woes on your back. Put them down, pick over them, take out a life lesson, take a deep breath and move on again. What you have with you is what you need. What has gone went for a good reason. Move on.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

libra star sign
It’ll all fall into place (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Libra for Aries season: Eight of Cups and The Lovers

Meaning: The Eight of Cups makes 2025 a funny old year where the best bits are actually the silver linings of things you thought were a mistake, a setback, or a loss. Anything that has gone awry recently will come good again, with the comeback way better than the original expectation. So don’t linger in regret. Everything is happening for a reason.

The Lovers reveals your goal to activate now should be about resolving a relationship issue that you’ve ruminated over, procrastinated about, and felt in two minds. Now is the time to seek clarity and an outcome. Figure out how you feel – marry up your heart and mind. And then take the next step. This has dragged on for too long.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

scorpio star sign
Step into your shadows (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Scorpio for Aries season: Five of Wands and Eight of Swords

Meaning: The Five of Wands reveals that 2025 will unfold excitedly and eventfully with lots of things going on and with you right in the midst of all of it. Ultimately, whatever feels like tension or conflict is really a sign for you to look closer and make a change. Anyone who leaves your life was meant to. Anything that looks like a fresh course of action has been brought by unseen forces and should be pursued. April, August and December are turning points.

The Eight of Swords reveals your goal to activate now should be to engage in shadow work, the process of examining and embracing the parts of your psyche that you deny, suppress or ignore. We all have a shadow self. Once embraced and understood, it can unleash a new surge of power and self esteem. Do this personal development work and feel even stronger!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

sagittarius star sign
Drink it all in (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Sagittarius for Aries season: Three of Cups and Queen of Cups

Meaning: The Three of Cups reveals that you’re going to have a blast in 2025! Live life to the max. Take chances and risks, enjoy every day, pursue things you truly want to do, travel, have fun, be outrageous, create and invent and express yourself. Life is short, we’re here for a good time not a long time!

The Queen of Cups reveals your goal to activate now should be about self care, a makeover or glow up, a healthy habit reset. You burn the candle at both ends and you need to pause and take stock of your lifestyle and how well you take care of your mind, body and spirit. Put self care higher up the list and feel good.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

capricorn star sign
Get networking (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Capricorn for Aries season: Eight of Wands and Queen of Swords

Meaning: The Eight of Wands reveals that 2025 will be all about communication, networking, socialising, and using the people you know (and will soon know) to build the life you wish to lead. It’s about who you know rather what you know, right? So build connections that work both ways and further both of your interests.

The Queen of Swords reveals your goal to activate now is an intellectual or educational solo project that is challenging but rewarding. Maybe a course, a new entrepreneurial adventure, a research project, a writing or creative task, a new skill. Whatever it is, you do it alone but that suits you. It puts you in flow and could lead you into new opportunities.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

AQUARIUS star sign
Invest in yourself and the causes you care about (Picture: Getty/

Tarot cards for Aquarius for Aries season: Ace of Coins and Justice

Meaning: The Ace of Coins makes 2025 a pivotal year in terms of planting new seeds that will to fruition throughout 2025 and into 2026. Health, wealth, work and home are the focus. You are building and improving and repairing those foundations of your life. You are making changes that promise you a better future. Invest wisely.

Justice reveals your goal to activate now should be about doing the right thing, being ethical, pursuing a moral or humanitarian goal that you believe in and will make you feel valued if you do it. Raising awareness, fundraising, community projects, helping the vulnerable, challenging a structure, righting a wrong. Get to work.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

pisces star sign
Where will you go? (Picture: Getty/

Tarot card for Pisces for Aries season: Temperance and The Chariot

Meaning: Temperance reveals that 2025 will bring much-needed and precious peace, harmony and balance into your realm. Things that felt out of kilter or at an extreme angle will return to the stable centre and become so much easier to manage. Everything will settle down and you will feel grounded and strong, secure in your life and home. It’s all about balance.

The Chariot reveals your goal to activate now should be about location – this could be about an amazing holiday idea, a new home or even change of location altogether, a different workplace, a new vehicle or mode of transport, or simply starting a schedule of exciting outings and trips to new places. New landscape = new energy.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King has been reading, teaching and creating tarot for 30 years. Join her magical, exclusive Tarot Club for forecasts, predictions, lessons and readings straight to your inbox. Enjoy one month free for all Metro readers (no lock-in or commitment) over on Patreon.

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