
‘He was my first love’ – Eric Omondi’s ex-Italian girlfriend Chantal reveals

Chantal Juliet Grazioli, the ex-girlfriend of Kenyan veteran comedian Eric Omondi, has for the first time shared insights into their relationship. Speaking during a candid interview with Oga Obbina on Monday, February 18, 2025, Chantal revealed that she began dating Omondi during her teenage years, adding that they first met at an event she was […]

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RPSC RAS 2024 Vacancy Increase Notice

RPSC RAS / RTS 2024 Vacancy Increase Notice Author: Sarkari Exam Team Tag: Graduate Job Short Information : Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released the Pre Answer Key for the Data Entry Operator (DEO) Post on 26 January 2025. This recruitment has been issued for 733 posts. Applications for RPSC RAS / RTS Recruitment ... Read more

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‘My friends laughed at my bizarre drunk injury but then doctors gave me two years to live,’ says mum, 32

A MUM who was carried home when her foot “bent outwards” on a night out was laughed at for being “too drunk” – until it turned out to be a bizarre terminal cancer symptom.

Jade Collett was only 22 when she was on a night out with friends and began experiencing strange symptoms in her right foot.

Woman with terminal cancer wearing a leg brace.
Kennedy News
Jade Collett was on a night out with friends when she started experiencing symptoms in her right foot[/caption]
Woman's feet in striped socks, showing a foot turned outwards.
Kennedy News
She noticed her right foot had turned slightly outwards and gone completely numb[/caption]
Brain MRI scan showing a tumor.
Kennedy News
When her symptoms persisted, she visited her GP who sent her for an MRI scan and further tests – it was then it was discovered Jade had a brain tumour[/caption]

The 32-year-old says she noticed it had turned slightly outwards and gone completely numb, forcing the mum-of-one to be carried home due to the pain.

Despite her friends laughing her ailment off as “being too drunk”, Jade grew more concerned when her symptoms persisted the following day.

Jade, who lives in Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire, visited her GP who sent her for an MRI scan and further testing.

The results revealed that Jade had a brain tumour in her motor cortex, which was affecting mobility in her foot, and she had just two years to live.

Devastated, Jade began planning her own funeral and preparing herself to say goodbye to her one-year-old daughter Grace.

However, nine years after her terminal cancer diagnosis, Jade is continuing to defy doctors’ predictions who “cannot explain” why her tumour remains the same size.

Now, Jade credits her unusual foot symptom for helping save her life by catching her hidden cancer early.

Jade, who is unable to work due to her tumour, said: “I was on a night out with my friends then all of a sudden my foot started to turn outwards a little bit.

“I had hip dysplasia during my pregnancy so thought it was something to do with that or I’d twinged a nerve.

“Everyone thought it was a pinched nerve. It didn’t cross my mind that it could be something sinister.

“When we walked into town, it was hurting but a few hours in I couldn’t even put my foot on the ground it was hurting that much. I had to be carried home.

“All my friends thought I was drunk and just laughed it off.

“But the next day I still couldn’t put my foot on the ground and it felt really numb.”

Jade was sent for an MRI scan after visiting her local GP, which revealed that she had a brain tumour and would need further testing.

Jade said: “I just froze. I didn’t even talk or cry. I was just sitting in the car silent thinking what is going on?

“I remember balling my eyes out crying saying ‘I’m going to die’. Grace wasn’t even one yet.

I remember balling my eyes out crying saying ‘I’m going to die’

Jade Collett

“They told me the fact my foot turned outwards was really lucky because not that many people get that symptom. And I didn’t have any other symptoms.”

A biopsy confirmed that Jade had Grade 4 Glioblastoma – the most aggressive type of cancer which originates in the brain.

Jade said: “The only thing I thought about was Grace. I asked how long I had and he told me two years max.

“They said it’s inoperable because if they attempted to remove it, I would be disabled.

“They would give me treatment but it was just to keep me stable and prolong my life.”

Defying the odds

After undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Jade was “waiting around to die” but continues to defy doctors’ two-year prognosis.

Jade, whose foot still has the bend in it and is still numb, said: “I found it hard going past the second year because I felt like I was waiting around to die. I felt like I couldn’t plan ahead and was in limbo.

“I’ve got a will and had a whole funeral planned, it’s all ready. I never thought I’d have to plan my own funeral at 22.

“But I’ve always wanted to keep going for Grace. I feel so lucky and just thought I’m going to carry on with my life.

“Since having my treatment nine years ago, I haven’t had any more treatment and I’m still here.

“Doctors have no idea what’s going on and they’ve called me a miracle. They have no answers and are gobsmacked I’m still here and so healthy.

Woman in blue dress holding a baby.
Kennedy News
A biopsy confirmed that Jade had Grade 4 Glioblastoma – the most aggressive type of cancer which originates in the brain – and the only thing she thought about was her daughter Grace[/caption]
Woman with short hair sitting on a bed.
Kennedy News
Doctors couldn’t remove Jade’s tumour, but she’s undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy[/caption]
Woman with shaved head during cancer treatment.
Kennedy News
She continues to defy doctors’ two-year prognosis[/caption]

“I’m just really grateful and feel so lucky. I think this happens to less than one per cent of people who last as long as me with this type of tumour.

“My foot definitely saved my life. I’m very glad my foot did this because I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

“Every day I get I’m super grateful.”

The most common symptoms of a brain tumour

More than 12,000 Brits are diagnosed with a primary brain tumour every year — of which around half are cancerous — with 5,300 losing their lives.

The disease is the most deadly cancer in children and adults aged under 40, according to the Brain Tumour Charity.

Brain tumours reduce life expectancies by an average of 27 years, with just 12 per cent of adults surviving five years after diagnosis.

There are two main types, with non-cancerous benign tumours growing more slowly and being less likely to return after treatment.

Cancerous malignant brain tumours can either start in the brain or spread there from elsewhere in the body and are more likely to return.

Brain tumours can cause headachesseizuresnausea, vomiting and memory problems, according to the NHS.

They can also lead to changes in personality weakness or paralysis on one side of the problem and problems with speech or vision.

The nine most common symptoms are:

  1. Headaches
  2. Seizures
  3. Feeling sick
  4. Being sick
  5. Memory problems
  6. Change in personality
  7. Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body
  8. Vision problems
  9. Speech problems

If you are suffering any of these symptoms, particularly a headache that feels different from the ones you normally get, you should visit your GP.

Source: NHS

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I was touched by my neighbour’s thoughtful gifts – then he turned ‘serial killer’ & prowled at my door clutching a drill

PULLING up the blinds, Kelly Crosskey closed her eyes as she felt the warmth of the sunlight flooding into her flat. 

It had only been a week since she’d moved into her new place but already she felt right at home.

Woman holding a bottle of water.
Kelly Crosskey was thrilled when she moved into a flat of her own at 28
Man holding a fan of fifty-pound notes.
However, she wasn’t expecting so many visits from her downstairs neighbour Darren Cartwright

The block was mostly made up of council apartments but a few were privately rented and Kelly’s was one of those.

“I was 28 and it was the first flat I’d rented on my own and I couldn’t believe my luck,” Kelly, now 32, says.

“It was really quite beautiful.”

As Kelly prepared to go to work as a regional manager in recruitment, she bumped into her new neighbour Darren Cartwright, loitering in the communal hallway.

“I said good morning to him and he said it back,” she recalls.

“But walking past Darren I felt uneasy. 

“He lived in the apartment directly below me and although he was friendly enough, he seemed a bit odd.

“I was pretty sure he didn’t work and I couldn’t think of any reason he’d be in the lobby at that time in the morning.

“But recently, I’d noticed that when I popped out, Darren would conveniently appear so I’d have to interact with him.”

Trying to be polite, Kelly, of Chichester, West Sussex, continued to be cordial with Cartwright.

“I got the impression that Darren had lived in the flat for a long time though and I didn’t want to get on the wrong side of my new neighbours,” she admits.

For the first six months, Kelly’s new home was everything she hoped it would be.

However, as time went on she found that things with Cartwirght became increasingly odd.

“I’d often find Darren busying himself in the hall outside his flat when I was coming or going,” Kelly says.

“But now, he began finding vague reasons to pop upstairs to mine. 

“He found a small link to a bracelet or a necklace and came to my flat to ask if it was mine.

“It looked old and tattered, not like something that had been gleaming on the ground for Darren to rescue. Either way, it wasn’t mine.

“I told him it wasn’t mine and was relieved when I heard him padding back downstairs.

Hallway with door and wall-mounted box.
Cartwright’s flat was on the ground floor and Kelly couldn’t avoid walking past it
Portrait of Kelly Crosskey.
She tried to be cordial to him, but when he asked her to be in a relationship things took a frightening turn
A masked person in a hallway wearing blue shoe covers.
On one terrifying occassion he turned up at her door in a Halloween mask

“The truth was, Darren gave me the creeps.”

Then a few days later, Cartwright knocked on the door once again, this time offering Kelly a houseplant he’d been growing.

“He told me he’d given one to everyone in the building so I thanked him and told him it was kind of him,” she says.

“I put the plant on the windowsill in the kitchen, it was a sweet gesture but I couldn’t shake the feeling that Darren was just fishing for any excuse to knock on my door.

“His haunting face and psycho eyes sent chills down my spine and I wished he’d just leave me in peace.

And to Kelly’s horror things began to escalate.

“He appeared at my door one day and asked me whether I wanted to be in a relationship completely out of the blue,” she says.

“I’d barely said two words to the man who was 14 years older than me and looked like a dishevelled down and out.”

But it didn’t put Cartwright off.

“He told me it would be an exclusive relationship so we couldn’t see anyone else, but it would be platonic so we wouldn’t have sex,” Kelly says.

“It was crazy. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but Darren was deadly serious.

“I told him that it definitely wasn’t going to happen and closed the door but I had a horrible feeling this wasn’t going to be the end of it.”

And Kelly was right.

She claims that Cartwright started playing loud music downstairs and began crashing and banging around his flat.

Next, she says he began bombarding her with terrifying texts and messages on Facebook

“He’d got my number from my next door neighbour who I’d swapped details with in case my alarm went off while I was away or at work,” she says.

“I was cross with him for giving out my details but Darren was intimidating and despite being an oddball he held a strange sway amongst the tenants.

“Darren told me I’d hurt his feelings and he wanted me to feel as bad as he did.

“It was unbelievable. Darren was behaving as if I’d jilted him after we’d been in an intense relationship and I’d had enough of the madness.”

Kelly decided to confront Cartwright.

“I’d tried being polite, it was time to change tack,” she says.

“I told him we could pretend it never happened and that we could be civil.”

But Kelly says that her pleas fell on deaf ears.

What to do if you are being stalked

By Emma Kenny, true crime physiologist

Whether the signals are subtle or glaring, trust your instincts. Keep records of suspicious incidents, inform people you trust, and don’t hesitate to reach out for professional and legal help if you believe you’re in danger.

Your safety is paramount, no one has the right to make you feel unsafe in your own life. Stalking is illegal.

If you think you are in danger or being stalked, report it to the police immediately – you have a right to feel safe in your home and workplace.

Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger.

You can get advice from the National Stalking Helpline.

National Stalking Helpline
Telephone: 0808 802 0300
Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4pm (except Wednesday 9:30am to 8pm) National Stalking Helpline
Find out about call charges

“Darren would appear in the hallway any time I left the flat and I knew he was monitoring my movements,” she says.

“He screamed and shouted abuse at me and when I swore I could smell him, I even worried that he’d gained access to my flat.

“It all got too much and I installed a Ring doorbell camera and I told Darren to ‘just f*** off’ the next time I saw him.”

On edge, Kelly reported Cartwight’s campaign of harassment to the police.

“I showed the policeman the sinister voicemails, texts and Facebook messages Darren had sent,” she says.

“But I worried he didn’t take me seriously and it didn’t seem like there was much the police could do.

“The officer told me that stalking cases were highly unusual between people who weren’t in a relationship.

“But Darren himself had told me he thought he suffered from schizophrenia and I worried he’d deluded himself that we were in some kind of relationship.

“I felt trapped, a prisoner in my own home.”

Three months after Cartwright’s unwanted attention began, Kelly received a notification from her Ring Doorbell telling her someone was at her door.

“Staring at the image from the doorbell camera, I noticed that the first time Darren appeared he was holding a drill,” Kelly recalls.

“He sniffed around a bit before going back downstairs. My heart hammered in my chest but my relief was short lived.

“Because moments later, Darren appeared at my door again. This time, he looked directly at my camera, scoping the place and plotting his next move.”

Terrified, Kelly called the police once again. Responders told her to stay on the phone while they sent round back up.

But a visit from the police didn’t stop Cartwright, who appeared a third time at Kelly’s door.

She says: “I’d never been so scared in my life. 

“He was wearing what can only be described as a serial killer outfit, complete with Halloween mask and clutching a drill.

“Thankfully, the police showed up in numbers and stormed the hallway. 

“Darren claimed he hadn’t done anything wrong as he was arrested.”

Two months later, Darren Cartwright appeared at Brighton Magistrates Court where he denied stalking involving serious alarm and distress and the case was adjourned for summary trial.

He was found guilty and remanded in Lewes Prison before he was slapped with a 10-year restraining order.

But while her stalker had been put away, the horror of the events had tainted Kelly’s dream home for her.

“I was so terrified, I moved out and built a mobile home,” she says.

“I want to be able to move around if I need to and I still suffer from nightmares.

“Darren was the neighbour from hell and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day he arrived on my doorstep dressed like something from a horror movie.

“But I’m the star of my own life and I refuse to live in fear.

“I won’t let that masked madman beat me.”

Woman sitting on a large tree branch.
Kelly is now too terrifed to live in a permanent residence

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Who is Gabby Petito’s ex-boyfriend Jackson?

JUST days before she was murdered by her abusive fiancé Brian Laundrie, Gabby Petito told her ex-boyfriend Jackson of her plans to escape the monster’s clutches.

Here’s everything we know about Jackson, who is featured in the docuseries American Murder: Gabby Petito, which delves into the tragic final days of the influencer’s life.

Close-up of Jackson from American Murder: Gabby Petito.
© 2025 Netflix, Inc.
Jackson is Gabby Petito’s ex-boyfriend[/caption]
Woman standing in front of a painted mural of large colorful wings.
Instagram / Gabby Petito
Before her tragic murder, Gabby Petito was a social media influencer[/caption]

Who is Gabby Petito’s ex-boyfriend Jackson?

Jackson dated Gabby Petito for about a year before she started her ill-fated relationship with Brian Laundrie.

As the investigation into Gabby’s disappearance progressed, Laundrie went into hiding before becoming a person of interest in the case.

He ultimately took his own life before being brought to justice.

In Netflix’s American Murder: Gabby Petito, Jackson shares his perspective on Gabby’s situation, as well as his interactions with Gabby in the days leading up to her murder.

The series also includes the first-ever interview with Jackson, as well as previously unseen texts, diary entries, and footage from family and friends.

Jackson said Gabby texted him one night while she was separated from Laundrie on their four-month journey across the US.

After cops were called on the couple in a disturbing domestic violence incident in Moab, Utah, on August 12, 2021, Laundrie flew back to Florida for a few days

On August 22, 2021, Gabby wrote in a message to Jackson: “Hey, I’m sure I’m the last person on the planet you want to hear from.

“I would really love to talk to you. I’m only alone until tomorrow.”

Jackson told docuseries creators Julia Willoughby Nason and Michael Gasparro that they wound up talking with each other for hours.

Gabby even expressed her desire to get away from her abusive fiancé.

Jackson said: “She was like, ‘I have a plan. I think I want to leave him. I’m gonna do it. I have to figure out when to do it.’

“And that’s when I was kind of like, ‘What are you talking about? What do you mean you have a plan?’

“From the sound of her voice and the way she was saying it, I think that she, like, wasn’t sure what he would do or what he could do.

“I think she was wanting to get away, but just didn’t know how to do it.”

She was like, ‘I have a plan. I think I want to leave him. I’m gonna do it. I have to figure out when to do it

JacksonAmerican Murder: Gabby Petito, Netflix

On August 27, 2021, Jackson heard from Gabby for the last time — she told him she was thinking of him on her trip.

Jackson said: “Gabby Snapchatted me, ‘Hey, I’m in Jackson Hole and it reminded me of you.

“Later in the day, I had gotten a phone call from her. I was at work and unable to answer it.”

“Maybe if I did answer that phone call, I could have helped or there could have been a different outcome.”

How to watch American Murder: Gabby Petito

American Murder: Gabby Petito dropped on Netflix on Monday, February 17, 2025.

Exploring the sad story of Gabby’s disappearance and death, the docuseries is made up of three parts.

The show features interviews with her loved ones, who reveal the untold story behind her tragic murder.

If you or someone you know is affected by any of the issues raised in this story, call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988, chat on, or text Crisis Text Line at 741741.

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I went to Thailand & decided to move here – rent is £408 with a pool & restaurants are so cheap I NEVER have to cook

A WOMAN has revealed her monthly expenses after ditching the UK to start a new chapter in Thailand.

Janelle Ciara visited the picturesque Southeast Asian country last Christmas – but the three-week trip has now been extended for a whole year after Janelle decided to sign a year contract for a new apartment in Thailand.

Woman answering question about rent cost.
Janelle decided to stay in Thailand to start a new chapter after visiting the country during Christmas last year
Apartment tour by the pool.
After falling in love with the ‘amazing energy’ Thailand offers, Janelle had a quick look on Facebook Marketplace where she found a stunning one-bedroom apartment[/caption]
Longtail boats in Phi Phi Island, Thailand.
The blonde stunner is currently based in Phuket[/caption]

Explaining why, Janelle told TikTok users that she’s just one of those people ”that just do random as f**k s**t” – and the unexpected move to Thailand was one of them.

”I hadn’t taken a risk for a while, I haven’t done anything crazy for a while, so this is what I’ve done,” she chuckled.

”I actually came to Thailand in 2023 and I stayed here for about three months and I absolutely loved it. But then I went back home.

”This time, I landed on Christmas Day and I was like ‘Why am I going back home?’,” said the ”digital nomad” who works as a content creator.

After falling in love with the ”amazing energy” Thailand offers, Janelle had a quick look on Facebook Marketplace – where she soon found a stunning apartment.

According to the blonde stunner, she pays around £408 every month to cover the rent – which is almost £600 less than she would have to fork out for a place in her city in the UK.

The gorgeous one-bedroom flat is one of the many in a posh apartment complex which features a co-working space, an outdoor pool, as well as a beautiful garden.

”I just cannot believe how cheap it is,” the travelling fan told fellow social media users.

”You pay for your electric and water separately, but water is around £3 a month and electric, depending on how much aircon and stuff you use, I’m probably gonna be looking at around £40 a month.

”It is so cheap to live here – and this is literally one of the reasons why I’m going to be living in Thailand,” said Janelle who is currently based in Phuket.

Showing off her apartment in the sunny country, Janelle said that the security outside the complex ”is high” – and if your name is not on the list, you will not be permitted entrance.

Once inside, residents can use the stunning co-working space which comes with free Wi-Fi, as well as massage chairs that are free to use when you fancy to relax a bit.

”It does get really busy here because I feel like everyone is working online now,” said Janelle who added the space also features a free coffee machine for that energy boost.

The complex also boasts an onsite gym – but although it is rather small, the equipment is more than perfect for cardio bunnies.

”As I said, security is really tight. I cannot get onto any other floor other than the floor that I live on with my keycard,” she told TikTok viewers in a recent video.

How easy is it to move abroad?

Brexit means British citizens now have to apply for visas to move to countries within the EU. While some countries residency restrictions are easier than others, here's what you need to do at home before moving:

  • Notify HMRC about your upcoming move.
  • Let your local authority know and provide a forwarding address.
  • Contact your mortgage and utility providers and bank before leaving.
  • If you have paid enough UK national insurance contributions, you can qualify for a state pension abroad – contact the International Pension Centre.
  • You can sign up to the Royal Mail’s redirection service.
  • If you have outstanding student loans, contact the Student Loans Centre.
  • If you have children, give due notice to childcares and schools.

Sharing what her new apartment looked like, Janelle admitted that she did have to get used to it.

”Going from living in a three-bedroom, three-bathroom house to this tiny little apartment was definitely a culture shock.

”But in Thailand, I feel like unless you’ve got a villa, the spaces are really small.

”It is compact – but it does have everything you need. The tiny kitchen is never going to be used by me because in Thailand you literally eat out all the time.

”It is so cheap to eat out – why would you cook?”

‘I’m outta here’

Janelle’s video has clearly inspired many to chase their dreams and leave the UK for a cheaper live elsewhere.

One viewer revealed their epic plans, writing: ”Can relate. 4 weeks on Cyprus at Christmas. Sorting my visa and accommodation. I’m outta here.”

”This is what you call living life,” another wrote.

Someone else chimed in: ”Did the same thing as you, but with Barcelona. A year later and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. Hope you have an incredible time.”

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Molly-Mae’s makeup artist reveals exact products she used for her Baftas glam – there’s a 90p Primark buy & a £12 serum

MOLLY-MAE Hague’s makeup artist has revealed the exact products behind her Baftas glam.

So if you were left stunned by the influencer’s flawless skin when she graced the red carpet on Sunday night, then you’ve come to the right place.

Close-up of Molly-Mae Hague's makeup look.
Molly-Mae Hague’s makeup artist has revealed the list of products she used for her Baftas glam[/caption]
Woman in black dress posing in front of fireplace.
From a 90p beauty bag essential to the £12 serum that ensures skin looks glowy and bright – you’ll need to pay attention if you want to look fabulous[/caption]
Garnier Skin Naturals Micellar Cleansing Water bottle.
Hollie swore by Garnier’s Micellar Cleansing Water to ensure the influencer’s skin was red carpet ready[/caption]
L'Oréal Paris True Match Nude Plumping Tinted Serum, shade 7-8 Tan - Deep.
She also used the L’Oreal Paris Tinted serum, which contains hyaluronic acid[/caption]

According to Hollie Flynn, the professional makeup artist behind the Maebe founder’s Bafta look, she used a 90p Primark essential and a £12 serum to ensure the mum-of-one, 25, looked glowy for the posh event.

Posting on social media, Hollie gave a list of the 16 products she used on Molly-Mae’s face, including the iconic Micellar Water from Garnier.

The much-loved Cleansing Water is a beauty staple loved by many and it’s perfect for cleansing and removing makeup.

And if you haven’t got any in your beauty bag, you’ll be thrilled to know that you’ll find it for just 90p for a travel size 100ml bottle from Primark. 

Whilst Hollie used the cheap staple to prep this YouTuber’s skin for the event, she also used some posh buys that Molly-Mae loves.

For Molly-Mae’s eyes, Hollie applied the Kiehl’s Avocado Eye Cream and she also used the Master Mattes Eyeshadow Palette from Makeup by Mario, as well as the Made by Mitchell Wingstop Eyeliner.

For the Filter founder’s skin, Hollie used the iconic Tatcha Dewy Skin Cream, but don’t worry if you can’t afford it, as bargain hunters will be pleased to know that Home Bargains have recently dropped a £3.99 almost identical dupe that beauty fans are raving about.

Not only this, but to achieve a natural, glowy skin look, instead of using a heavy foundation, Hollie opted for a serum that you can nab from Amazon for just £12.

Thanks to the L’Oreal Paris Tinted serum, which contains hyaluronic acid and leaves skin looking plumped and fresh, Molly-Mae’s face looked glowy and bright, without breaking the bank

As well as this, to ensure the Love Island icon turned businesswoman was red carpet ready, Hollie used MERIT Flush Balm Cream and the MERIT Bronze Balm, as well as the Makeup by Mario SoftSculpt Bronzing Serum.

In addition to this, Hollie also used a Natasha Denona concealer and wispy false eyelashes from Ardell Beauty.

But that’s not all, as this makeup pro also used the YSL All Hours Hyperbronze and the Dior Rosy Glow Blush to ensure the blonde beauty looked fabulous when she posed up a storm.

Molly-Mae's glow-down from ‘glamour model’ to ‘yummy mummy’

Celebrity PR Expert, Ed Hopkins told Fabulous: “I believe Molly-Mae Hague‘s new look is more than just a style change but a powerful statement of who she is becoming. 

“It underscores her journey towards authenticity, maturity, and sophistication and is likely to enhance her success and influence in the years to come.”

Brand and Culture Expert Nick Ede agreed, and told Fabulous: “Molly-Mae has transformed herself into a yummy mummy who has ditched the glamour model style for a more relaxed and natural look. 

“She’s becoming more down to earth and relatable to people and cleverly showing a softer side which will win her legions more fans in the process.”  

According to Ed Hopkins, Molly-Mae’s chic new look could be “highly lucrative” for the star.

Ed told Fabulous: “Molly-Mae Hague’s transformation towards a more natural, chic look seems to be a testament to her personal growth and evolving style. 

“This change, which has become more pronounced since she became a mother, appears to reflect her journey towards embracing authenticity and sophistication.

“It’s possible that this new image could be highly lucrative for Molly-Mae. 

“Her chic, understated style might appeal to a wider audience, including more mature demographics and high-end brands, potentially opening up lucrative endorsement deals and partnerships. 

“By adopting a more elegant look, she seems to align herself with premium and luxury brands that favour natural beauty and sophistication, which could lead to higher-paying collaborations. 

“Additionally, with consumers increasingly valuing authenticity and natural beauty, her new image could be both timely and marketable.”

Nick Ede agreed and told Fabulous: “She has started to promote some really great luxury brands including the cosmetics brand Tatcha and with her laid back look she will make a lot of money from brands looking to align with her.” 

Ed also noted that Molly-Mae’s transformation may be a sign that she is looking to step away from her reality show past.

He continued: “Molly-Mae’s transformation also seems to symbolise her desire even more so to well and truly step out of the shadow of her Love Island persona. 

“The shift to a more mature and unique style appears to demonstrate her growth and her wish to be seen as an individual beyond her reality TV beginnings.

“By shedding the bold, flashy look associated with her time on Love Island, she might be rebranding herself as a serious businesswoman and influencer who is carving out her own identity. 

“This new look helps her stand out in the crowded influencer market, showcasing her as a trendsetter with a distinctive, refined aesthetic.”

Nick agreed and claimed: “Shedding the flash looks she previously went for, she’s also detaching herself from the Love Island stereotype and stepping out as her own person with a cool look that’s not flashy but totally on trend. 

“Gone are the ‘look at me’ posts and in are family style posts and trend led fashion statements.” 

And for the content creator’s lips, Hollie swore by the MERIT Bespoke Lip Pencil, as well as the Victoria Beckham Beauty Lip Pencil in the shade 02 and the Armani beauty Power Matte Lipstick in the shade 111. 

Beauty fans were left gobsmacked with Molly-Mae’s red carpet makeup look and many eagerly flocked to the comments to express this.

Gorgeous look

TikTok user

One person said: “Omg I was wondering who did this glam! This is stunning.” 

Another added: “Gorgeous look.” 

A third commented: “Think [this is] my fav glam on Molly you’ve done yet!!!” 

Unlock even more award-winning articles as The Sun launches brand new membership programme – Sun Club

Molly-Mae Hague at the EE BAFTA Film Awards.
Social media users were stunned by the mother’s Bafta look[/caption]

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Former Radio 1 star unrecognisable with new beard – can you guess who he is?

A FORMER Radio 1 star looked unrecognisable after showing off a new beard.

The 50-year-old took to Instagram to reveal his new look – and some fans compared him to Hollywood hunk George Clooney.

Chris Moyles  beard
Chris took to Instagram to show off his new beard
EDITORIAlL USE ONLY / NO MERCHANDISING Mandatory Credit: Photo by Ken McKay/REX/Shutterstock (1251181c) Chris Moyles 'This Morning' TV Programme, London, Britain. - 22 Nov 2010 CHRIS MOYLES Chris Moyles is here to tell us about the 3rd series of 'Chris Moyles Quiz Night'
The radio star has shown off a huge transformation in recent years
Chris Moyles is evicted from the jungle. I'm a Celebrity get me out of here.
Chris was an I’m a Celebrity campmate in 2022

And Chris Moyles had his questioned answered immediately when he asked followers if he should keep the beard.

One wrote: “Not normally a beard loving girl but it’s a really good one and beautifully groomed.”

Someone else said: “There isn’t a bloke on Earth that doesn’t look better with a bit of face fur!”

And a third added: “Thought I was following George Clooney on insta for a moment.”

Chris has shown off a complete body overhaul in recent years, dropping from 18st to a much healthier 12.

The former I’m a Celebrity star – who quit Radio 1 in 2012 – and later said of his decision to get fit: “I’m getting older. If I don’t keep fit I will be dead by the time I am 50.”

Since 2015 Chris has hosted a show on Radio X and he took part in I’m a Celeb in 2022.

His jungle campmates included Coronation Street’s Sue Cleaver, Hollyoaks star Owen Warner and series champ Jill Scott.

Chris reportedly landed an eye-watering £250,000 pay day for his time on the show.

But he later joked that even the huge amount wasn’t enough for what he went through.

When Irish comedian Jason Bryne appeared on Chris’ show, he told him: “We were all plugging for you in Ireland.”

Jason added: “You couldn’t hear us, though, screaming we were, for Chris Moyles.”

And Chris quipped: “I couldn’t hear you because of the voices in my head that were so loud saying, ‘why did you agree to do this, no amount of money is worth this’.”

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