
Fight the frizz like Kate Middleton with hairstylist’s top rainy day beauty hack

WHEN Kate Middleton steps out for an engagement, her hair is always flawless—rain or shine.  

Last week, the Princess of Wales, 43, visited the women’s prison HMP Styal near Wilmslow in Cheshire to meet pregnant inmates and mothers of babies born behind bars.  

The Princess of Wales visiting a mother and baby unit.
The Princess of Wales visiting a mother and baby unit[/caption]
The Princess of Wales visiting a mother and baby unit.
She braved the cold winds and rain[/caption]
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, leaving HMP Send.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, leaving HMP Send[/caption]

Despite braving gusty winds and heavy rain, Kate looked effortlessly chic in a tailored, chequered coat that fell to her ankles, paired with heeled boots

But what truly stole the show was her immaculate hair, which remained perfectly in place despite the challenging weather.  

This isn’t the first time Kate’s hair has stood up to the unpredictable Great British weather.

And now, Johan Hellström, CEO of Björn Axén – a brand awarded the Royal Warrant to the Swedish Court in 1984 – has shared his expert tips for achieving weatherproof hair like Kate’s.  

“Waterproofing your hairstyle is always a top priority before any event, whether official or private,” Johan explains.  

“When working with celebrities or members of the Royal Family, especially in humid conditions, I often opt for sleek and structured hairstyles. 

“For a rainy day, styles like a sleek ponytail or an updo are always a safe choice.”  

For those who prefer wearing their hair down, Johan stresses the importance of preparation.

It’s key to use the right styling products both at the roots and through the lengths of the hair.

For example, apply volume mousse throughout and use a saltwater spray at the roots before blow-drying or styling. 

Once you’re done, don’t shy away from hairspray – apply it generously.

“Many people worry about using too much hairspray, but with a high-quality product, layering lightly instead of applying a heavy coat ensures it’s still easy to brush out later,” he adds.  

“To combat frizz, Johan recommends creating a protective barrier on the hair.” 

“Use styling creams, like the leave-in products from our Anti-Frizz range, to shield the hair. 

Added protection

“And if you’re going to be active, dry shampoo is a must – apply it before exercising to absorb moisture and keep your hair looking fresh for longer.”  

For added protection, Johan also suggests incorporating accessories.

He says: “A stylish hat or silk scarf is always a great option. Not only does a scarf prevent frizz, but it also helps maintain a smooth finish, keeping your look photo-ready.”  

For those seeking simplicity, Johan advises opting for hairstyles that are easy to maintain, starting with a glossy, low bun.  

The Princess of Wales and another woman under a Wimbledon umbrella.
The Princess of Wales leaves court under an umbrella at 2023 Wimbledon[/caption]
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, arriving for a visit.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge arrives for a visit to the Rehabilitation of Addicted Prisoners Trust at HMP Send on September 25, 2015[/caption]

“This style works for any occasion, especially if you’re wearing a hat or headpiece,” he says.

“You can style it with or without a parting, low or higher up – it’s a classic choice we often see on the runway.”  

Another go-to look is a sleek ponytail with a centre parting for a polished yet bold aesthetic.

“This style holds up well in humid weather while still looking incredibly elegant,” Johan shares.  

For a more modern twist, Johan suggests embracing the wet look, which is both trendy and practical. 

“A wet look not only shields against moisture but also camouflages raindrops,” he explains.

“A versatile gel product, like our Salt Water Gel, is perfect for achieving this style.” 

Kate Middleton's 'Youthful' Eyebrow Trick

AMY Bates, make-up artist and founder of shares how Kate Middleton's beauty tricks...

Many people experience eyebrow thinning as they get older – but Kate’s have done the opposite.

The Princess opts for a fuller look, which gives her a more youthful appearance.

Amy Bates, hair stylist, make-up artist and founder of, says: “If you have lines and wrinkles under the eye, the right brows can draw attention away from that area and make it less noticeable.

“In her younger years, Kate’s brows were thin and heavily plucked but now they are growing back thicker.

“I imagine a specialist has helped her using a technique such as HD Brows, where the natural brows are tinted and shaped.”

And she also appears to have ditched harsher eyeliner too.

Amy says: “Kate is still wearing eyeliner but it is much softer and not too dark. She now prefers smoky brown and bronze hues, which are more flattering.

“Thick lines can make people look older and Kate understands this.”

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Turkish toyboy broke my heart and left me in £18,000 debt at 42… if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone

Woman in pink dress next to a photo of herself with a man.

SIPPING a cocktail in a lively bar on her hols in Turkey, Lisa Dudley locks eyes with the handsome barman who makes a beeline for her.

He sits down next to her and holds up the drinks menu — not to take her order, but to hide their faces as they kiss.

Woman with blonde hair smiling while hugging a man whose face is blurred.
Tell and Sell Stories
After a ‘charming’ Turkish barman broke her heart and left her in crippling debt, Lisa Dudley warns it can happen to anyone[/caption]
Woman in pink dress standing in hallway.
Lorna Roach
Lisa’s story shines a light on the dangers of holiday romances[/caption]

After being single for ten years, Lisa had found the spark she’d been searching for, and it was like they’d known each other for ever.

But this clinch in Icmeler, Marmaris, was not the start of a fairytale. It was the beginning of a nightmare that would destroy her trust in men, trigger terrifying anxiety and leave her buried under a mountain of debt.

Lisa is a victim of holiday romance fraud, a crime that has risen by nearly 60 per cent since 2020.

In the past year, more than £70million has been taken from victims, with data from Lloyds Bank revealing those aged 65 to 74 lose the most money.

‘Just my type’

Lisa’s story shines a light on the dangers of holiday romances. Her ordeal began when she travelled to Turkey in June last year to celebrate her cousin’s 60th birthday.

On a night out, soon after they had arrived in the country, a young barman came to take their orders . . . and Lisa drank him in.

The personal assistant, who had failed to find love on dating apps such as Bumble and Hinge, says: “He was gorgeous and just my type, so I was excited when he started chatting me up.

“We even shared a secret kiss.”

The barman introduced himself as Sam, aged 34, and at the end of the night he and Lisa swapped numbers.

The following day, she went back to see Sam and the pair headed to Sam’s flat, which he rented by the night.

Lisa says: “The sex was great, making emotional connection even stronger. It does sound crazy but it felt like love at first sight.”

A few days later, Sam messaged saying he could not afford his rent.

He asked Lisa for £3,000 so he could get a place big enough for the two of them, so she could stay whenever she visited.

She says: “I trusted him to pay me back, so I transferred £3,000 of my savings. I was slightly nervous. I’d read about romance scams before but it wasn’t like there was a big age gap between us or that he was out of my league. I was convinced what we had was real.”

Two days later, Lisa’s ten-day trip came to an end.

She says: “Sam kissed me goodbye and told me he loved me. I was surprised he’d said it so soon, but on the plane home, I couldn’t stop crying. This was no holiday fling. I’d fallen for him.”

Back in the UK, Lisa and Sam stayed in touch via WhatsApp.

She says: “We spoke every day and after a few days of being back I told him I loved him too.”

Even when Mum said, ‘He’s conning you’,
I refused to believe it.

Lisa Dudley

In July, three weeks after her first visit, Lisa went back to Turkey with her cousin and was reunited with Sam.

She says: “I went to see him at the bar and he kissed me on both cheeks. But over the coming days he was standoffish and preoccupied on his phone.

“I was disappointed and really confused. I wondered what I had done and what had changed.”

While Lisa stayed in an apartment with her cousin, Sam showed her the flat he was supposedly set to buy.

“I was shocked at how awful it was,” she says. “But I trusted him and during the trip we did sleep together again.”

Five days later, Sam had a request. Lisa says: “He told me he’d always wanted his own bar and had found one we could run together, as a partnership.

“I’d worked in a bar in Tenerife and loved it, so owning one with Sam would be a dream come true.

Woman sitting at an outdoor restaurant table, raising a glass of wine.
Tell and Sell Stories
On a night out in Turkey, Sam the barman took her order and says ‘he was gorgeous and just my type’[/caption]
Woman in beige dress sitting in a chair.
Tell and Sell Stories
Sam asked Lisa for £3,000 so he could get a place big enough for the two of them, so she could stay whenever she visited[/caption]

“He said it would cost £15,000 and asked if I had the money. I didn’t, but said I could try to get a loan. He offered to show me the bar but we never got round to it, something I now regret.”

Back in the UK, Lisa struggled to secure the money. She says: “I managed to get a Nationwide loan, but the branch advisers quizzed me over where the money was going.

“I panicked and lied because I didn’t want them to refuse to make the payment.

“Sam had been pressuring me to get it done ASAP. I told them it was for me and a friend to buy a house in Turkey.

“But they refused to transfer the money to the account Sam had given me. Looking back, I wish I’d just told them the truth.”

It felt like love at first sight. I was convinced what we had was real.

Lisa Dudley

Eventually Lisa secured a £5,000 Tesco loan to cover the money she had already given Sam, and a Santander loan for £15,000 for the bar.

She then opened a Monzo account to transfer the money.

She says: “The account details were in the name of the man who owned the bar, but this only made it more real. If the money was going straight to Sam, I’d have been more wary.”

Meanwhile, Lisa and Sam spoke every day. “He was still telling me he loved me, but was messaging less, blaming it on not having wifi,” says Lisa, who had planned another trip to Turkey in October.


Be wary of someone trying to establish a bond very quickly: Sam asked for my number on day one. At the time, it felt flattering but in hindsight it was a red flag. People who rush to get close to you often have an agenda.

Lots of affection, too soon: It started with sweet words and nicknames – “baby”, “love”, “sexy”. Too much affection, too fast, is often a tactic used by those people with ulterior motives.

The money problems story: Once they feel they’ve gained your trust, the stories start. Sam shared his financial struggles, but now I see how he was preying on my empathy.

You are always the one paying: I was so eager to feel loved that I paid for our food, drinks and to stay in a hotel room. I only realised afterwards that Sam never bought me a single drink.

Asking for financial help too soon: The biggest warning sign of all. He asked for money – and I gave it. But a healthy relationship does not start with financial dependency. If they ask for money early on, it is a massive red flag.

A couple of weeks later, Lisa’s parents saw her bank statements.

She says: “My mum told me, ‘We know what you’ve done’. She wasn’t angry, just upset for me.

“She and my dad had also found British women warning others about Sam on social media.

“My stomach momentarily dropped, but my feeling that Sam was being honest was stronger.

“Even when Mum said, ‘He’s conning you’, I refused to believe it.

“As far as I was concerned, Sam loved me and they had it all wrong.”

It was only in September, when her friends and parents showed Lisa further posts online about Sam being a serial con artist, that she began to accept the truth.

She says: “I even spoke to one woman Sam had been seeing at the same time as me. It hurt so much.”

Trust destroyed

Lisa confronted him about it on WhatsApp, but he branded the women liars, writing that they just “want to have sex with me every year when they come”.

Then suddenly Lisa could not contact him any more . . . he had changed his phone number.

She says: “He had messed with my mind, broken my heart and walked away with £18,000 of my money. I was crying all the time and could barely eat anything.”

Screenshot of a text message conversation.
The moment Lisa confronted Sam over his lies
Woman in green dress sits on a white couch.
Lorna Roach
Lisa, who has now hired a solicitor and left with anxiety because of the ordeal, says Sam has destroyed her trust in men[/caption]

Lisa took advice from family and friends and hired a solicitor in October.

She says: “They are dealing with my fraud recovery claim and I will have to wait up to a year to find out if I’ll receive any compensation from Monzo.”

Lisa lives with her parents in Essex, paying them £650 a month.

She says: “I’m so grateful to my parents, who paid off the loans, avoiding the extra £10,000 I’d have had to pay in interest.

“Before meeting Sam, I’d planned to move out and get my own place, but now I can’t afford to.

“I’ve also been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and have been signed off work.”

When Lisa posted on social media to warn others about Sam, she was branded “naive” and a “fool”. She says: “Yes, I may have been stupid, but my feelings were genuine.”

Lisa says Sam has destroyed her trust in men, and adds: “If I meet someone, I’ll always be questioning them. I’m still grieving for my future with Sam and I still love him. Even knowing what I know, I wonder, did he love me?

“When thinking of a holiday romance scam you might picture young men tricking older or wealthier women to get money or a visa, but this was different.

“You just never think it’s going to happen to you.

“But I’m proof this kind of scam can happen to anyone.”

How to protect yourself from scams

BY keeping these tips in mind, you can avoid getting caught up in a scam:

  • Firstly, remember that if something seems too good to be true, it normally is.
  • Check brands are “verified” on Facebook and Twitter pages – this means the company will have a blue tick on its profile.
  • Look for grammatical and spelling errors; fraudsters are notoriously bad at writing proper English. If you receive a message from a “friend” informing you of a freebie, consider whether it’s written in your friend’s normal style.
  • If you’re invited to click on a URL, hover over the link to see the address it will take you to – does it look genuine?
  • To be on the really safe side, don’t click on unsolicited links in messages, even if they appear to come from a trusted contact.
  • Be careful when opening email attachments too. Fraudsters are increasingly attaching files, usually PDFs or spreadsheets, which contain dangerous malware.
  • If you receive a suspicious message then report it to the company, block the sender and delete it.
  • If you think you’ve fallen for a scam, report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or use its online fraud reporting tool.

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Meet the OnlyFans star raising money for charity as team’s KIT SPONSOR with players including ex-Prem ace and soap star

A FOOTBALL team has become the first ever to be sponsored by an OnlyFans model.

Former healthcare worker Belle Grace, 29, has earned more than £2million since she started it as a side hustle in 2020.

Bella Grace, 29, in a blue dress.
Belle Grace is an OnlyFans sensation[/caption]
Portrait of Bella Grace, a 29-year-old OnlyFans model and sponsor of a charity football club.
The 29-year-old has earned more than £2million since taking up the X-rated side gig[/caption]
Bella Grace, 29, OnlyFans model and sponsor of a charity football team.
The social media star juggled her side hustle while balancing a healthcare job and being a mum[/caption]
Woman in a soccer uniform leaning against a goalpost.
Now she’s helping raise money for Supporting Charities FC[/caption]

She discovered Supporting Charities FC – an amateur team from Bradford Park Avenue Football Club who were looking for a sponsor.

The charity football club features ex pros and TV actors and they are in a league with other charity-led football clubs around the UK.

The team features players Owen Warner, who starred as Romeo Nightingale in Hollyoaks, and David Stockdale, former Premier League goalkeeper with Fulham.

Mum Belle, from Bradford, Yorkshire, is their official shirt sponsor for this season with a link to her paid-for content featuring on the front of the shirt.

Belle said she did it to help support the team which has already raised more than £200,000 for charities.

Belle said: “I haven’t had to sleep with 1,000 men to make money like Bonnie Blue.

“I’ve done it by simply being myself and, quite literally, just sleeping with my husband.

“Everyone assumes we don’t have real lives or values, but I’m the opposite.

Bella Grace, 29, in red lingerie.
Belle Grace makes her X-rated content along with her husband[/caption]
Woman in a black and white bikini in a pool.
Grace has built quite the following on social media[/caption]
Bella Grace with the Charities FC football team.
Supporting Charities FC has already helped raise over £200,000 for several causes[/caption]

“I’m using my success to give back, it’s about more than just the money – it’s about making a difference.

“There’s so much negativity around OnlyFans, but this is proof that it can be a force for good.

“I’ve worked hard to get where I am, and now I’m using that platform to support causes that matter.”

Club manager Chris Moralee said: “One of the players is friends of Belle Grace and her partner and they mentioned they were interested in sponsoring one of our kits.

“I had no hesitation to welcome her on board – we rely on sponsors to help us get kits, club wear, footballs, and club equipment.

I haven’t had to sleep with 1,000 men to make money like Bonnie Blue.

Belle Grace

“With their kind sponsorship, we are able to get the lads all kitted out in a fantastic new kit.

“Belle’s sponsorship is a massive help in the club’s ability to support so many charities.

“People like Belle get a lot of bad press but she has used her financial gain to support us which obviously supports so many charities!

“Credit where it’s due – she didn’t have to get involved with the club but she has and others will only benefit from her gesture of sponsoring the kit.”

Woman in a colorful bikini by a pool.
Bella Grace has no regrets about starting an OnlyFans[/caption]
Bella Grace with the Supporting Charities FC football team.
Supporting Charities FC are delighted to have Grace on board[/caption]

Belle began OnlyFans to earn extra income while working in healthcare as an assistant manager.

But her content went viral, and in a month she earned £50,000.

She does a variety of ad-hoc requests and was once paid almost £300 by a man who simply wanted to watch her wash her hair.

The success allowed her to quit her job and focus on her online career full-time, and she earns around £50,000 a month.

People like Belle get a lot of bad press but she has used her financial gain to support us which obviously supports so many charities!

Chris Moralee

The partnership with Supporting Charities FC came about through a friend of a friend who plays for the team.

Belle said: “I told them upfront that I do OnlyFans and they were absolutely fine with it – we sorted the sponsorship, designed the logo, and had the kit made up.”

She recently visited the team, meeting the players and taking photos in the new kit.

The club organises matches and events, donating proceeds to a good causes including mental health initiatives, community centres, and local families in need.

The club plays at Horsefall Community Stadium in Bradford, a hub for local residents which provides support and services to vulnerable individuals.

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MAGA influencer Ashley St Clair claims she’s given birth to Elon Musk’s 13th child & has been raising him for 5 months

MAGA-fan influencer Ashley St Clair claims she has given birth in secret to Elon Musk’s 13th child.

The 26-year-old Conservative firebrand made the shock announcement on Valentine’s Day.

Elon Musk leaving a meeting with three children.
Musk already has a dozen children from three different women[/caption]
Woman in a black corset gown.
x/Ashley St Clair
Ashley St Clair, 26, claims she gave birth to Musk’s secret child five months ago[/caption]
Elon Musk carrying his son on his shoulders.
Musk’s son X Æ A-12 recently visited The White House to meet President Donald Trump[/caption]

St Clair claimed she gave birth to the secret child five months ago and has been raising him.

Tech mogul Musk, 53, is yet to respond to the claims directly.

St Clair announced she has a baby in a social media post on Friday which read: “Five months ago, I welcomed a new baby into the world.

Elon Musk is the father.

“I have not previously disclosed this to protect our child’s privacy and safety, but in recent days it has become clear that tabloid media intends to do so, regardless of the harm it will cause.

“I intend to allow our child to grow in a normal and safe environment.”

She captioned the post “Alea Iacta Est” which is Latin for “the die is cast”.

The phrase is often used to show something has passed a point of no return.

Less than an hour after the claims were first posted on Musk’s own X site, the world’s richest man shared a cryptic post around having another child.

A fan made a detailed post explaining how to be “Elon” which included several “side quests” from buying Twitter to helping Donald Trump win the 2024 presidential election.

The final line said: “Side-side-side-side quest: make another baby.”

Musk – who is often quick to respond to almost anything on social media – replied to the fan with a simple crying laughing emoji.

The Tesla boss has at least 12 other children with three women.

He shares five children with his first wife Justine Wilson.

The pair had twins Vivian and Griffin in 2004 before having triplets Kai, Saxon and Damian two years later.

They got divorced in 2008 and share custody of the five children.

A decade later, Musk and popular Canadian musician Grimes, whose real name is Claire Elise Boucher, started dating before giving birth to a seventh boy in 2020.

The child hit the headlines as soon as he was born after Musk announced he was called “X Æ A-12″.

His name was quickly shortened to X with the cheeky four-year-old recently heading to The White House alongside his dad and President Donald Trump.

Woman in black jumpsuit taking a selfie on a bed.
X/Ashley St Clair
St Clair announced the baby on X[/caption]
Elon Musk kissing his fiancée with their twin sons in front of a Tesla car at the Nasdaq Marketsite.
Musk with ex-wife Talulah Riley with their twins Griffin, left, and Xavier[/caption]
Elon Musk and Narendra Modi meeting with children.
Musk took three of his children to meet Indian Prime Minister Modi this week[/caption]

X was seen playing around in the Oval Office, picking his nose and even having a stare off with the president.

Grimes also gave birth to Musk’s first girl in 2021 before they had a third together in 2023.

These were given the names Exa Dark Siderael and boy Techno Mechanicus.

In between their first and second child, court documents later revealed Musk had his eighth and ninth children with Shivon Zilis.

She is the director of operations and special projects at Neuralink.

Musk and Zilis’s third child together, taking his confirmed total to 12, was born in early 2024 via surrogacy.

All of their family, including twins, Strider and Azure, were pictured on Thursday meeting with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Who is Elon Musk?

Here's what you need to know...

Controversial billionaire Elon Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa in 1971.

As a 12-year-old child he taught himself computer programming and sold the code of a video game to a PC magazine for $500 (£300).

At 17, he moved to Canada to study, before gaining two degrees in physics and business at the University of Pennsylvania.

At the age of 24 he moved to California to start a Ph.D. in applied physics and material science at Stanford University – but left the programme after just two days to pursue other projects.

Now 50, he is the founder and CEO of SpaceX, co-founder, CEO and product architect of Tesla Motors, co-founder and chairman of SolarCity, co-founder of Open AI and Zip2 and founder of, which merged with PayPal.

He’s also working on a human brain chip project called Neuralink.

Musk’s stated aim is to reduce global warming and save humans from extinction by setting up a colony on Mars.

The billionaire inventor is also working on the world’s largest lithium-ion battery to store renewable energy.

Woman holding a bottle of Trump Blanc de Blancs champagne.
X/Ashley St Clair
St Clair is a 26-year-old MAGA influencer[/caption]
Elon Musk and Grimes at the Met Gala.
Musk with singer Grimes – the pair share three children[/caption]
Elon Musk walking with his son, X Æ A-12.
Musk is often pictured with X

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