
Iconic 80s hatchback left to gather dust in a garage for two decades is uncovered… and is worth a lucrative sum

AN iconic 80s hatchback which was left to gather dust in a garage for two decades has been uncovered – and is worth a whopping sum.

TV personality Jonny Smith found the 1990s classic in car enthusiast David Baisley’s locked up garage.

White Peugeot 106 Rallye in a garage.
David said the old motor was his ‘dream’ car and is intent on getting it started again[/caption]
Dusty white Peugeot 106 Rallye in a driveway.
The car had accumulated over 20 years worth of grime and dirt[/caption]
Two men inspecting the engine of an old hatchback car.
TV personality Jonny Smith revealed the 1990s classic in car enthusiast David Baisley’s locked up garage[/caption]

The dusty old motor was exposed on Jonny’s Late Brake Show on Youtube and is believed to fetch more than £15,000.

It follows dozens of other videos where Jonny helps motorists uncover abandoned vehicles.

David purchased the 1990 Peugeot 205 GTI in 1995, having grown up driving his mum’s Renault 5TL and a 205 1.1 XL.

He added the “thing to have” at the time was a 1989 Mk2 Golf GTI but for him, the 1990 205 GTI was his “dream” car.

At the time of purchase, it had done some 72,000 miles which the motorhead quickly added to – racking up over 60,000 miles in just seven years.

However, in 2002 he got his hands on a Toyota MR2 which meant putting his adored classic away.

“It’s stayed here ever since,” he said.

“It’s quite sad, but it’s still there,” he added.

Despite the car having accumulated 23 years worth of dirt and grime, the body work and wheels appeared in “good condition” – only requiring a simple wash-down.

Whilst the petrolheads struggled to get the old motor starting, David said he was now intent on getting it running again.

Jonny said: “What a great day it’s been. I love the story behind Dave’s first car and that he’s still got it.

“It was a shame we couldn’t even consider getting it run up in today’s video – I just didn’t want to risk it – but chatting with him about all the memories that are coming back with this car – it’s so sentimental.

“I think it’s acted as a catalyst for him to get this car running again – get it cleaned, get it recommissioned, and enjoy it, because that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?”

The Peugot 205 was in production between 1983 and 1999, and has remained one of the French car company’s best-selling models.

So much so, it proved a fierce competitor in the hatchback market and even prevented Ford from going under in the 80s.

Fit with a 1.9-litre engine fitted it could accelerate from 0-60mph in 7.8 seconds.

There are still 1,200 Peugeot 205 GTIs in the UK, according to the DVLA.

This comes as an abandoned salvage yard dubbed “Aladdin’s Cave” was discovered earlier this week.

The cars, covered in long grass and overgrown weeds, ranged from the 1930s to the 2000s.

While most of the cars were still in one piece, they seemed to have been sitting in Ron’s Auto Salvage, in Allison, Iowa, a long time.

A white Peugeot 106 being towed out of a garage.
The iconic car was still in ‘good condition’ despite having been locked in a garage for over two decades[/caption]
White Peugeot 205 GTI in a garage.
There are still 1,200 Peugeot 205 GTIs in the UK[/caption]

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Beauty expert reveals extreme ‘reaction’ from lip filler that left client in pain & warns it could happen to ANYONE

A BEAUTY expert has warned that an extreme reaction to lip filler can happen to anyone – and it might leave you in serious pain if it does.

Debbie Askey, a professional aesthetician, has revealed what a bad reaction to lip filler might look like and how it can quickly turn into an emergency.

Close-up of a woman's severely bruised lips after a lip filler procedure.
Client experience vascular occlusion after getting lip filler[/caption]

She explained that vascular occlusion (VO) can occur – this is when there is a blockage in a blood vessel, which can be caused by having filler, a blood clot, or a buildup of fatty plaque.

Debbie, who is known as ‘theacademybydebbieaskey’ on TikTok, shared a video of the reaction to help others understand the condition and learn how to address it.

Filming a client who was experiencing this issue, Debbie explained that one of her students’ clients had messaged her with concerns about her lips, which had turned purple and blue.

She explained that she did a “capillary refill check” by pressing hard onto the lips to see that the “blood flow is not rushing back within two seconds, as it should.” 

Debbie explained that the client’s lips had a lot of bruising, blanching and this “is spreading over the lip border.” 

She then went on to explain: “This client is also in a lot of pain.

“Our first step was to fill out a consent form and do a patch test for hyaluronidase, which is a solution we use to dissolve the filler. 

“We draw up two mil of TORBAC and inject this into our hyaluronidase solution. 

“A patch test is essential to ensure our client does not have an allergic reaction and go into anaphylaxis.”

Torbac is a prescription-only bacteriostatic saline solution used to treat bacterial infections.

Debbie continues: “This was our student’s first time dissolving lips, and we decided that she would feel most confident if Debbie was there to help her. 

Once the patch test is left for 10 to 15 minutes, there should be no signs of redness, itching, or blanching across the skin. 

“This is when you know that it’s safe to inject, and we do so using the linear technique. 

“As this was an emergency, we needed to get straight in with the dissolver as quickly as possible so this product could start dissolving and breaking down the filler.  

“What you’re looking for when we inject is that colour to come back rushing into the skin.

“Slowly, the bruising disappears, and the blood flow starts to return to the lips. 

A vascular occlusion can happen to anyone and is a complication of lip filler treatment

Debbie Askey

“We’re constantly looking back at our before and after pictures to make sure we can see a difference and confirm that this treatment is working. 

“Sometimes vascular occlusions can’t be seen within one to two days after the treatment.  

“In this case, when the student was doing the lips, all her aspirations were clear, and there was no sign of a VO post-treatment. 

“Once we’ve injected our hyaluronidase, we then massage the lips to spread the product around, and we can see the colour rushing back. 

“In this case, we used two doses of the hyaluronidase treatment to ensure that the filler was fully dissolved.” 

Debbie urges other aestheticians to have two doses of hyaluronidase in their emergency kit. 

Close-up of a woman's face showing a severe reaction to lip filler.
After having her lip filler dissolved[/caption]

She then shows the client’s lips after the dissolving. 

Debbie said: “Looking at the before and after pictures, this client’s lips have totally changed colour, and the blood flow is returning. 

“A VO can happen to anyone and is a complication of lip filler treatment.

“As aesthetics practitioners, we all need to be 100% confident in both emergency and elective dissolves.” 

Many people rushed to the comments section of her video to share their thoughts. 

One wrote: “Well done for posting this. It will really help spread awareness for women looking to have injections done & hopefully do their research into who they go to.” 

A second added: “This is a fantastic explanation, people need to know in the comment section that this can happen to anyone. She was a student also, these things happen.” 

What are the risks of lip fillers?

THE RISKS of dermal fillers depend on whether the procedure was done correctly and the type of filler used.

The NHS recommends you speak to your practitioner about the risks beforehand.

Serious problems are rare but can include:

  • Infection
  • A lumpy appearance under the skin, which might need to be treated with surgery or medicine
  • The filler moving away from the intended treatment area, which may need to be removed using surgery
  • Scarring
  • Blocked blood vessels in the face, which can cause tissue death and permanent blindness

You should see your GP if you have any complications that need medical attention and speak to your practitioner if you’re not happy with the results or experience lumpiness.

Source: NHS

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