
Keluarga Itu Live Episod 9 Tonton Drama Video

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I’m a wildlife expert – birds are obsessed with this surprising £2 Poundland product – and it’s not what you’d expect

WHAT do you see when you look out of your window?

If you’re lucky, maybe some busy birds readying themselves for nesting season and bees and insects slowly starting to emerge.

Long-tailed tit perched on a branch.
Sean McMenemy
It’s the beginning of nesting season, so birds are out in force[/caption]
A man smiling near a compost bin.
zoe cooper
Shaun McMenemy from Ark Wildlife, wants to everyone to encourage more wildlife[/caption]

Or an urban fox, badger or even deer skulking about. 

But what if you could encourage more?

The more wildlife your outside space is home to – the more vibrant and healthy it becomes.

A decent ecosystem creates healthy soil, and crucially, there’s less risk of pests.

And of course birds and insects help with pollination to keep the world turning.

Sean McMenemy from Ark Wildlife, wants to inspire as many people as possible to make one small, simple change to benefit the creatures in their outdoor spaces.

He told Sun Gardening: “It’s crucial we encourage wildlife to our gardens for both humans and nature.

“Hedgehogs for example are close to extinct in the countryside and our gardens are their last refuge!

“Birds too. We’ve seen massive declines in bird populations, many down 70 per cent or more in the last few decades.

“Encouraging birds and other wildlife has been proven to improve human mental health and reduce the symptoms of depression, as well protecting ‘at risk’ species!

“Helping and encouraging wildlife in our gardens really is a win,

Here’s his top tips:

  • Create a “Living Sculpture Garden. Train ivy up poles and arches to create natural topiary shapes that provide year-round shelter for wildlife.  Add solar-powered fairy lights to create an enchanting evening atmosphere that will also attract moths and bats
  • Allow beneficial “weeds” like clover, dandelions, and plantain to flourish. These plants create a natural bird buffet, with dandelions feeding early pollinators and birds feasting on the seeds.
  • Plant night-scented flowers like honeysuckle and evening primrose to attract moths and nocturnal pollinators, install bat boxes on tall structures, and create moonlight paths using light-coloured stones. Don’t forget to add owl nesting boxes high up in quiet corners for your nighttime visitors.
  • Transform dead tree stumps into “Dead Tree Art” by keeping them as natural sculptures and drilling holes of different sizes for solitary bees. These features will evolve over time as woodpeckers and insects create their own fascinating patterns.
  • Create an “Avian Day Spa” using old pans and pots to create multi-level bird baths of differing depths and sizes. Add a gentle solar-powered fountain as the glistening water will attract dragonflies and damsels, as well as birds. Place in a sunny location and surround it with smooth rocks, for insects and birds to sunbathe and preen. Currently
  • The “Bird Band Room” brings sound into your garden with natural wind chimes made from bamboo or hollow reeds. Many birds are attracted to gentle tinkling sounds, and some species such as starlings might even try to mimic them. You can buy a bamboo wind chime for £2 from Poundland right now.
  • Build a ‘Hoverfly Lagoon’ by filling glass jars with stagnant water and decomposing plant material like leaves and twigs. Hoverflies are great for pollination AND their larvae feed on pests like aphids.

For a free bird identifier guide – visit the Peckish Bird Food website


Gardening news, top tips and a £230 Primeur Planters competition

NEWS! THE Dogs Trust have issued a warning over spring bulbs that can make your pet poorly. Keep an eye out for symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, and, in severe cases, seizures. Make sure your dog can’t dig up or access daffodils, tulips, bluebells, rhododendron and azaleas, and amaryllis. Other spring plants that can cause problems include Buttercups, Crocuses, Primrose, Cyclamen, Elderberry, Foxglove (leaves and seeds), Hyacinth (bulbs) and Lupin (leaves, seeds).
For more information on which plants are poisonous to dogs, visit the Dogs Trust website.

TOP TIP! IT’S the perfect time to plant bare root roses.
And  Liam Beddall, Senior Rose Consultant at David Austin Roses, has got some top tips.

  • Before planting, soak the roots of your bare root rose for at least two hours, or overnight if possible. If you can’t plant them immediately, store the roses in their original packaging in a cool, dry place for up to three weeks, ensuring they are protected from frost.
  • Bare root roses prefer well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Make sure your planting site gets at least four hours of sunlight each day. Good air circulation is crucial to prevent disease
  • Start by digging a hole twice as wide and slightly deeper than the root system. Mix compost, well-rotted manure or soil improver to improve fertility. Ensure the graft union (the swollen area where the rose is grafted onto the rootstock) is buried two to three inches below the soil surface. 
  • Fill in the hole with soil and water.

NEWS! From today (15) until March 23, visit the RHS gardens – including Bridgewater, Harlow Carr,  Hyde Hall, Rosemoor and Wisley, armed a digital or physical National Lottery ticket, Scratchcard or Instant Win game – and you’ll only pay £1 entry.

JOB OF THE WEEK – start pruning your hydrangeas back hard  – to the second bud – to ensure lots of flowers. And you can start cutting back ferns that are getting a bit straggly.

TOP TIP Make a lovely bird feeder with an old cup and saucer. Superglue the cup on its side on the saucer so the handle is pointing upwards. Thread string through the handle to hang. Put seed in the cup so it spills out into the saucer.

WIN!! One Sun Gardening reader can win a selection of Sonata Primeur Planters worth £233. This includes TWO 70cm pots, TWO 50cm and TWO 30cm. To enter visit or write to Sun Primeur Comp, PO Box 3190, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8GP. Include your name, age, email or phone. UK residents 18+ only. Ends 23.59GMT 29.3.25 T&Cs apply.

For more tips and gardening content, follow me @biros_and_bloom

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Horoscope today, March 15, 2025: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died in 2023 but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.

Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today. 


March 21 to April 20

Overnight doubts about a new direction can be the effects of Mercury’s retrograde today.

Don’t fight these but let them come. Good decisions will stand, no matter what.

There’s a stubborn love streak running through your chart, so stay aware of ways that you may be sabotaging your own heart.

a poster for mystic meg with maggie innes saturday
Your daily horoscope for Saturday


April 21 to May 21

A secret has been growing more powerful and now it’s time to burst this bubble.

You can find the right ways to say the right things, and end a time of hiding. Jupiter’s generosity is strong, every good deed can be rewarded. Choosing a contest not for its prizes but for the experience it offers is a smart Taurus move.


Knowing exactly who has your back has not been easy lately – and Mercury’s reversal doesn’t change that.

But it does make you more resilient, so you can walk away if and when you feel the need.

The only person you truly need to trust is yourself.

A local big name can be a major love deal when you meet in person.


June 22 to July 22

Run all the numbers in a home or cash deal as many times as you need to – as you could miss something the first time.

Your chart has an unpredictability, now Mercury and Venus are both in retrograde, but it’s the kind that makes you stronger.

When you expect to cope, you will. Passion links to jewel colours.

Get all the latest Cancer horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


July 23 to August 23

A time of travelling alone can change to a shared enterprise when you open your mind.

Instead of assuming no one will understand, you can start explaining.

If you’re in love, this takes partners back in time, and forward in optimism.

If single, the right person may not tick your boxes at first, but deserves a chance.

Get all the latest Leo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


August 24 to September 22

Making a transformation work for you may take extra effort – but this is how you ensure the results will be the right ones.

Resist the temptation to chase two dreams at once.

Focus on one first.

The depth of emotions in your chart is inspiring, and when you express these in words the world is waiting.

Get all the latest Virgo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

a purple circle with the zodiac signs in it
Mercury in reverse can muddle up thoughts but also gets you thinking about things usually forbidden, or just ignored[/caption]


September 23 to October 23

If you wake up with a sudden flash of inspiration, make it count.

Ideas fly free as the moon lifts inner restrictions, and you see the world in a way that is unique.

Love is worth your effort, even if a partner finds it hard to say so.

If you start the day single, colourful style and a caring career are your main passion markers.

Get all the latest Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

List of 12 star signs


October 24 to November 22

Your inner critical mind may be the biggest obstacle to making a health change.

And as Mercury flips back, you should take the chance to switch this off.

Instead of looking ahead to failure, enjoy small successes in the present – and offer yourself regular rewards.

You are the best coach for your own hopes.

Get all the latest Scorpio horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


November 23 to December 21

An entertainment dream you may have left behind can come back in an instant when you read or see something significant.

If you feel this is talking straight to you, believe it – and act on it.

There is disruption, but it is the kind that makes you unstoppable.

Choose clothes and food that make you feel good.

Get all the latest Sagittarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


December 22 to January 20

Family challenges may fill your day – and encourage you to dive deeper beneath the surface at home to find out what’s really going on.

Mercury in reverse can muddle up thoughts but also gets you thinking about things usually forbidden, or just ignored.

This is good for you.

Give someone younger time to reply.

Get all the latest Capricorn horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

a zodiac circle with the signs of the zodiac on it
Lettering or items linked to the East can be a source of surprise luck[/caption]


January 21 to February 18

You feel your words get nowhere but they can have an effect – just maybe not the one you expect.

Take extra care to make sure what you say is what you really mean.

Lettering or items linked to the East can be a source of surprise luck.

Love has a lot to say.

Make sure conversations are free from interruptions.

Get all the latest Aquarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


February 19 to March 20

Do not blame yourself for wavering over a choice.

It is positive to be honest about negative feelings.

But instead of being overwhelmed, be realistic about what you want.

What may seem impossible odds can be reducing day by day.

Love needs mutual respect to thrive.

If you are not feeling it, look again at why.

Get all the latest Pisces horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

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Horse racing tips: ‘He relishes this marathon trip’ – Templegate’s HUGE 14-1 NAP in the Uttoxeter Grand National

TEMPLEGATE tackles Saturday’s racing confident of banging in some winners – even if it was a rough Cheltenham for punters.

Read on for our man’s top picks and back a horse by clicking their odds below.

VAL DANCER (3.00 Uttoxeter, nap)

Showed his liking for a marathon when winning the Welsh National before running another good race at Haydock last time. He’s a fair 6lb higher than Chepstow and acts well on decent ground.

JOYEUX MACHIN (2.25 Uttoxeter, nb)

Has been working up to a big win with good placed efforts at Wetherby and Ascot last time. He shapes as though this longer trip will be ideal and he’s on a fair handicap mark.

ASTON MARTINI (2.45 Kempton, treble)

Was second in a hot contest at Ascot last time and should be right there again. She travelled nicely and wasn’t stopping at the end of 2m3f so should have no issue with this slightly longer trip. Nico De Boinville gets back on board and the first-time cheekpieces may just give her a little lift too.

Templegate’s TV verdicts



ASTA LA PASTA was ahead of First Street here on Boxing Day and the form of that race has been franked.

He has a tendency to pull in his races and hopefully this drop in trip combined with a shorter trip will help him settle. He has more wins to come if he does.

First Street looks a danger again but his losing run is approaching the three-year mark now.

Teddy Blue had plenty left in the tank when winning at Huntingdon 23 days ago when going from the front.

Similar tactics often work around this speed track and a 6lb rise in the weights looks fair.

Paddy In The Caddy showed good fighting spirit to hold on at Wincanton latest.

He has his sights raised slightly here but he’s clearly improving and won’t be far away.

Moveit Like Minnie has run out on his past two chase runs and is best watched for now.


ASTON MARTINI was second in a hot contest at Ascot last time and should be right there again.

She travelled nicely and wasn’t stopping at the end of 2m3f so should have no issue with this slightly longer trip.

Nico De Boinville gets back on board and the first-time cheekpieces may just give her a little lift too.

She’s definitely capable of winning off this mark. Saint Anapolino brought up the hat-trick over course and distance three Saturdays ago.

A 7lb hike in the weights on this rise in class gives him more to do but there’s every chance he’ll improve and he’s the danger.

Irish Hill got the better of a real battle to score over this trip at Warwick last time.

That was in this grade and that fighting spirit can see him on the podium again.

Classic King was a fair five lengths off the pace in good company at Ascot four weeks ago.

The handicapper has left his mark alone and he’ll be dangerous if seeing out this slightly longer trip.

Double Powerful has been given a little break since his second at Ascot in December.

He’s up 6lb for that so will need a bit more but it’s early days and he could well progress.

West Balboa has never fulfilled her potential but wasn’t disgraced in Listed company at Warwick last time.


BAD had been living up to his name but got his act together in emphatic style when winning by 10 lengths over this course and distance last month.

He can’t be 100 per cent relied on to repeat that but this looks a very similar race so there will be no excuses.

Flegmatik will find this a lot easier than the Grade 1 Ascot Chase he contested last time.

He was second in this race last year and is much lower in the weights now so should be right there.

Outlaw Peter is the defending champion and he made his seasonal comeback when ninth in the Grand Sefton over the National fences in November.

He’ll be much happier with this challenge and should be right in the mix despite an 8lb rise.

Bourbali was 10 lengths behind Bad last time and needs more.



HIDDEN HISTORY can keep up the Skeltons’ excellent record in this race.

He makes his debut for the yard here after a decent run at Fontwell on Boxing Day. He’s on a fair mark with more to come.

Jilaijone was fourth in good company at Ascot 28 days ago and has winning form over this trip and won on his last visit here.

He’s 10lb higher now but should be in the mix.

Below The Radar has not fired since going handicapping but that mean’s he is down the weights is another who has won over this trip and track.

Wellington Arch has won two of his past three and did the job nicely at Market Rasen last time.

He hasn’t been clobbered for this handicap debut with more to come.


JOYEUX MACHIN has been working up to a big win with good placed efforts at Wetherby and Ascot last time.

He shapes as though this longer trip will be ideal and he’s on a fair handicap mark.

Red Dirt Road had eight lengths in hand when scooting in at Sandown last month.

He will meet quicker ground here but should be right there despite a 9lb rise.

Guard Duty has been progressing over 2m4f and is another who should find more for this longer trip. He has run well here a couple of times too.

Blaze The Way looks dangerous after staying on well over shorter at Navan.

An 8lb rise keeps him in the running along with Red Risk who went close latest.


VAL DANCER showed his liking for a marathon when winning the Welsh National before running another good race at Haydock last time.

He’s a fair 6lb higher than Chepstow and acts well on decent ground.

Mr Vango is going from strength to strength and is a danger despite his hefty weight.

Knockanore has a 10lb higher mark than his victory in the 4m1f Eider at Newcastle last time and he’ll be competitive too.

Apple Away was a goof second in the Grand National Trial at Haydock last time and this greater test of stamina should be ideal.

Tanganyika is going well over and shapes as though this trip will suit with Fortunedefortunata another on the shortlist.


WALK ON QUEST has won all four chase starts and showed plenty of stamina when scoring at Kelso last time.

He jumps well and trainer Lucinda Russell is in excellent form. A 4lb rise in the weights gives him every chance of a five-timer.

Eyed saw out this distance when scoring at Kempton last month. He is a good jumper with a decent engine who will be right there again.

Deafening Silence raised a cheer when beating two rivals to strike at Windsor three weekends ago.

He looks a real stayer and he’s proven in this grade so won’t be far away.

Templegate’s tips


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Remember to gamble responsibly

A responsible gambler is someone who:

  • Establishes time and monetary limits before playing
  • Only gambles with money they can afford to lose
  • Never chases their losses
  • Doesn’t gamble if they’re upset, angry or depressed
  • Gamcare –
  • Gamble Aware –

Find our detailed guide on responsible gambling practices here.

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‘Are you ok?’ beg Katie Price fans as new video sparks fan fears – after controversial fashion campaign

KATIE Price has sparked fresh fears among fans just 24 hours after raising eyebrows with a controversial fashion campaign.

The former glamour model, 46, has shared a video of herself walking up to her front door in a brown co-ords set.

Katie Price walking, carrying a Louis Vuitton handbag.
Instagram @katieprice
Katie Price has sparked concern with her latest video[/caption]
Katie Price in a brown outfit.
Instagram @katieprice
The star is modelling a brown co-ords set in the footage[/caption]
Katie Price walking down a driveway, carrying a Louis Vuitton handbag.
Instagram @katieprice
Katie filmed the footage outside her house[/caption]

With a designer handbag resting in the crook of her arm, Katie sweeps her black hair over her shoulders in the clip before grinning wildly at the camera.

The video, which has been shared to Katie’s Instagram account, stops as she arrives at her doorstep.

Posting it to her 2.7million followers, the mum-of-five said: “Happy Friday everyone🤎my set is from @jyyldn I’ve been loving the little bits of sunshine this week.”

But fans were more concerned about Katie’s appearance than what she was wearing.

The star this week worried her followers by showing off a tighter-than-ever look following her recent facelift.

Sharing more fears, one commented on her latest clip: “Something doesn’t look right girl.”

Another added: “What happened to your curves? 😢

A third wrote: “Beautiful lady what is happening to you.xx.”

And someone else asked: “This isn’t Price, at all. She’s someone else.”

Just 24 hours before she posted her video, photographs emerged of Katie modelling for a new high fashion campaign.

The star returned to her roots by stripping to a barely-there bikini for clothing company Diesel.

Katie was wearing a tiny grey denim two-piece in the shots and the set was a chaotic beauty salon scene.

The pictures also enabled Pricey to show off her extensive array of body tattoos, including a giant one running across her stomach.

Katie’s MAFS star boyfriend JJ, 31, was also included in the shoot, sporting a grey gilet and acting as a waxer.

The shoot is part of Diesel’s SS25 collection, with a video for the newly launched campaign showing various different rooms before arriving into the chaotic salon that features Katie and JJ.

Commenting on one snap, which shows Katie clutching a black bag as her breasts spill out of the tiny bikini, she said: “Who says the Pricey can’t do high fashion.”

Woman in a bikini holding a handbag in front of a Diesel advertisement.
Katie was this week pictured in a campaign for Diesel[/caption]
Screenshot from a Diesel Spring Summer 2025 campaign video showing a woman in a bikini and tattoos standing in a tanning bed.
The former glamour model returned to her roots for the shoot[/caption]
A woman sits on a pink salon chair while a man holds a pink bottle.  Other people are in the background.
Katie’s boyfriend JJ Slater also appeared in one shot as a waxer[/caption]

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Love Island winner Casey finally reveals REAL reason he hasn’t asked Gabby to be his girlfriend after fan backlash

LOVE Island winner Casey O’Gorman has finally shared the real reason he hasn’t asked Gabby Allen to be his girlfriend.

Since their big All Stars win last month, there has been growing speculation the couple are on the verge of splitting up.

Selfie of Gabby Allen and Casey O'Gorman.
Love Island winner Casey O’Gorman has finally shared the real reason he hasn’t asked Gabby Allen to be his girlfriend[/caption]

Fans have been vocal about their doubts, especially following an interview where Casey refused to make things official with Gabby.

The couple have ben together for two months, but Casey, 28, still hasn’t made the blonde beauty his girlfriend.

Because of this, fans are convinced the Love Island couple are heading for splitsville.

Following much fan backlash, Casey has finally explained why he’s holding off.

He told, “Like, I will ask Gabby to be my girlfriend at some point.

“But do you know what it is? It’s all this like noise of, ‘When are you going to ask? When are you going to ask?’ I feel like I don’t want to now just ask it because people are saying it. I want to just do it.”

Gabby added: “We don’t feel pressure from boyfriend and girlfriend to where we are now. I think it will happen just naturally.”

Fans previously thought they’d spotted a “major red flag”, leaving them to conclude Casey will never make the move.

It came after a fan reposted a video of Casey making fun of fellow Love Island All Stars co-star Ronnie Vint for being loved up with his girlfriend Harriett Blackmore.

It came after he saw his friend had her number listed in his phone as “My Princess H.”

He was seen mocking him and said: “What’s happened to you?”

Seeing this as a sign that Casey is not ready to settle down, the fan who reposted it tweeted: “Casey is NEVER gonna make Gabby his gf btw.”

Other fans have also said similar things, with one tweeting: “If Casey was going to make her his gf, he would’ve done it by now.”


Just last week, the All Stars champs were forced to hit back at claims they’re on the rocks, and we’re quizzed on why Casey hasn’t made Gabby his girlfriend.

The couple left listeners cringing after an awkward exchange on Hits Radio with Fleur East.

When quizzed about whether they’d made things official since leaving the villa, Casey dropped the bit bombshell that they hadn’t.

He admitted: “No, not yet. No, we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend yet.”

Fleur pressed him, asking why couples nowadays need so many steps before committing, but Casey doubled down.

“The difference of us being boyfriend and girlfriend and where we are now, there’s absolutely no difference at all,” he shrugged.

Love Island winners - where they are now

EVERY year Love Island opens its doors to more sexy Islanders who are hoping for a holiday romance that could turn into more.

Here we take you through all of the Love Island winners so far and what their relationship statuses are now:

2025 – The second series of All Stars saw Gabby Allen and Case O’Gorman scoop the crown. STATUS: Still together.

2024 – The summer Love Island saw Mimii Ngulube and Josh Oyinsan were crowned the winners. STATUS: Broken up.

2024 – The first ever All stars spin off show was won by Molly Smith and Tom Clare. STATUS: Still together.

2023 – Jess Harding and Sammy Root took home the 50k, and won the summer 2023 Love Island. STATUS: Broken up.

2023 – The first series of 2023 saw Sanam Harrinanan and Kai Fagan crowned Love Island winners in South Africa. STATUS: Still together.

2022 – Davide Sanclimenti and Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu’s time in the villa was anything but a smooth ride, but they managed to win the public’s hearts – and the ITV2 reality show. STATUS: Broken up.

2021 – Liam Reardon and Millie Court were announced winners of Love Island 2021. STATUS: Still together.

2020 – The first ever winter Love Island saw Paige Turley and Finn Tapp crowned winners after falling in love on the show. STATUS: Broken up.

2019 – Series 5 saw Tommy Fury and Molly-Mae Hague runners up to winners Greg O’Shea and Amber Gill, who met in the last few days of the series. STATUS: Broken up.

2018 – It wasn’t surprising fan favourites Jack Fincham and Dani Dyer won the show, as they were strong throughout. But sadly things didn’t last. STATUS: Broken up.

2017 – Kem Cetinay and Amber Davies had lots of ups and downs in the villa but went on to win. STATUS: Broken up.

2016Nathan Massey and Cara De La Hoyde were together from the start of the series, and since they won the show they’ve had two kids and are married. STATUS: Still together.

2015 – Despite poor Jess Hayes being Max Morley’s second choice on the show, they did win – but they didn’t last as a couple. STATUS: Broken up.

“Technically, I’m still single, guys.”

Again, fans were with one blasting: “Caseyyyyyyy just ask itttt!!!!”

Another ranted: “He doesn’t want to, and that couldn’t have been made any more clear from this video.”

Despite the swirling speculation, a rep for the couple recently told The Mirror: “Casey and Gabby are still very much together and are not on the verge of splitting.”

Casey O'Gorman and Gabby Allen at the Love Island: All Stars finale in South Africa.
The couple have been plagued by split rumours[/caption]
Gabby Allen and Casey O'Gorman at the Love Island: All Stars final in South Africa.
They won the All Stars series last month[/caption]

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MAFS Australia fans convinced brides are in secret feud after spotting clue during night out

FANS of Married At First Sight Australia think they have spotted a feud among this year’s brides.

The show is known for its controversial bride-swapping and furious rows and this series has been no different.

Group of women dining at a restaurant.
This year’s MAFS AU brides have reunited[/caption]
Four women in workout clothes pose for a photo.
There were some notable absences[/caption]
Sierah, 31, from Victoria, in a white wedding dress, holding a bouquet.
Instagram/ Channel9
Bride Sierah was nowhere to be seen[/caption]

Now, eagle-eyed viewers of the programme think they have noticed a new feud which has emerged.

The brides of this year’s MAFS recently met-up for a cosy reunion dinner and drinks.

However, there were a few notable absences.

It seemed that Jacqui, Lauren, and Sierah all failed to be invited to the dinner leading to fans to assume they the trio are all locked in a heated row with the rest of the group.

In the snaps, stars such as Awhina, Katie, Carina and Jamie could be seen grinning and smiling as they enjoyed a glass of wine at a stunning restaurant.

Ashleigh and Rhi were also present but the other absences were clearly noticeable for those who had been watching the series at home.

Commenting underneath an upload of the reunion snaps, one quickly said: “Love that Lauren and Jacqui are not there.”

Another penned: “Jacqui, lauren & Siera were MIA.”

A third fan took a sly swipe as they wrote: “Love that Jacqui was not there.”

This week, the show was rocked by a double infidelity confession from the married pair of Awhina and Adrian.

Viewers called the groom a “hypocrite” after he made a shock infidelity confession – just moments after he confronted his wife about hers.

Last night, Awhina admitted to having been unfaithful in a previous relationship, a confession that triggered a strong reaction from Adrian.

He argued: “There’s no excuses when it comes to cheating,” making it clear that he was disappointed in Awhina’s actions.

However, the situation took a turn when producers reminded Adrian that he had disclosed his own history of infidelity in his show application.

Adrian clarified that his past indiscretion occurred when he was about 20 or 21 years old, approximately a decade ago.

He stated that he and his then-partner were “on a break” at the time, implying a distinction between his actions and Awhina’s past behavior.

Jacqui Burfoot from Married at First Sight in a yellow dress.
Jacqui was also not at the reunion[/caption]
Woman with red hair in a patterned shirt looking over her shoulder.
Katie posed up a storm at the dinner[/caption]
Group of women dining at a restaurant.
There were smiles all round[/caption]

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Rocket FINALLY launches to replace NASA astronauts stranded for nine months with replacement crew

A ROCKET carrying the replacement crew for two NASA astronauts who have been stranded in space for nine months has finally launched.

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off at 7.03pm ET from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida carrying the four replacement astronauts.

Three astronauts in the International Space Station give a news conference.
Astronauts Butch Wilmore (left) and Suni Williams (right) have been trapped on the International Space Station for the past nine months[/caption]
Four astronauts in white spacesuits wave as they exit a building at the Kennedy Space Center.
The replacement crew wave to onlookers ahead of the launch on Friday[/caption]
Falcon 9 rocket launching from Kennedy Space Center.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket will carry them to the ISS and they are expected to dock late on Saturday night, Eastern Time[/caption]

US astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams have been trapped on the International Space Station (ISS) for nine months and have had their journey home delayed a number of times.

The two veteran astronauts were the first to fly Boeing’s Starliner capsule to the ISS in June but issues with its propulsion system during the flight forced an extension to their trip.

Originally planned as an eight-day stay, NASA deemed it too risky from them to fly home on the craft, which returned empty to Earth in September.

The pair of astronauts have been stranded on the ISS ever since.

Mission Crew-10 was initially scheduled to launch on Wednesday with its four astronauts, but a last-minute issue with the rocket’s ground systems forced a delay.

Now on the way, the Crew-10 mission is a long-awaited key step to bringing the stranded astronaut duo back to Earth.

Williams and Wilmore are set to depart the station on March 19 after the replacement crew arrive on Saturday night.

The mission has become entangled in politics, with US President Donald Trump and his key adviser Elon Musk, who is also SpaceX’s CEO, claiming former President Joe Biden left the pair on the ISS for political reasons.

There is no evidence for these claims, and Wilmore himself has said he did not believe NASA’s decision to keep them on the ISS until Crew-10’s arrival had been affected by politics.

The veteran astronaut added: “We came prepared to stay long, even though we planned to stay short.

“That’s what your nation’s human spaceflight program’s all about, planning for unknown, unexpected contingencies – and we did that.”

NASA says the two astronauts were kept onboard as the ISS has to maintain its minimum staffing level.

Having seen their short mission turn into a regular NASA rotation to the ISS, Wilmore and Williams have been undertaking scientific research.

The pair have also been conducting routine maintenance with other astronauts.


NASA’s regular procedures changed slightly for this mission, following intervention from Trump and Musk who both demanded an earlier return of the stranded astronauts.

The space agency brought forward the Crew-10 mission from March 26, swapping a delayed SpaceX capsule for one that would be ready sooner.

This pressure from the two powerful politicians has hung over NASA’s preparations and safety process, which normally follows a well-defined course.

NASA’s Commercial Crew Program manager, Steve Stich, said SpaceX’s “rapid pace of operations” had required NASA to change some of the ways it verifies flight safety.

The agency had to address some “late-breaking” issues, NASA space operations chief Ken Bowersox told reporters.

This included investigating a fuel leak on a recent SpaceX Falcon 9 launch and deterioration of a coating on some of the Dragon crew capsule’s thrusters.

Bowersox said it was hard for NASA to keep up with SpaceX: “We’re not quite as agile as they are, but we’re working well together.”

When the new crew arrives aboard the station, Wilmore, Williams and two others – NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov – can return to Earth in a capsule that has been attached to the station since September, as part of the prior Crew-9 mission.

Crew-10 is expected to dock with the ISS at 11.30pm ET on Saturday, and this will be followed by a traditional handover ceremony that will allow for the Crew-9 crew’s departure on March 19.

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launching with Crew Dragon capsule.
The two stranded astronauts are scheduled to begin their journey home on March 19 after the replacement crew arrive[/caption]

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MAFS star issues public apology to Nathan saying ‘I take full accountability for my actions’ after vile accusations

A MAFS star has issued a public apology to Nathan, saying ‘I take full accountability for my actions’ after spreading vile accusations about him in a bizarre rant.

The Sun revealed in November that Nathan and Lacey had secretly split after filming for the E4 series ended.

Nathan Campbell and Lacey from Married at First Sight.
Channel 4
A MAFS star has issued a public apology to Nathan, saying ‘I take full accountability for my actions’ after spreading vile accusations about him in a bizarre rant[/caption]
Woman wearing a red bandana apologizes for spreading false accusations.
TikTok @paigegal96
Paige said “I didn’t mean to cause any harm or ill intent”[/caption]
Lacey's mother from Married at First Sight UK.
Channel 4
Lacey’s mum clashed with Nathan[/caption]

Shortly after their break-up was revealed, Lacey spoke to The Sun and told us that she feared Nathan was “faking” the romance the whole time, just for the cameras.

However, than Nathan told us it was him that had been left “brokenhearted”, and not the other way around.

Both Lacey’s mum Maxine and sister Paige appeared on Married At First Sight when she wed Nathan, and didn’t have the best relationship with him.

Tense scenes then played out at the MAFS reunion last month, and Lacey’s mum and sister ended up calling him “sly.”

Lacey’s twin sister Paige then took to TikTok where she went on a bizarre rant about Nathan, and said: “There is a very dark side to Nathan.

“He has a lot of shadows in him that no-one is actually seeing.”

She continued: “He had no empathy for Lacey and no care whatsoever for her.

“You don’t think there’s another side to Nathan acting sweet and innocent, no one is that nice.

“Remember that, no one is that nice, no one is that nice.”

Paige put her face closer and closer to the camera as she shared her thoughts on her sister’s ex.

Lacey’s sister has now issued an apology on TikTok after the video, and she filmed herself as she said: “Hello everyone, I would just like to say I am so sorry to anyone I offended a few weeks ago.

“About what I said about Lacey’s ex-husband, and I’m very, very sorry and I shouldn’t have said it.

“I was just sticking up for my twin but I take full accountability for my actions and I genuinely am so so sorry.”

Paige finished by saying: “I didn’t mean to cause any harm or ill intent.”

Lacey’s family also slammed Nathan’s comments after the explosive reunion episode.

Taking to TikTok Lacey’s mum and sister were heard calling Nathan “sly”.

They also said they didn’t see anything wrong with her wanting a “showmance”.

Mum Maxine said: “If they could’ve made a lot of money as friends, then why not? What’s wrong with that?”

“You don’t go into this industry not to make money.

Nathan spoke exclusively to The Sun after their split, and said: “Things weren’t the same off the show, it was very different.

“I’d always have to go there, she wouldn’t come to see me – those kind of arguments. I’m not too sure, things were quite different after the show.

“When you’re together, you’re 100 per cent in the same place.

“But after the experiment there was a big distance there.”

Asked whose idea it was to break-up, Nathan said: “She decided, she said let’s just be friends.”

Lacey crying at the MAFS reunion.
Channel 4
The reunion episode saw Nathan and Lacey have some tense conversations[/caption]
Screenshot of a scene from MAFS UK showing four people sitting around a table, reacting to food.
Channel 4
An awkward moment happened on the show between Nathan and Lacey’s family[/caption]
Screenshot of a TikTok video showing two women, one older and one younger, reacting to comments.
Lacey’s family also slammed Nathan’s comments after the explosive reunion episode[/caption]

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