
Winter sun destination loved by Brits reveals huge £4billion airport ‘masterplan’ with new terminal and runway

WITH temperatures averaging between 32 and 36C over the UK winter period and nine sunshine hours a day, it’s little wonder Thailand is such a hit with sun-starved Brits.

For anyone lucky enough to head off to Thailand, you’ll probably head into Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

Aerial view of Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand, from a departing airplane.
Suvarnabhumi Airport is one of the biggest international airports in Southeast Asia[/caption]
Ornate display at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand.
Inside the airport are lots of statues including the ‘Churning of the Milk Ocean’[/caption]

Suvarnabhumi International Airport is the main airport serving Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, and is spread over 8,000 acres.

It’s also Thailand’s busiest airport and last year handled 62.2 million passengers – which was a 20 per cent increase from 2023.

Possibly the most memorable thing about it, is the huge statues in the terminal.

There are 12 Yaksha Statue in the ticket hall, which are replicas of those in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha and protect the airport from evil spirits.

The ‘Churning of the Milk Ocean’ statue isn’t anything you’ll find in the likes of London Heathrow.

It’s a 21-metres-long serpent statue that depicts a modern interpretation of an ancient Hindu myth.

The airport currently has three runways and two terminals, a main terminal and a satellite terminal.

It sees around 950 flights per day, with an average of 348,980 a year.

This hugely increased after the opening of their third runway in November 2024 that allowed the airport to increase from 68 to 94 flights per hour.

And Suvarnabhumi International Airport will soon undergo undergo even more changes.

Large Yaksha statue in Suvarnabhumi Airport lobby.
There are 12 huge statues found in the ticket hall[/caption]
Thai architecture in Suvarnabhumi Airport terminal.
A whole new terminal is set to be build as part of the expansion plan[/caption]

Dubbed their ‘masterplan’, the new work will take place over ten years, starting in 2025 with everything set to be complete in 2035.

The airport is set to expand in-line with demand and should be able to cope with 150 million passengers per year by 2033.

One part of their masterplan is building a new South Terminal, bigger than the one they have now.

With overcrowding a frequent problem in the high season, the construction of a new one on the south side of the airport should help.

The project has a huge estimated cost of 120 billion baht (£4billion) and will include state of the art facilities like new check-in zones, security systems as well as modern retail and dining areas.

Along with a brand-new terminal, there will also be the creation of a fourth runway.

This will cost 20 billion baht (£400,000) out of the budget and will be an important component to keep flights on time.

The plans are for the fourth runway to be in use by 2030.

The rest of the airport hasn’t been forgotten about either, with the original terminal being updated and more check-in desks and passenger processing areas added.

To address the increase in crowds, the plans also include additional parking and new designs that means traffic should flow freely outside the terminal.

For any fans of duty free, there will also be a shopping centre, and more dining options for people to enjoy before their flight.

So far, the project is in the design phase with construction set to begin in 2027.

These are the two airports in Asia with cycling paths and even a golf course between two runways.

It’s also been said that the Suvarnabhumi Airport is haunted with ‘ghosts’ walking across a gangway.

We Stayed In The White Lotus Four Seasons Hotel

Here's what we thought of the hotel that stars in the White Lotus TV series...

As the latest series kicks off in the stunning setting of the Four Seasons Hotel, Koh Samui, the real-life guests at the hotel could give them a run for their money.

After meeting staff at the exclusive 5-star resort where villas can cost up to £10,000 a night, it’s obvious superhuman levels of patience and ingenuity are needed to keep guests happy in paradise.

Manager Jasjit “JJ” Assi says he is very proud of the incredible feats his staff have accomplished to accommodate guests’ every whim.

One, frustrated he couldn’t land his large private jet at tiny Koh Samui airport, objected to taking a connecting flight from Bangkok as the airport lacks a business class lounge.

Staff volunteered to fetch the businessman from a nearby island via one of the resort’s luxury yachts but he refused to sail the hour-long journey, so in the end, they chartered a private helicopter that cost him £25,000. “That was insane,” says JJ, “but we made it happen for him.”

Another guest arrived at 10pm during a full moon and decided it would be a beautiful night for a proposal.

But he needed a diamond ring before his girlfriend arrived at the resort, an hour later.

JJ says: “Everything shuts at 8pm. The concierge team had to wake people up and find connections.” Miraculously, they did.

“Someone came at 11.15pm with a tray of diamond rings and we set up his proposal on the beach.”

She said yes, but JJ added: “I would have forced her to say yes! That’s the magic of the Four Seasons, we make it happen.” – Ashleigh Rainbird

Airport terminal interior with moving walkways and seating.
Suvarnabhumi Airport will be completely different by 2035[/caption]

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I’m a secret sexsomniac who prowls the streets NAKED hunting for ‘young meat’… my husband’s taken desperate measures

WATCHING TV late one night, Lauren Spencer’s husband Charlie hears a strange noise outside their pretty four-bed home in Devon and goes to investigate. 

Alarmed by the sight that greets him from the window, Charlie goes into autopilot, knowing exactly what he needs to do next.

Portrait of a couple sitting together.
Lauren, pictured with husband Charlie, lives with a condition called sexsomnia, which means sex is always on her mind when she’s asleep
Lorna Roach
Woman holding a black sheep figurine in a garden center.
Lauren, a garden-loving housewife by day, turns into a completely different person at night – and has no recollection the next day[/caption]

His demure 51-year-old keen gardener wife Lauren is in the front garden, roaming past the rhododendrons completely naked, “hunting for young meat”.

Rushing to bring her quickly back inside before the neighbours witness the scene – and worse still call the police – Charlie, 54, grabs his coat and wraps it around Lauren’s shoulders – she doesn’t resist.

Her eyes are wide open yet she’s actually still asleep, in some sort of hypnotised sleepwalking state.

For a decade, Lauren, who by day enjoys lunches with friends and taking her three rescue dogs for long walks, has suffered with an alarming condition called sexsomnia; a serious sleep disorder which means sex is always on her mind when she’s sleeping.

But over the past three years, her condition has progressed to what Charlie describes as his wife becoming “possessed” at night – turning her into a “cougar on the hunt”.

They even have a bike lock attached to handles on the french doors at the back of the house so Lauren can’t get outside that way, but she still manages to escape from the front.

‘Cougar on the hunt’

The mum of two grown up daughters says: “I try getting out of the house while sleepwalking and calling for ‘young meat’ in a demonic fashion. It’s worrying.

“My husband tells me that once I fall into a deep sleep, I seem to become ‘possessed,’ and the term ‘gombie,’ a blend between a ‘GILF’ and a ‘zombie,’ best describes my altered state of mind at those times.

“I normally enjoy sex with my husband most in the morning, but when I have a sexsomnia episode, it’s like I’m possessed. Charlie says I turn into the Duracell bunny and make wild growling type noises.

“We have the bike lock on the French doors at the back of the house to stop me getting out that way and Charlie hides the key.

“But I have escaped through the front door and into the street if Charlie is still awake after I’ve gone to bed and hasn’t yet put the bolt on.”

Independent sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley, who has been involved in sleep research and sleep medicine for over 43 years, has written about the condition previously.

He says sexsomnia, also referred to as ‘sleep sex’, occurs during non-REM sleep, the stage before dreams begin.

“It is not related to dreaming,” he explains. “It is in the same class of behaviours as sleepwalking and sleep talking. Essentially parts of the brain can wake up while the conscious part of the brain can be asleep.

“It can co-occur alongside other sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, sleep apnoea, night terrors and bedwetting.”

He also explains how the behaviour was first noted back in the 1980s.

“Although abnormal sexual behaviour during sleep was first described in 1989, the term ‘sexsomnia’ was not coined until 2003 when 11 patients exhibiting sexual behaviours during sleep were described,” he adds.

“It may be hard for a bed partner to understand that the behaviour isn’t deliberate.”

‘I thought he was winding me up’

Lauren has always been a light sleeper and recalls episodes of sleepwalking as a child, a trait she inherited from her dad who was known to do “strange things” in his sleep, like boxing.

As an adult, Lauren started propositioning her partners during the night – they thought it was fun, even though Lauren had no recollection.

What is sexsomnia?

  • According to The Sleep Foundation, sexsomnia is a sleep disorder characterised by engaging in sexual activities during sleep.
  • Symptoms can include sexual noises and masturbation, and sufferers usually have no memory of their sexual behaviours once awake.
  • Sexsomnia can also occur alongside other sleep conditions, such as sleepwalking and sleep talking.
  • Not all sexsomnia can be linked to an underlying medical cause. Some cases appear to be brought on by environmental or lifestyle triggers, which vary from person to person.
  • These can include stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol and substance use, and sleep deprivation.
  • Treatment depends on the underlying cause and can include medication or reducing stress or specific triggers – always seek advice from your GP if worried or you need advice.

A few months after she met her now-husband Charlie through a dating website in 2010, she initiated sex with him in the middle of the night, fast asleep.

Again, he thought it wasn’t anything to be too concerned about until a few months ago when Lauren first started going downstairs regularly – usually around midnight after falling into a deep sleep.

But when Charlie explained what he’d witnessed, she didn’t believe him.

“I thought he was winding me up,” she admits. “So we set up a camera at the bottom of the bed to try and catch what was happening.

“After seeing the footage, I realised he was telling the truth. It’s horrifying to watch myself like that.”

Woman in purple turtleneck sweater.
The mum-of-two has also been known to wake up and start cleaning the bathroom, send random text messages, or have full conversations, all while fast asleep

She adds “One evening, he was in the living room, and he heard the front door. He looked out of the window and saw that I was in the street naked.

“He obviously panicked and bolted out of the house. I have no recollection of it happening.

“Three or four times a year I try to escape and if we go away, we use cable ties or a cable lock to stop me leaving the bedroom.

“If we’re staying at a friend’s house, I can’t risk going into my friend’s bed with her and her husband.”

‘I was in the street naked’

Concerned, Lauren sought medical advice in 2021, fearing she had an underlying neurological issue – her dad had been diagnosed with dementia.

However, her GP diagnosed her with sexsomnia, a rare form of parasomnia – a disorder that causes people to engage in unusual behaviours while asleep.

According to research, sexsomnia is more common in men, with prevalence rates estimated between 1 and 8 per cent in the general population.

Triggers can include stress, sleep deprivation, alcohol consumption, and other underlying sleep disorders.

Lauren has also been known to wake up and start cleaning the bathroom, send random text messages, or have full conversations while still in a deep sleep.

The couple have implemented a range of precautions to stop Lauren from getting outside. 

She says: “In hotels, we have to put a chair against the door, and if it’s just a one-handled door, we’ll put a chair in front of it and use a cable tie around the handle of the door and chain it to the chair.

“Then if I try to get out, my husband will wake up.”

‘I’ve got to sleep with one eye open’

Charlie, who works alongside Lauren in her content creation business, says: “Lauren says things in her sleep, and I can usually make out bits of what she’s saying, but it’s a bit mumbly.

“It’s almost a dream-like state, and if she’s downstairs trying a door handle, I have heard her mumble the words, ‘young meat.’

“I generally just guide her back to the bedroom and cuddle her in until she’s settled down.

“It doesn’t happen very often, and it passes quite quickly. I’ve almost got to sleep with one eye open, but thankfully, it doesn’t affect us on a nightly basis.”

Don't sleep on it... ask for help

According to Dr Philippa Kaye, a GP and author, it’s important to seek help for sexsomnia than suffer alone.

She says: “People suffering may not always present to the doctor, often due to shame and stigma, but your doctor may be able to refer you to a sleep clinic for further investigations and advice and to exclude other conditions such as seizures.

“If a cause is found then treating the cause may be helpful, for example using a CPAP machine, a device that uses air pressure to keep airways open while you sleep, for sleep apnoea.

“Good sleep hygiene is important such as switching off devices a couple of hours before bed as well as going to bed and waking up at around the same time each day.

“I wouldn’t recommend the use of over the counter sleep aids without consulting your GP first.

“Avoiding known triggers is important – stress included – as is implementing basic safety precautions, for example not sleeping in the same room as minors, locking doors or considering a movement based alarm to wake you up if you get out of bed.”

While Charlie takes her sexsomnia in his stride, Lauren is still learning to live with the disorder.

“I generally have a high sex drive, and like intimacy most days. I’m sexually very adventurous, and my motto is ‘try everything once, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it again!'” she says.

“The more it’s happened, the more accustomed to it I’ve become, and the more accepting I am.

“But I must admit, no matter how many times it happens, the lack of control can be upsetting. I’ve noticed that it happens more regularly in stressful times, like when my father died.”

Woman in purple turtleneck sweater.
While understandably concerned about her behaviour, Lauren can also see the lighter side, and knows it’s not her fault[/caption]

‘I’m the most loyal woman’

Whilst most people with Lauren’s condition would feel embarrassed or anxious if they were to end up outside without clothes, she tries to see the lighter side of things.

“I get a lot of compliments from younger guys, so while I’m not consciously thinking that I must go and find loads of young men, I suppose if I see an attractive young lad on the streets, perhaps I notice it subconsciously,” she explains.

“But I’m the most loyal woman. I would never dream of going behind my husband’s back.

“I would split up with somebody rather than cheat.

“I really value loyalty and self-respect for myself. I would never cheat and have never done that, but I guess it’s just your subconscious.”

Lauren says she feels lucky to be with a man like Charlie as others may not be as understanding. 

She says: “I’m just glad my husband is accepting of my sexsomnia.

“Some men might get annoyed, but we have a good sense of humour, and we’re of an age where you don’t get upset by things like that.

“We’ve discussed my condition at length and I’ve decided that I’m happy to have sex when this happens – it’s completely consensual.”

Charlie, for his part, doesn’t seem to mind the middle-of-the-night seductions. 

“We’ve been married for 13 years, so we’re at that stage where you have to take every opportunity.

“It’s not like back in the day when I was a young man – these opportunities are few and far between!” he adds.

Portrait of Lauren and Charlie Roland.
Thankfully Lauren’s husband Charlie is very understanding of her condition, and does his best to ensure she stays safe while asleep
Lorna Roach

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Watch the emotional moment X Factor star auditions for American Idol ten years after ITV show – do you remember him?

X FACTOR fans have been treated to a blast from the past after one of the show’s finalists auditioned for American Idol.

The singer, 28, finished in third place on The X Factor 10 years ago and has now tried his luck Stateside.

X Factor contestant auditioning for American Idol.
An X Factor finalist has been given a second chance thanks to American Idol[/caption]
American Idol judges at the judges' table.
The singer, from Essex, wowed the judges in New York[/caption]

In a new and emotional video, the X Factor star can be seen video calling his three children before heading into the audition room.

Ché Chesterman‘s little girl jumps up and down and tells him: “Daddy, we miss you, we love you!”

Smiling, the 28-year-old singer says: “I miss you and love you too, darling.”

Ché, who starred in the 2015 series of The X Factor, explained to the camera: “I have three children at home in the UK.

“I’ve never loved anything as much as I love my kids.

“Being a dad is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

In the new clip, Ché is seen heading into the audition room to face American Idol judges Lionel Richie, Carrie Underwood and Luke Bryan.

With a pianist accompanying him, the hopeful wows the panel with his rendition of Mirror by US singer Madison Ryann Ward.

Once finished, singer and former American Idol champ Carrie tells Ché: “You can do some crazy stuff with your voice but I want to hear some more fire in there, for sure.”

Commodores legend Lionel adds: “You don’t have to curl so much, but I am glad you were curling just to show us that you are capable of some amazing vocal….”

Finishing off his sentence, Carrie said: “Acrobatics!”

Lionel told Ché: “Really, no kidding, it’s a yes from me.”

Carrie and country singer Luke also said ‘yes’, before all three judges said in unison: “You’re going to Hollywood!”

Once outside in the corridor, American Idol host Ryan Seacrest asked Ché: “Are you going to ring the Mrs?”

Despite it being nighttime in the UK, Ché said he was before video calling his fiancée Brodie back home in Essex.

He asked if she wanted to see something, before holding up his Golden Ticket to the Hollywood round of auditions.

Gobsmacked, Brodie put her hand over her mouth as Ryan leaned over and urged: “Don’t wake the baby up!”


Ché was just 18 years old when he auditioned for The X Factor in 2015.

He told judges Simon Cowell, Cheryl Tweedy, Rita Ora and Nick Grimshaw that he had been working as a shelf stacker in Tesco but had given it up to concentrate on his singing career.

Ché ended up sailing all the way through to the live finals in the ‘Boys’ category, with Nick as his mentor.

He finished the series in third place, missing out to winner Louisa Johnson.

The new series of America Idol kicked off earlier this month.

Taking to Instagram following his successful first audition, Ché filmed himself getting into bed with his Golden Ticket.

He said: “Goodnight from me and my golden ticket.. we will be dreaming of HOLLYWOOD!

A massive massive thank you to everyone at home watching, the 3 amazing judges and all of those at @americanidol. I love you all and I’m so grateful.”

Che Chesterman singing at X Factor Bootcamp.
Ché Chesterman auditioned for The X Factor in 2015
Screenshot of a man celebrating.
Splash News
Then 18, Ché finished the series in third place[/caption]
Screenshot of a man celebrating.
Ché impressed the American Idol judges and got a Golden Ticket for the Hollywood round[/caption]
Screenshot of two men at an American Idol event; one holds an American Idol-branded item while the other takes a photo.
He phoned his fiancée back home in the UK[/caption]
Screenshot of a person on a video call, covering their mouth with their hand.  A smaller video of another person is visible on the screen.  The text "@CheChesterman #AmericanIdol" and the ABC logo are visible.
Ché’s fiancée Brodie was gobsmacked to hear of his success[/caption]

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Cash-strapped Coronation Street launching brand new venture to rake in money – as This Morning star signs up to join

CASH strapped Coronation Street is launching a brand new venture to rake in money and This Morning star signs up to join them.

A perfect storm of soaring telly production costs and a fall in advertising has put the future of the UK’s beloved soap at risk.

Large group photo of the Coronation Street cast.
Cash strapped Coronation Street is launching a brand new venture to rake in money and This Morning star signs up to join them[/caption]
Poster for a Coronation Street live show tour in September 2025.
An Audience with Coronation Street promises behind the scenes secrets and a chance to get up and personal with five Corrie stars[/caption]
Sharon Marshall on the "This Morning" TV show.
The tour will be hosted by This Morning’s soap expert Sharon Marshall

Cash-strapped soap.

A show source said: “TV production costs have soared by more than 50 per cent, while the advertising market funding them has all-but collapsed.

“The cast are not happy but ITV have no choice but to slash costs.”

Sally Ann Matthews, who made her cobbles debut as Jenny Bradley in 1986, recently went public on social media to call out the fact that she is barely being used on the show.

She told fans on an Instagram live broadcast how she was looking for other work in the hopes someone would employ her – a dig at Corrie bosses.

“You’re not going to be seeing Jenny for quite a long while,” she said. “So that’s that.”

Sally only appeared in 36 episodes last year and other actors have suffered the same fate.

In fact, The Sun revealed that actress Helen Worth appeared in just 26 – of 304 – episodes in her final, 50th year on the cobbles, leaving on Christmas Day with a quiet whimper.

Kevin Webster (Mike Le Vell) was only given 46 episodes while Ken Barlow (Bill Roache) appeared in just 48.

Audrey Roberts (Sue NIcholls) had just 29 outings and Fiz Dobbs (Jennie McAlpine) was on screen for only 34 episodes.

Meanwhile Rita Tanner, played by Barbara Knox, 91, has only been seen in FIFTEEN episodes last year despite being a main character since 1972.

One source said: “It sounds ridiculous but some people, household names, watched for years by millions, are worrying about how they will pay their mortgages.

“Soaps used to be steady employment for actors but now there’s no guarantee of even being able to pay your bills.”

The actors are increasingly taking other work – some on social media and on paid appearances.

And now for the first time ever, ITV have announced that the legendary stars are stepping off the famous cobbles and onto the stage for a UK tour.

Corrie cash crisis: shock exits for 2025

ITV bosses are locked in a battle to save the cash-strapped soap.

This means that a number of stars have either been axed from or have abandoned the long-running serial drama.

Colson Smith – Craig Tinker

The character of Craig Tinker has been axed by bosses after 14 years. After he was told of the news in Autumn 2024, Colson Smith confirmed that would be written out of the show with scenes to air later this year. Craig’s on-screen mum, Beth Tinker, also left the show in the summer when actress Lisa George was written out from the role.

Sue Cleaver – Eileen Grimshaw

After 25 years playing Eileen Grimshaw, former I’m A Celebrity campmate Sue Cleaver will quit the show. The Sun on Sunday reported in January that she’s already begun to film her exit scenes. However the character will not be killed off in case Sue opts to make a return in the future.

Luca Toolan – Mason Radcliffe

Bosses decided to axe the teenage character after just 16 months after he first joined the show. Recent scenes saw Mason stabbed by his criminal brothers after his pal Dylan brought a knife in an attempt to defend him.

Sue Devaney – Debbie Webster

In November 2024, we revealed that Debbie Webster is set to be killed off after 40 years on the cobbles. The character will die as part of a heartbreaking long-running dementia storyline.

Charlotte Jordan – Daisy Midgeley

The actress became the fifth star to leave Coronation Street in just one month. We revealed that she will bow out of the ITV soap later this year after four years on-screen. Charlotte told sources that she’s hungry to see what other opportunities await.

Shelley King – Yasmeen Metcalfe

The actress has played Yasmeen Metcalfe on the cobbles for the past 11 years and we revealed in January that she finished filming her final scenes. This follows the departure of her on-screen partner Stu Carpenter.

Coronation Street on tour.

An Audience with Coronation Street will visit London, Sheffield, Salford and Glasgow.

And viewers will have the opportunity to get up close and personal with their favourite Corrie stars.

The stars will be spilling behind-the-scenes secrets, sharing stories, and reliving heart-warming moments from the iconic ITV show.

Hosted by This Morning’s resident soap expert Sharon Marshall, the show promises to be packed with laughter, nostalgia, and more than a few jaw-dropping surprises!

Each event will feature five Coronation Street stars live on stage—including a surprise Corrie legend!

Who will be appearing?

The line-up will vary from show to show, with different fan-favourite cast members appearing at each of the venues.

Some of the stars taking part in the tour include Andrew Whyment (Kirk Sutherland), Jack P Shepherd (David Platt), Jimmi Harkishin (Dev Alahan), and Jodie Prenger (Glenda Shuttleworth).

Also taking part are Patti Clare (Mary Taylor), Rob Mallard (Daniel Osbourne), Samia Longchambon (Maria Connor), and Simon Gregson (Steve McDonald)—with more names to be announced soon.

In the first half, fans will enjoy an intimate and lively chat with the cast as they share backstage gossip, on-set moments, and personal stories about life in Weatherfield.

The publicity material states: “Ever wondered what really goes on between takes? Or which co-stars are best mates off-screen? This is your chance to find out!”

Surprise Corrie Legend.

ITV have also revealed that a very special Coronation Street legend will take to the stage!

But who will it be? They are keeping that a secret—for now!

Explaining that every show will feature a different surprise guest, making each night a one-of-a-kind experience for Corrie fans.

An Audience with Coronation Street promises an evening of laughter, nostalgia, and stories you won’t hear anywhere else.

Jimmi Harkishin, actor in Coronation Street.
Jimmi Harkishin who plays businessman Dev Alahan is participating in the tour[/caption]
Jack P. Shepherd, actor in Coronation Street, leaning against a brick wall.
Not known, clear with picture desk
Jack P Shepherd who plays David Platt is also set to appear on stage[/caption]
Jodie Prenger, actress playing Glenda in Coronation Street.
Jodie Prenger who plays Glenda, the sister of Corrie undertaker George Shuttleworth has been confirmed for the tour[/caption]

Tickets go on sale Friday 14th March and are priced from £29.50 – for more information and to register for the presale click here.

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