Azealia Banks and JK Rowling are seriously feuding on Twitter over trans rights

Azealia Banks is no stranger to having a feud with someone on Twitter, and she’s been known for it since the dawn of her career. Whilst she has often been a controversial character, I’m not sure many expected her to come out swinging so hard in favour of trans people – and in doing so she has been calling out JK Rowling for her views on transgender rights steadily over the last few months. Despite the fact that JK Rowling previously followed Azealia Banks (random), Rowling had not responded to Azealia Banks’ defence of trans people. But after a tweet of Azealia Banks calling out JK Rowling went mad viral, the two are feuding publicly in a very bizarre and divisive pop culture crossover.

Azealia’s tweet has gone mega viral


Azealia wrote “Maybe her husband at 27 cheated on her with a tr*nnylicious diva and that’s why she’s dedicated every waking moment to making sure her life’s legacy is dedicated to harassing people who make up less than 1 per cent of the global population.”

In response, JK Rowling replied saying “It’s a matter of public record that my first husband beat me up, but you got the likes, Azealia, and I hope they were worth it.”

The entire saga has gone viral, with Azealia Banks claiming she didn’t see this response because she has JK Rowling blocked. But then Banks did quote other tweets mentioning Rowling’s response.

It was pointed out that JK Rowling actually tweeted Azealia Banks quite calmly and restrained rather than her usual more damning approach to arguing on Twitter – with some theorising this is because of Banks’ reputation for ruthlessly arguing on Twitter with those that cross her.


One said “I love how JK Rowling tweeted you the most tame, neutral and mundane response because she knows if she poked the bear even a little you’d absolutely end her”. Azealia responded calling her “a f*cking lunatic”.

Azealia Banks then said in a further tweet that something is “seriously wrong” with JK Rowling.

Azealia Banks has a complicated history with LGBTQ+ people and frequently uses language that people feel she shouldn’t be saying. However, it’s been refreshing as a trans ally to see someone who uses Twitter so prominently put their neck on the line to defend trans people in a time where their rights are being stripped away in the United States.

In response to JK Rowling tweeting her back, Azealia said “Imagine thinking being reminded that we heard you and no one f*cking cares is for likes. Wow, JK Rowling ia s hood rat.”

JK Rowling has continued to tweet since the saga began, but has not responded to Azealia Banks past her first reply.

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