THE star of a Channel 4 reality TV show broke his girlfriend’s jaw, pulled out a clump of her hair and threatened to burn her in a campaign of abuse, a court heard.
Heavily-tattooed Jack Woodman, who featured on Channel 4’s Bodyshockers, punched his girlfriend Crystal Taff, it is claimed.

Jack Woodman appeared on Channel 4’s Bodyshockers in 2016[/caption]
Crystal Taffs arriving at Bristol Crown Court[/caption]
Woodman arriving at court for the trial[/caption]
In another attack he pulled a clump of her hair out and also threatened to burn her with a pair of hair straighteners, Bristol Crown Court heard.
The 33-year-old pawnshop owner had been with Crystal for five years and the pair had two children together.
But a jury heard their relationship ended in 2022 when she walked out of the house they shared with Woodman’s mother following a series of alleged beatings.
Prosecuting, Caitlin Evans said: “This case is about Jack Woodman beating his partner and mother of his two children, breaking her jaw and pulling her hair out.
“On Father’s Day in 2022, he punched Ms Taffs after she came to pick him up following a night out at a casino in which he had lost a considerable amount of money.”
Giving evidence, Crystal, now 29, told how their relationship began after she walked out of her job as a hairdresser to start work at Woodman’s pawnshop, Jack’s Cash in Bedminster, Bristol.
She claimed that, one day, he attacked her in the shop.
She said: “One day I had agreed to cut my brother’s hair but Jack wouldn’t let me go until I had cleaned all the TVs in the pawnshop.
“He wasn’t happy with the standard of my cleaning of the TVs and he said I was a lazy b****.
“He was facing me and punched me in the right side of the face which was agony.
“I said I think you’ve knocked my teeth out and he said ‘If you don’t shut up I’ll make sure I knock the other teeth out’.
“I was very panicky as it just didn’t feel right.
“He made me stay in the shop and I sent a text to my stepmom apologising that I couldn’t cut my brother’s hair today. I didn’t tell anybody what had happened.
“I was in pain and very anxious and very scared. I didn’t know if anything was broken but I carried on working as normal at Jack’s Cash.
“I went to A&E because I physically couldn’t eat as it was too painful and so went to A&E but it was far too busy and [I] was told that it would be up to five hours.
“I was conscious that Jack would come home that evening and so I went back to his house.
“I went back to A&E the following day and had x-rays taken which showed my jaw was broken.
“I was referred to a surgeon at Bristol Dental Hospital who said that I would need surgery to repair my jaw.”
In another incident during the weekend of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Taffs told how Woodman assaulted her in the car as they drove back from a family meal out.
She said: “During the journey home he was telling me I was boring to be with.
“It was a verbal argument but I do remember him pulling my hair which was something he often did.
“He reached across and just pulled out a clump of my hair and left me with a bald patch.
“I was really upset and started to cry when I looked in the mirror.
“He came in and started to get quite angry.
“He pushed me on the bed and threatened to burn me with my straighteners.
“He had me pinned down with his hands around my neck so I couldn’t move. I was on the bed and he had the straighteners snapping next to my face.
“I was petrified but he didn’t burn my face. This wasn’t an uncommon thing over the five years and I was terrified.”
Woodman from Kingswood, Bristol, denied GBH and two charges of ABH against Crystal Taffs, the mother of his two children.
The trial continues.