A break, at last. With reading week now in full swing (except for med students you poor souls ) and the gag of Valentine’s couples now over, the time has finally come to have a well-earned break. So, whether you’re relaxing at home with your family, or crying about midterms in the very exotic location of the library, spend five minutes to review our favourite clubbers of the week…
Stunner of the Week:

As the wise Beyonce once said: “You are the visual baby”

A moment for the hat please

The diva-scale is OFF. THE. CHART

Okay cuties <3

That’s a pretty friend group if I know one
Wanker of the Week:

Ermmmm please put the Gucci coat away. You wore this last week as well….

Not gonna find that in WhyNot hun x

Something about this is slightly obnoxious…I’m sorry x

There’s a reason she’s making that face is all I’ll say…

This just seems unnecessary
Unhappy Clubber of the Week:

You can smile, it’s okay

I would also look at my fifth shot of the night with such fear x

You are allowed to go home if you want

Me looking at all the couples on Valentines day

Surely your friend can’t smell THAT bad??
Creeper of the Week:

This is like if an alien snuck onto Earth and pretended to be a human

Ermmmm the camera is this way?

Not sure what’s worse the necklace or your pose

OMG Bob the builder in the house

I’m really concerned you may have bitten her head after this photo was taken.
Hero of the Week:

This makes me want to go to Big Cheese bye

Diva diva diva

Me clutching my pearls when I see the club photographer coming

A Gaga stan is always a big yes in my book. I know you can’t wait for March 7th

Praying you got that sparkler
Heroine of the Week:

Yessss hyping your friends up is the best form of love

“And you’ll never guess what she did next!!!”

I know two divas when I them

You better command that LED Room likes it’s nobody’s business

Making the most of the dire situation at Big Cheese
WTF Moment of the Week:

Not a huge fan of whatever this is…


I’m scared

She must really like the smell of Hive?

Sports socials never fail to amuse me. You’re still slaying though xx
Best of the Rest:

I can’t believe it’s finally me and you and you and me and us and your friend Steve

Cutie patootie

Contemplating if I should get that next venom

“No! I’m not getting into an Uber I’m fineeeeee”


This is SO Julia

This is a look of distress

The tongue epidemic of 2025 needs to stop

“Can we get a yes boiiissss”

Me looking at everyone’s Instagram story hard launches this Valentines day

Ending with our album cover of the week
Photo Credits:
Subway (David Stewart)
Love Wednesdays (Kealan Bond)