Grace Jackson and Luca Bish may not have won Love Island: All Stars after *that* text message drama, but it looks like they’ve been winning at life. The couple have spent do much time together after the villa. They seem genuinely very into each other. Here’s a look at all the glamorous things Grace and Luca have been up to since Love Island: All Stars.
She’s been staying in a hotel with Luca instead of going home
She explained on the Wednesdays podcast that she’s been so busy since coming out of the villa, she hasn’t had a chance to go home to Manchester yet. Grace has been staying in hotels with Luca.
Grace has spent lots of time with Luca’s parents
Luca has spoken lots in the past about being very close to his mother and sister. It sounds like Grace is now spending lots of time with them too. They all had dinner together at literally the first possible opportunity after Luca and Grace flew back to the UK. The couple has also had dinner with Grace’s two besties.
Luca and Grace finally had their first official date (with Harriett???)
They had dinner and a lot of white wine at a fancy London restaurant. Grace and Luca called it a date, although Harriett definitely joined them for some of the night, because she posted a pic of the couple on her Instagram story.
This seems to have been on the same night that Tom and Molly (the winners of Love Island: All Stars 2023) threw a big surprise party for Gabby and Casey nearby in London. Messy Mitch and the dumped Islanders Tina and Danielle were there. This caused Love Island viewers to theorise Harriett, Grace and Luca were in some kind of dramatic feud with the rest of the cast. Alternatively, maybe some people don’t want to spend every second with all the co-workers they just shared a house with for two months?
Grace got to go to London Fashion Week

(Image via Instagram)
So jells. Grace went to the Paul Costelloe show this weekend. She wore a tiny low-waisted skirt, a giant belt, and an oversized shirt opened up so you could see her black lace bra. I have no idea what other context one would wear this outfit in, but apparently that’s fashion. It looks like Luca didn’t get an invite to the event, but he commented proudly on her Instagram, “That’s my pending girlfriend”.
Harriett has been hanging out with Grace and Luca (but not Ronnie so much?)

No clue why Grace is drinking iced lattes in the midst of winter
(Image via Instagram)
Remember – Harriett and Luca have been friends since they were little kids. Grace, Luca, Luca’s chronically online sister Claudia, and Harriett went for a very vibey walk together along the beach in Brighton on 24th February. What a nice morning. Grace captioned it “first family walk”. Naww.
Luca booked a spa day for Grace
He joked on the Wednesdays podcast that he felt the pressure was on, because he hadn’t planned a proper, formal date for ages. Luca booked a fancy hotel in London with a swimming pool, so he and Grace could have a spa day. So jealous.
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