I never thought I’d get married again… but now? says Kirsty Gallacher as she talks rugby toyboy & shock tumour scare

IT used to be that when women turned 50, they were branded “past it” and banished from the public eye forever.

Thankfully, no more – and  who better to prove it than Kirsty Gallacher, who hits her half-century milestone next January. 

TV and radio presenter Kirsty Gallacher. Commissioned by Fabulous Magazine and shot by Mark Hayman. PR approval is needed so please contact the Fabulous Magazine picture desk for further information.
Kirsty Gallacher turns 50 next January and couldn’t be happier
Mark Hayman
TV and radio presenter Kirsty Gallacher. Commissioned by Fabulous Magazine and shot by Mark Hayman. PR approval is needed so please contact the Fabulous Magazine picture desk for further information.
Kirsty says: ‘It’s a wonderful time to be a woman. I am 49 and I feel better than ever’
Mark Hayman

She has never looked hotter, felt happier, or been more fulfilled in her presenting career after landing the coveted drive-time show at Gold Radio.

“I’m not scared of turning 50,” she says. “I’m happy.

“I think there’s something rather wonderful about being in my 50th year in my dream job.

“It’s an interesting time for women.

“Why would we be thinking about retiring?

“Why would we be marginalised? Why do you hit an age where it’s like: ‘Oh, god  [you have to disappear].’

“I’ve started a job I could be doing for 20 years. It’s so interesting. It feels like a rebirth for me.

“I personally look up to people that are older than me like Davina McCall, Louise Redknapp, Tess Daly and Gabby Logan.

“They are all my friends and it’s their strength, character and beauty [that defines them]. 

“The narrative has shifted. We look different – there’s not that ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ attitude now.

“It’s a wonderful time to be a woman. I am 49 and I feel better than ever.”

Her new radio role came at the perfect time for Kirsty –  who studied at  London College of Fashion before falling into TV presenting and clocking up 20 years at  Sky Sports –  after a health scare caused her to step away from her high-profile job on the breakfast show at GB News in December 2021. 

“It didn’t work out for me at GB News.

“Everyone was great, but the show wasn’t right for me.

“Life is short and it was affecting me emotionally, as I discovered  I had a benign tumour in my ear.”

“I went to see a doctor, who said it could be a brain tumour.”

Kirsty, who’s a single mum to sons Oscar, 18, and Jude, 15, explains: “I was doing GB rehearsals and I  had my earpiece, but I couldn’t hear.

“I had been travelling a bit and I thought maybe  I had a bit of a cold. 

“Then I literally woke up one morning and  couldn’t hear properly.

“I went to see a doctor, who said it was an emergency as it could be a brain tumour.

“I had to have an MRI and doctors discovered I had an acoustic neuroma [a tumour in the inner ear canal].

TV and radio presenter Kirsty Gallacher. Commissioned by Fabulous Magazine and shot by Mark Hayman. PR approval is needed so please contact the Fabulous Magazine picture desk for further information.
Kirsty stepped away from GB News in 2021
Mark Hayman
TV presenters Gabby Logan (left) and Kirsty Gallagher arrive for the premiere of 'Long Time dead' at the Everyman Cinema in Hampstead, London Tuesday 15 January 2002. The film directed by Marcus Adams follows a gang of students who experience a series of horrific and bloody murders within their circle after using a Ouija board. PA photo: William Conran.
With pal Gabby Logan back in 2002

“We have to monitor it as I don’t want them to operate on it as it’s so close to the brain.

“I have to have targeted radiotherapy for it, so I’m having to think about that and when I will do it. 

“I wasn’t strong when I found out  about it, thinking about the kids and what could happen to me.

“But I know I am very lucky, as it could have been worse.

“I’m fine, I just have to be mindful that everything’s alright and it’s just an annoyance, really. 

“I’m very lucky and grateful.” 

Of course, it’s not just a new job that’s making Kirsty smile.

Her partner Darren Clayton, 39, who she describes as “a rather large, hunky bloke”, can certainly take some of the credit.

Just the mention of him makes her break out into a grin.

“He is a lovely man, he’s wonderful and so supportive.

“We met in September 2023, so it’s coming up to two years.


“I met him with Gabby Logan through an event her husband Kenny was running for our  dear friend [former rugby union player] Doddie Weir, who sadly passed from  motor neurone disease.”

“I’m an ambassador for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, so me and Gabby did  a walk from Bisham Abbey to Paris, and I met Darren that day.

“He loosely knew Kenny, as they both run events management companies. I went: ‘Ooh, you’re nice.’

“You think that romantic ideal of love at first sight doesn’t exist. But it did when I met him.

“I liked his aura and his charisma. Then I got to know him and he’s brilliant.

“He asked me out in Paris – Gabby and I were on the Eurostar, giggling like schoolgirls.

“I was there when she met Kenny, too. Isn’t it wonderful that our friendship is still going strong?”

Kirsty also discovered on the trip that there was a slight age difference between her and Darren.

“Yes, he’s 10 years younger,” she says. “It’s hilarious.

“I heard him talking and he mentioned his age and I thought: ‘Oh,  god, I really fancy him, but maybe there’s too many years difference.’

He didn’t know what age I was either. But then it was like ‘bang’ and it didn’t matter.” 

Couple enjoying cheese and wine at a restaurant.
Kirsty and her ‘hunky’ man Darren Clayton
Family on a golf course.
Kirsty with her sons Oscar and Jude and partner Darren

She adds: “To be honest I’ve never really been one of those people that has an ideal in my head of what my partner should look like.

“I just go with my gut when it comes to career, friends or men. 

“I say to him jokingly that he looks older than me and he always will, because he played rugby! 

“I just don’t care what age he is. He’s 40 later this year and then the following month I’m 50.

“We laugh about having a joint 90th birthday. That’s awful, isn’t  it?” she laughs. 

“Ultimately, it doesn’t bother us. People think it’s great, it’s cooler to have an older woman now.

“All I think is: ‘Does  it work?’ Which it does. He’s way less worried about it than me.

“Now and again I go: ‘Oh, god!’ But that’s just me being neurotic and overthinking.”

Now, Kirsty –  who split from her husband of four years  and father  of her boys, Paul Sampson, 47,  in August 2015 – is navigating being part of a blended family. 

“Darren is the kindest,” she explains. “He takes on a lot.

“He’s taken Jude to school today.

“With a new job it can feel like a bit of a jigsaw puzzle juggling it all. But he cares.

Woman in cream suit at Gold Radio station.
Gold Radio

Kirsty recently landed the coveted drive-time show at Gold Radio[/caption]

“The boys love him. He’s got a wonderful daughter, Alexa, and she is brilliant with my two.

“I never had a girl, so I’m enjoying doing slightly girly things with her.

“We didn’t really overthink blending the families. It all just slotted in organically and naturally.

“He’s brilliant with my kids because they’re sporty boys and he’s a very avid golfer.

“My youngest, Jude, wants to be a professional golfer or rugby player.

“Darren played rugby and he loves animals, which we are obsessed with as a family. 

“I’m so grateful, as it would have been really distressing [if blending their families hadn’t been successful] and I know a lot of friends who do have to work on it.

“I would really have found that very difficult. 

“We have fallen into a nice way of life.

“We don’t live together, although of course we would love that someday.

“We talk about what the future holds, but  at the moment it’s all just really lovely.

“My kids are with me 100% of the time, and he shares his daughter with his ex.” 

In fact, the pair are so loved-up, Kirsty is even considering tying the knot again.

“We do talk about getting married.


“Funnily, he’s much more into the idea of marriage than I am. I’m very much like: ‘Do we need that?’

“For him, it’s very important to actually have that union and [be able to] say it.

“And I said: ‘Well, we can say it. Do we have to  do the marriage?’” she explains. 

Kirsty adds: “I think an engagement is wonderfully romantic and that would do for  me.

“That would be enough, because it’s the whole: ‘I want to be with you forever’.

“Then marriage is sealing the deal. 

“But then, saying that, I feel bad because if he wants to get married, I’ll get married. We do talk about it.

“We obviously love each other very much.

“I think marriage is beautiful – but divorce isn’t. I never thought I would get married again.

“But now I can see it more as a possibility. Could it happen? Yes, it could.”

Of course, Kirsty is also dealing with her sons getting older – with Oscar taking his A levels this year and Jude starting his GCSEs – and preparing for them to flee the nest.

“We’ve got a lot going on as a family. At the moment, there’s always a house full of boys.

“It’s good fun. I’m good mates with their friends’ parents. The boys all like chatting to me.

“One of Jude’s friends told me I’m ‘quite a fun mum’,” she laughs. 

TV and radio presenter Kirsty Gallacher. Commissioned by Fabulous Magazine and shot by Mark Hayman. PR approval is needed so please contact the Fabulous Magazine picture desk for further information.
Kirsty doesn’t want a big party for her 50th
Mark Hayman

She is understandably proud of her two sons, and says that  they are growing into real gentlemen, in part because they have always had a great  support network around them.

“There’s something very interesting, important and valuable about growing up with your mum  being the main support in your life.

“I’m a strong, working woman. I have not stopped working since I was 20, and they know that.

“It’s important for your kids to see that. I keep changing up my life.

“You’ve got to keep pushing and stay positive, even if you have hard times. 

“Sometimes we make bad decisions – I’ve made terrible decisions –  but you only learn from making those.

“Life is not a straight line and you learn from navigating it.

“It’s made me a grateful, strong and positive person. 

“You look back and you go: ‘Wow, that was interesting.’ But now I’m on a good trajectory.

“And I’ve made a few really good decisions, too. Hard times are part of life’s journey.”

She adds: “It’s frightening that Oscar wants to go off travelling for a year abroad.


“He’s got ideas about it all and he’s very independent.

“Then Jude is thinking about his life, and it won’t be long before  he goes to sixth form, too.”

So, as she approaches the big 5-0, is there  a bucket list of things Kirsty wants to achieve?

“The 50 thing is a milestone, of course, but really it’s not for me. I don’t think it should be. 

“The idea of a huge party is just a pain in the bum for me. I’ve not got a milestone bucket list.

“We will have a party to celebrate, but I would rather go on a special family holiday and have time together, maybe with my parents, Darren’s parents, his brother and my brother and sister.”

However she ends up celebrating, there’s no denying Kirsty seems the most content she’s ever been.

“I’m very happy, I’m great.

“I go through things now and again, and go: ‘What have I got to  be unhappy about?’ I’m very lucky. I’m very grateful  for my life.” 

  • Listen to Gold Radio Drive With Kirsty Gallacher, Monday-Friday, from 4pm,  on Gold Radio, Global Player and at Goldradio.com.


What are your make-up bag essentials?

 I like Kiko mascara and Charlotte Tilbury eyeliner.  I only wear make-up that isn’t animal-tested.

Any beauty hacks?

I like my hair slick and glossy, I just hate wearing  it down. I moisturise my face, then  wipe it through my hair to give  it shine.

What do you splurge on?

Tatcha, I  love the dewy skin cream and rice exfoliator.

Who is your celebrity  beauty icon?

Helena Christensen.  I met her once  with Michael Hutchence when  I was working in Joseph on Sloane Street. I love how she’s embraced getting older.

Can you describe your beauty evolution?

I overplucked  my eyebrows. Thankfully,  Ruby Hammer  helped me grow  them back! 

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