I’m a strict mum & make my 8-year-old do her own breakfast, clean her room & wash up for the family – she gets £3 a week

MOST people would agree that giving your children chores in return for pocket money helps make them a more rounded individual.

And one mum has shared the list of chores she has her eight-year-old daughter do to earn herself £3 a week.

Person putting clothes in a drawer.

Shannon asked if she was too strict on her eight-year-old daughter for her long list of chores[/caption]

Girl washing dishes in kitchen sink.

The mum gave her daughter pocket money in return, but many said it wasn’t enough[/caption]

Shannon Tomkins, from the UK, took to social media asking if she was too strict on her daughter, Lauren.

“Every day, Lauren has some set jobs to do in order to earn her pocket money, starting with making her bed every morning,” the mum said.

“She then makes her own breakfast and then washes it up.”

Shannon admits she often has to go back and clean the bowl herself but saw it as a vital chore to teach her daughter responsibility.

Lauren doesn’t just wash up her own stuff, she washes up for the whole family before heading upstairs to get herself washed and dressed.

Last but not least, Lauren has to fold and put away her clothes, but Shannon said she obviously helps if her daughter finds it difficult.

In return, Shannon said she gives her daughter £5 a week, but she only gets to keep £3 as the rest goes towards her phone.

She captioned the post: “What do you think? Too strict? Not strict enough? – I also forgot to mention she has to tidy her own room and as long as she does that, I keep it clean!”

The mum’s video soon went viral on her TikTok account @lifewiththetomkins with over 511k views and 33k likes.

Plenty of people were quick to take to the comments section and seemed divided – but not on the mum’s strictness.

While many agreed with the premise of doing chores at a young age, some thought the mum should increase the cash to make it fairer.

Public Reaction

One person wrote: “I love it, however, I would increase the pocket money as £5 doesn’t get you much at all these days. You could even encourage saving some if increased.”

Another commented: “Up her pay, come on, at least a tenner.”

“Great parenting! Well done, maybe she could have a little increase. She’ll have a great work ethic.” penned a third.

Chores for children aged five and under

GoHenry reveal age-appropriate chores for children aged five and under.

Chores for kids under 5

  1. Cleaning their teeth
  2. Putting their clothes on
  3. Picking up their toy
  4. Putting clothes away with you
  5. Putting their shoes on

Chores for 5 year olds

  1. Tidying their toys away at the end of the day
  2. Hanging clothes out on clothes horses
  3. Folding clothes
  4. Putting groceries in the shopping basket
  5. Setting the table for dinner
  6. Helping you carry shopping bags
  7. Putting their dirty cups by the sink
  8. Putting rubbish in the bins
  9. Clearing up after messy play
  10. Wiping spillages

Meanwhile a fourth said: “Great parenting and setting her up for a great future that she can navigate through with ease. Well done little miss.”

“Not strict at all!” claimed a fifth.

After seeing the comments, Shannon decided she would increase her daughter’s pocket money while teaching her essential life skills.

“I will definitely be upping it after this,” she told viewers.

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