Just five intense reasons everyone thinks Love Island’s Elma is a meddling mean girl

Ah, how the mighty have fallen. Elma was voted the most popular girl earlier on Love Island: All Stars. But now, the tide seems to have turned. People are accusing her of being a “mean girl” on social media. Here is all the detailed evidence for why the nation seems to have collectively gone off her.

Elma is definitely causing lots of chaos on Love Island: All Stars right now, and we are duly grateful for it. Without the arguments then Love Island would just be a swimwear fashion show and life would be boring and meaningless.

1. Elma lashed out at Kaz unnecessarily after Ronnie kissed her

elma love island all stars kaz ronnie feud

Babes, are we sure Ronnie is really worth all this?
(Image via ITV)

Cast your mind back to when Elma was coupled up with Ronnie (which feels like it was about a decade ago now). Ronnie kissed Elma and she was very hyped about it. Ronnie then made out with Kaz, like, five minutes later. Elma and Kaz properly rowed about it. She told Kaz, “It’s giving, like, desperate, babe” and accused her of being “calculated”.

Now, it’s totally valid for Elma to be upset that Ronnie kissed Kaz, while coupled up with Elma, and while apparently still in love with Harriet (?). But her anger at Kaz was just a bit unnecessary. How was Kaz to know that Elma was feeling so territorial of Ronnie after only a few days? Elma lowkey acted like Kaz had deliberately stolen her husband of 20 years and betrayed all womankind.

2. Elma told Scott to leave the villa, then flat-out wept when he actually did

elma love island all stars scott tina

She had some opinions
(Image via ITV)

When Scott Thomas told Tina he didn’t want to rush into things, Elma was angrier than Tina. When Tina debriefed the girlies on her convo with Scott in the dressing room, Elma was instantly enraged. She said, “You’ve had two blinding birds and there’s something missing for both of them. What do you want? Is no-one going to tell him, ‘casue I will.” She then shouted at Scott that he might as well just leave the villa.

Thing is, Scott then actually did decide to quit the show. Elma sobbed that he was leaving.

3. When Ekin-Su kissed Sammy, she took it way too seriously

ekin-su curtis elma sammy love island all stars argument

Argument incoming! (Can’t wait)
(Image via ITV)

My only explanation for why Elma and Ekin-Su are feuding so intensely over absolutely nothing is that they’ve spent too long in the Love Island: All Stars villa and they’re bored of everything else.

Let’s backtrack. Elma was offended that Ekin-Su kissed Sammy in the heart rate challenge. Honestly, she ranted about it for longer than she’d even been coupled up with Sammy. Ekin-Su said she was sorry she’d upset Elma, and hadn’t thought it was that deep. Elma accepted her apology. But she still brings it up at every given opportunity.

4. Ekin-Su now feels Elma is sabotaging her and Curtis as retaliation?!

Ten whole days later, Ekin-Su feels Elma is still holding a grudge about the Sammy kiss. She told Elma and Sammy: “Ever since the heart rate challenge, there’s been a weird grudge between you two and us. You haven’t let it go.” Ekin-Su accuses Sammy and Elma of deliberately sabotaging her and Curtis. Curtis thinks it’s unfair that Sammy and Elma voted against them in the truth game, and pied Ekin-Su in snog, marry, pie.  This then escalates into a giant four-way argument.

Whatever you think about Ekin-Su kissing Sammy during the game, can we please all agree that Elma is causing chaos by clinging onto this issue an entire ten days after Ekin-Su apologised and tried to move on? Girl, find a new hobby. Do some handstands in the pool or something instead.

5. What did Curtis Pritchard ever do to her?

Okay, she’s upset that Ekin-Su pecked Sammy in a game that encourages kissing. But she keeps going for Curtis like he’s committed some heinous crime.

In a delightful new twist, the Islanders got the opportunity to ask the public questions about the other couples. Of all the possible questions, Elma and Sammy decided to ask if people thought Curtis and Ekin-Su were the weakest couple. 65 per cent of the public voted no. Somehow, this turned into Elma having another go at Ekin-Su and Curtis. She shouted at Curtis: “If you want something to do, go and make a f*cking coffee, leave me alone.”

Elma (and pretty much everyone else in the villa) also laughed at Curtis for saying “no shit, Sherlock” even though this is a perfectly common comeback and a very polite way to call someone stupid.

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Featured images via ITV.

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