LadBaby Mum shares hilarious fake tan blunder that left her son thinking she’d drank so much coffee she’d turned orange

PROFESSIONAL prankster LadBaby Mum has bared a fake tan blunder to her 1.3 million Instagram followers. 

Real name Roxanne Hoyle, the 41-year-old had doused her body in bottled tan ahead of a trip to Ipswich Football Club yesterday. 

Giovanna Fletcher and Mark Hoyle at a book launch.
LadBaby Mum bared a fake tan blunder to her 1.3 million Instagram followers
Woman laughing, showing off a fake tan mishap.

The orange look left one of her son’s concerned[/caption]

But it didn’t give her the golden glow she wanted straight away. 

Instead, when the fake tan was freshly applied, it gave her skin a patchy and orange look that left one of her sons concerned for her health. 

The social media star shares sons Phoenix, eight, and Kobe, six, with husband Mark (better known as LadBaby).

In an Instagram story of Rox laughing about her fake tan blunder, one of their sons can be heard saying: “I thought you had drank too much tea and coffee that your skin had turned orange.”

She replied: “You’ve gotta trust the process… When you wash it off, it’s a nice glow underneath.”

Fortunately, Rox was right. 

When she washed off the top layer of fake tan, it left her skin with a natural bronze glow – and she also shared a picture of this on her Instagram stories. 

The name LadBaby first hit the internet back in 2016 when Mark created social media profiles with the name to infer that he was just a lad becoming a dad.

While Rox was pregnant with their firstborn, he began to document his day-to-day life as a first-time parent. 

The main theme of their content was sharing practical parenting tips to save parents both time and money.

The couple have been candid about how, in the early days of their social media career, they would struggle to put food on the table and lie awake at night worrying about money. 

Back then, they lived in a one-bedroom flat and had only £20 a week to spend on essentials. 

“I remember just feeling… You feel like you’ve failed,” Rox told Fabulous back in 2023. 

“You never forget that feeling and you do worry everyday about that feeling.”

Now that the couple are in more of a comfortable financial situation, they are passionate about paying it forward and helping families in need. 

Not only that, but they dedicate their social media channels to fooling around together and giving fans a laugh – including Rox sharing her fake tan blunders. 

Woman laughing with towel on head and peace sign; text overlay: "It worked!!!" with tea and coffee cup emojis.

Luckily, Rox’s ‘orange’ fake tan washed off into a natural bronze glow[/caption]

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