Right now on Love Is Blind, Ben and Sara are still together. But boy, have they had a drama. They got engaged in the pods, and then came the political chats and TikTok allegations. Naturally!
Influencer Andra Berghoff and other women came forward with a bunch of allegations about Ben, which Love Is Blind decided to straight up air on the show. Sara came across the allegations. They claimed Ben has a history of mistreating women. Andra claimed Ben had taught her to “not trust men”.
When it came up during an episode, Ben defended himself pretty strongly. He claimed: “I haven’t talked to her in over four years. She’s already making stuff up. She was like, how I manipulated and did all these different things.”
Ben also made his political views clear to Sara, and when the Black Lives Matter movement was brought up, told her: “Like I’m not… one way or the other. I just keep out of it.”

via Netflix
Love Is Blind cut part of the Ben and Sara TikTok saga that claims to know if they’re still together
Love Is Blind aired part of the TikTok saga between Ben and Sara on the show. However, it of course decided to cut the part where there was an apparent spoiler for the outcome of their relationship.
Love Is Blind has really made out like Minneapolis, where the cast members this season were from, is like a tiny village. Every minute they’re talking about how everyone knows everyone, and nothing stays a secret. Well, it seems that might be close to the truth.

via Netflix
The TikTok in question claimed Minneapolis is a small place, and pretty much everyone there knows someone in the cast, and therefore what happened. It said “someone who claimed to run into [Ben]” had found out how his and Sara’s relationship went.
They claimed Ben got engaged to someone (that checks out) and then the woman heard bad things about him, and claims from other women (also checks out).
According to the claims, Ben then planned to say no at the altar to his partner, but she got their first and rejected him! So, we’ll have to see if that part checks out, too.
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