M6 traffic: Vital motorway used by 120,000 per day SHUTS due to smash between lorry & camper van sparking delays

DRIVERS are bracing for chaos as a campervan and lorry collision lurches the M6 into delays.

National Highways warned there will be a 30-minute delay on the M6 North.

Motorway traffic jam.
A crash on the M6 has led to heavy congestions
Traffic jam on a motorway.
A van and a lorry collided leading to more than half an hour of traffic
Traffic jam on the M6 motorway.
National Highways has warned drivers between J12 Gailey and J13 Stafford will be affected

Affected areas are between J12 Gailey and J13 Stafford and the traffic enforcement agency have warned drivers there might be traffic in these areas.

The crash between a lorry and a campervan lead to long queues in the region.

Traffic officers rushed to the scene as congestion begins to pile up.

National Highways West Midlands said: “2 lanes (of 4 ) are closed on the M6 north between J12 Gailey and J13 Stafford

“This is due to a collision between a lorry and a motor-home.

“National Highways traffic officers and recovery in attendance.

“There are 30 minute delays on approach.“

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