Q: I HAVE had these marks on both of my hands since October. It doesn’t itch.
Do you have any ideas? I am a female, 67, with type 2 diabetes.

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A: Your picture shows several ring-shaped lesions on the back of your hand.
The ring part appears red but the skin appears your normal skin colour.
The location of the rash and its appearance fits well with a benign skin condition called granuloma annulare.
The rash is caused by inflammation in the deep layer of the skin and the causes aren’t known.
But studies are looking at a link with diabetes (which you have), abnormal blood fat levels and thyroid disease.
If it does turn out to be granuloma annulare there is no need for concern as it does not affect general health and it is not contagious.
The most common place to get it is the back of the hands, and you can expect the rings to gradually get larger to about two inches.
As they grow, they will get flatter and also fade.
I hope this provides some reassurance. If the appearance bothers you, you can ask your GP to try a strong steroid cream.