Notts Talk to Tabitha volume nine: Dating doozies

Happy Wednesday, Tab readers. Did you miss me? It’s been a few months that we’ve been apart, but distance makes the heart grow fonder. I can’t wait to get stuck in to what we have this week.

‘I keep running into my third year FWB in Monny P. Please help!’ – SYD (Studious Yet Distracted)

SYD! Hello. Thank you for writing in.

Tough one, this. You’re met with the age old question – do you change your study space to avoid an old flame, or do you accept the consequences of your actions and put on a brave face?

I’d advocate for being brave and staying in Monny P. Such is the nature of life, that you’ll bump into a few people you don’t want to see every now and again.

It’s easy enough to pretend you haven’t seen someone. Glue yourself to your laptop, like you’re deep in the middle of solving some problem that will unlock the rest of your degree for you.

Be polite, but not too nice, if they come and say hi to you. Or avoid them like the plague. The choice is yours.

All the best,

Tabitha xx

‘This guy said he was 5’9” on his Hinge profile but he was maybe 5’5” in real life. And he kept talking about my feet!’ – Elpmeplease

Hello Elpmeplease! May I call you Elp?

It’s a rough gig to be a short man. It’s the first thing people notice about you, and for some people, it simply cannot be overlooked.

But short men everywhere – stop lying about your height! It’s worse to be short and lie about it, rather them simply owning this unchangeable fact about yourself. Confidence is sexy, and being comfortable with yourself is even sexier.

That being said, just because a small man is closer to your feet than the average, doesn’t mean it’s reasonable for him to make extensive conversation about your feet. That’s a little…intriguing.

Each to their own, I suppose!

Chin up, my short kings, your crowns are falling.

Thank you for sharing this enjoyable story, Elp. May your next man be truthful about his height, and less focused on your feet.

Tabitha xx

‘He still lived with his ex…’ – Cringe

Hi Cringe! Thank you for writing.

This one’s a deal-breaker, for sure. I hope he didn’t invite you over!

This situation raises many questions. Why was he still living with his ex? Were they the only two occupants of the house? How did he tell you about this?

It’s an awful thing to break up with someone you’re living with (calling all first years – do not live with your partners! It can be disastrous), but if those two were the only people in the house, then that sounds truly unbearable.

I can understand why he got the sack, if he did. It’s an awkward situation for you to be in, and until the living situation changes, I wouldn’t blame you for not pursuing this man.

Best of luck out there.

Tabitha xx

‘My ex showed up on my feed. The first photo was one I took of him on our anniversary dinner!’ – Elegance

Hello Elegance! Thank you for getting in touch.

Crikey, that’s awkward. I suppose you should consider it a credit to your photography skills, that he picked a photo taken by yourself to make a first impression.

But, oh well! The past is the past. There is nothing further to be done here, other than enjoy a private giggle over a funny situation.

Maybe a career in portrait photography lies in your future?

Tabitha xx

All advice dispensed is to be taken at reader’s discretion. If you have something you are struggling with, please speak to a doctor or a professional. If you are experiencing mental health concerns please speak to someone, or call or text Samaritans on 116 123 at any time. 

Feature image via UnSplash

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