Omg, people have spotted a tattoo mistake on Love Is Blind’s Molly and it’s too funny

People have spotted a major Love Is Blind mistake involving Molly Mullaney and her Gaelic tattoo and it’s honestly so funny because the mistake could have been solved with Google Translate.

We all loved former NBA dancer Molly during the pods segment of season eight, and though she wasn’t lucky enough to land a match, I’m hoping she makes an appearance in the final few episodes that are set for release later this week. She’s bubbly and has tons of energy, but honestly, I just want her to realise the huge bullet she dodged because of Dave’s snub.

In one of the earlier episodes when she was first getting to know Dave, Molly talked him through a few of her tattoos which cheekily included ink on her bottom – pardon the pun.

“The first one I got is on my hip, it’s a rose and a shamrock,” she said. “I have ‘sine metu’ on my shoulder blade which means ‘without fear’ in Gaelic. And then I got an ass tat in Florida for nationals.”

It was after this that Gaelic speakers on Reddit and TikTok noticed the massive mistake.


Love Is Blind’s Molly doesn’t have a Gaelic tattoo because it’s actually Latin

Despite Molly’s statement about the tattoo being Gaelic, it’s actually Latin and means “without fear. I would say at least she got the meaning right, but the Duolingo Owl has only just been resurrected and I don’t want to endanger his health.

Ironically, people also pointed out that “Sine Metu” is the abbreviated motto of Jameson Whisky’s tagline “Without fear, he defends the coast.” It’s not immediately clear whether Molly has a personal love of the alcohol brand but we do know she was a party girl so you never know.

Molly poked fun at herself on Instagram


Can any Irish speakers confirm ‘sine metu’ doesn’t mean ‘without fear’ pls? #loveisblind #loveisblindnetflix #loveisblindseason8 #mollyloveisblind

♬ original sound – sara farooqi

Though we don’t know when she changed her Instagram bio, it could have very well been years ago, she did poke fun at the blunder with “I now know Sine Metu is Latin.”

Reacting to the blunder, one person wrote: “Very dubious interpretation of ‘Gaelic’ on love is blind.”

“That immediately stuck out to me. The Gaelic translation is ‘gun eagal’ for anyone who’s curious. She probably didn’t want to say it was a whiskey slogan, and knowing Jameson was made by a scot/or is an Irish whisky, she said it was in Gaelic. Some people don’t know the difference between languages. Her Latin tattoo does translate to ‘without fear’, so at least she got the meaning she wanted. but yeah… the wrong language for sure,” another said.

Another joked: “Lmao this is so quintessential Irish American.”

It’s fine, it’s not like a tattoo is on your body forever or anything…

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Featured image by: Netflix/Molly Mullaney

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