‘Peeping Toms only get more serious when they’re let them off with a caution’

Watching You!
This raises the question: what message does such lenient treatment send to the offender, and what does it imply for women and girls? (Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Do you agree with our readers? Have your say on these MetroTalk topics and more in the comments.

‘This is how it starts, with low-level sexual offending’

It was disheartening to read about the ‘peeping Tom’ getting off with a caution after being arrested for spying on a woman undressing in a leisure centre changing room (Metro, Tue).

Police told his victim he had made a full confession and shown ‘real remorse’.

Haven’t we learned anything? This is how it starts. Low-level sexual offending with low-level punishment can empower a suspect to graduate to more serious and violent sexual offending. Maggie, Harrow

The voyeur stood on a stool to spy into the women’s changing room looking through a vent at Elsa Baudart (Picture: Elsa Baudart/Metro.co.uk)

Sea eagles vs Lambs – would a healthy lamb stand a chance?

A white tailed sea eagle flying in Inner Hebrides, Scotland.
It might be hard to tell in a picture, but white-tailed sea eagles can be very large birds of prey, with wingspans of up to 8 ft and weights of up to 15.2 lb. (Credits: Getty Images/500px Prime)

‘Live healthy lambs? Wildly improbable’
Sandy Smith, president of the Blackface Sheep Breeders’ Association, says sea eagles are driving farmers from their land by preying on lambs (MetroTalk, Tue).

Oh dear, not another farmer blaming the wildlife for his stock losses. You’d think in the 21st century they’d know better than to keep trying that one.

An eagle took his lambs? Dead lambs, possibly. Very weak and sick lambs, perhaps. Live healthy lambs? Wildly improbable. TR King, via Metro.co.uk

Could AI doctors and pharmacists revolutionise our NHS… and then the world?

Medical technology concept
A reader suggests that once the NHS implements AI, it could sell its AI program to rest of the world (Credits: Getty Images)

‘On receipt of the test results it could then prescribe you treatment’
Some people remain confused as to the potential of AI, which is a computer program that can learn.

If a computer is programmed with most medical symptoms and conditions and you were to talk to it and give your symptoms, it could then send you for tests.

On receipt of the test results it could then prescribe you the drugs and/or treatment. Then, given the outcome of the treatment, the program would learn and provide a better treatment next time. This could only happen within the NHS as no other countries have the facility to do this. Access to this AI program could be made available to the rest of the world for a price that could cover all the costs of the NHS. Zach, via email

Speed kills – letting Coogan ‘get away’ let down the public

2024 BAFTA Television Awards With P&O Cruises - Special Access Arrivals
The court could have sent a message to the public about speeding by punishing Coogan more severely, says one reader (Picture: Kate Green/BAFTA/Getty Images for BAFTA)

‘The public were once again let down by administrators of the law.’
I agree with Stuart (MetroTalk, Mon) that Steve Coogan’s filming commitments should not have allowed him to ‘get away’ with a shorter ban for driving 97mph on the motorway.

More than 1,600 people died on British roads last year, with many more thousands injured and maimed.

Here was an opportunity to send a message that ‘speed kills’ but the public were once again let down by administrators of the law.

Speeders and drink/drug drivers should have their cars crushed and receive an automatic lengthy ban with no excuses.

Also, a maximum 55mph speed limit should be introduced to save lives and fuel plus wear and tear to vehicles and road surfaces.

This plea comes from personal experience, seeing the son of a relative killed while on his bicycle. The parents never recovered. It killed them mentally.
Ken Davies, The Wirral.

Drunk rollerskating and who needs such long shoe laces

Does anyone know why most trainers come with shoelaces that seem too long for the shoes? (Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

‘Like PE ropes from the school gym.’
Anna (MetroTalk, Tue) asks whether Metro can print something ‘happy’. I don’t know about happy but how about bizarre? I visited my local watering hole the other day and noticed one flush-faced individual leaving on roller skates. Not the wisest of things to do, I wouldn’t have thought.

And while on the subject of footwear, why is it whenever you buy a pair of trainers now the laces are about four foot long, resembling PE ropes from the school gym? Dec, Essex

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